Lifecruiser on top of things
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Next port: A peaceful Savannah, US. As soon as Debbie is ready to guide us. She is having full schedule, so have patience folks :-)

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9 Comments on “On top of things”

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    I’m really feeling like I’m getting in top of things now when I’ve done so many tackles and are on the way with all the list of tackles and I’m so unburden already!!!

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    I miss the face of Queen Sylvia ! Lol ! That would be a picture ! BTW if guns were not so easy to buy in the States, it wouldn’t happen so often ! It’s the only western civilized country where you can buy weapons like a mobile ! I suppose in Sweden it’s the same as here, only policemen are allowed to walk around with a gun. Some jewelry shops are allowed to have one too, but otherwise it’s easer to get a line of heroin than a gun !

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it’s the same here in Sweden, no guns is allowed. I don’t believe in guns nor to allow it. It only creates these kind of situations!

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    I mean a line of Coke (see how I am used to this stuff !)

    Melli UNITED STATES said:

    How CUTE! Is that our cruisin’ mascott? Sorta looks like he’s up in the “crows nest” … no?

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it looks like it, but no :-D

    Sue CANADA said:

    Interesting pic! Happy WW .. :)

    Rayne UNITED STATES said:

    Great shot! He looks so regal up there.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, he really does. Or is it a she? *lol*

    Deb on the Run UNITED STATES said:

    What a great photo. I just love seeing the birds coming back this spring.

    Lifecruiser: Yes – and to hear the beautiful singing :-D

    jams o donnell UNITED KINGDOM said:

    Great photo!

    TorAa NORWAY said:

    Please shoot me. I haven’t at all lived up to expectations on this cruise. Some days away, and work is far beyond my head. grrr.
    Haven’t even done my Cats on Tuesdays or WW.

    But the picture your here present needs no comments. It’s excellent.

    I got this one from Naomi to day. It’s very clearyfing.
    You need a real broadband to watch it. hugs from here in Oslo.

    Lifecruiser: Well, we all have real life to attend too, so don’t feel any pressure. Remember, the cruise is all about having FUN!!! *s*

    That links to an excellent speach really. Basically what I (and everybody else!) have said all these years. The School destroys us. The sad true :-(

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