Claudie sent us an email with a link to an excellent video, very true reminder of what we humans are up to today and what we should have realized already a long time ago.
Listen very carefully to everything that is said in the video below and especially in the beginning:
“This generation of children that grows up now, are the first generation in modern history that’s not going to be as healthy as their parents”.
I find that very disturbing and I would be even more concerned and worried if I were a parent.
Let these words travel around the world:
Une bonne raison de consommer bio et équitable !
To make the film “Our children will accuse us” wich speaks about the problem with a bad alimentation and pesticides, realised by a french man, can stay a long time in cinema rooms , a maximum of people must watch the “bande_annonce” during the three day to come. (sorry for my bad english langage)
Pour que le film “Nos enfants nous accuseront”, qui dénonce les méfaits de la mauvaise alimentation et despesticides, réalisé par un français, soit de plus longue durée possible lors de sa sortie en salle, il faut qu’un maximum de personnes regarde la bande-annonce dans les 3 jours à venir.
Faites passer, c’est sérieux. Même si vous ne visionnez pas complètement, c’est le nombre de visites dans les 3 jours qui fera son poids… Aller le voir est encore mieux.
Autre document ci-dessous.
Bon appétit …..!
I’m really concerned that not more has been done in this matter already. We’re supposed to be so intelligent, living in such developed countries, but is it the opposite really?
One of many questions are: why aren’t every school canteen serving organic food? Then follows many, many other questions.
I’ve always said that all the pollutions, pesticides, hormones and whatever we put into our food, must leave dangerous traces in our bodies. No one knows exactly the long term side effects.
I feel really sorry for our youngsters growing up today to this – by humans created – mess we leave after us.
Try to put yourself in their shoes. We haven’t seen the end of this influence yet. Who knows how their future will be?
Sometimes I wonder exactly how dumb, numb, greedy, selfish and [fill in the blanks yourself] we humans can be…
Lifecruiser ♥ Life
Thanks for sharing this video on your blog
I hope this film will be seen in the other lands all around the world to make people realise how our way of life must change and specially in the lands wich are in a full developpement! If only they don’t reproduce our errors. That’s right that the pictures are a choc but it’s a necessity ! Now we must turn our futur to clean energize and clean alimentation! I think we must react and never say it’s too late! We can do it all together for the future generation.
I will recommend your post on my facebook! thanks thanks my Capt’ain!
claudies last blog post..Theater lessons with the masks
Very thought provoking!
Carolines last blog post..Tante Karoline
When its a question of profit vs. health (or environment), profit always wins. That’s the simple truth. Let’s say you’re short of money, and you have the option of buying costly health food or some cheap food that is dangerous (relatively speaking) for the environment. Most people in this situation would say to heck with the environment, and buy the cheap food.
I wish people did just a little of what I try to do. I have my little garden, my fruit trees and I recycle everything possible. It’s a start.
Maribeths last blog post..Being Missed
It all started beginning the 60th, before we all had “Bio” food (or nothing) the chicken ran around free and we had happy cows. We went with our shopping bags do our shopping and vegetables grew like it had always be done. And then suddenly we were forced to use plastic bags, chicken don’t run free anymore, pigs get hormon shots to get the fatter etc. etc. and now …. what happens ? we have to go all the way back to the 60th ! What was normal became now BIO ! that gets on my nerves !
Gattinas last blog post..
This question raised is like an unexploded bomb.
Or like playing with fire.
It trembles the whole western sociaty.
Who is responsible for the children? In all senses.
Parents or the “Government”?
Should Parents have a choice to select their preffered solutions for their kids?
What about muslims regarding meat-food served at Schools?
What about kids that suffer from cöliakati etc?
What about Vegetarians?
Is it a smart idea to serve all kids the same food, without considering each individual’s needs?
Will the Schools Kitchens live up to “clean” standards.
Why does parents serve their kids fast food?
Why does parents serve their kids only food that their childs love?
Mrs Lifecruiser, you are about to detonate a huge bomb. A bomb that is very relevant for our modern societies.
PS. None of my 4 kids have never ever beeing over weighted.
I was very strict when they asked for sweets when shopping together: I, simply said: Papa can not afford it. After the second time I said so, they have never asked for sweets.
But, they have got what I found reasonable. And they are happy 4 that.
btw. Gosh, another long comment. I need obviously to do something else but work, work, work.
TorAas last blog post..X-Mas – just before and simple thoughts about Religions and Vikings
This is simply cost -v- health and govts make sure costs win every time. Ironically, it is the more expensive way to go as health costs skyrocket dealing with obesity, cancers and the like.
As with the environment, the debate will get louser and more important as time goes on until something positive is done. But alas, I suspect not for the current generation of children, but I do hold hope for their children.
Mark Hs last blog post..Photo of the Week – Elephants at Night (Kenya)