Lifecruisers flight
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Current port: Tuesday+Wednesday – A peaceful Savannah, US. Debbie is guiding us :-)

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20 Comments on “Oh my how I want to fly”

    mar SPAIN said:

    wait, wasn’t it that you wanted to sail away? lol!
    happy ww, lovely pic!!!

    Lifecruiser: well, I have no problem doing both ;-)

    Melli UNITED STATES said:

    Isn’t that gorgeous?! I want to flyyyyyyy too! But I’m just as happy sailing! I need to hop over to Savannah – I nearly forgot it!

    Lifecruiser: Kind of dreamy if you ask me! *sigh*

    Portrayed UNITED STATES said:

    That is a very nice picture.

    Flying eagle, yes?

    Lifecruiser: Thanks. Yes, it’s an Eagle, but I have no idea what kind of Eagle since the photo is not taken in Sweden, it’s from Fuerteventura in Spain.

    jenny UNITED STATES said:

    great photo! if only we could fly like that…but at least we can fly thru plane,hehehe!

    Hootin' Anni UNITED STATES said:

    That’s gorgeous. Ahhhhhhhh, the freedom of soaring around the world!!

    Happy W W today

    Hootin' Anni UNITED STATES said:

    BEAUTIFUL old southern charm on the cruise’s excursion. Savannah is beautiful.

    [Here I thought the cruise was over at the end of the gown gala! Pity me and my blondness!!!]

    eph2810 UNITED STATES said:

    What an incredible shot of the eagle…they are so majestic. Thank you for sharing.
    Although I don’t really enjoy flying–I wouldn’t mind it right now to get away.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday afternoon.

    Angela Giles Klocke UNITED STATES said:

    Pretty shot :)


    I live a couple hours from Savannah in Charleston, S.C. (sister city), and your header picture so fits the area! I love it! :mrgreen: The flying is awesome too!

    Claudie FRANCE said:

    I come back from Debbie’s island where I saw a beautiful bird too!
    I’d like to fly as the birds all over the world!

    Bridget said:

    awesome photo!!

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    I don’t know why, but several of you seem to have thought that even though I have mentioned in a couple of posts that its gonna continue for a while.

    Maybe less more intensive than in the beginning though….

    …and of course, it depends on you cruisers, if you offer us some new ports or not!

    jenn in holland NETHERLANDS said:

    take. me. with. you.
    What a lovely image!

    RennyBA NORWAY said:

    Me too – wonderful pictures and remember all can feel free like a bird in our cyber cruise!
    I’m off to Debbie:-)

    TorAa NORWAY said:

    I’ll dream all night to fly like a bird. Excellent entry.

    Donna W UNITED STATES said:

    Eagles of any kind are very majestic.

    Sanni GERMANY said:

    *singing* Fly like an eagle to the sea
    Fly like an eagle let my spirit carry me, I wanna…

    Beautiful picture!

    Rav`N said:

    nice picture. it would be great to be able to fly like taht eagle

    Claudie FRANCE said:

    Well i hope that the cruiser’s excursion continues
    because my friend Sophie and me we hope to receive all the cruisers by us in south of France and I will create a new blog so it will perhaps more easy for all to come over. We would want to receive you all on the riviera !
    Tonight Sophie and me will have to take time to prepare and think it!

    Anil UNITED STATES said:

    Mountains and the sky, and freedom at last. The picture is vast.

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