© Lifecruiser 2007 (Our home, Sweden)
This shit is broken…. The shit doesn’t get washed away – what kind of shit is this?
Welcome as guest in our toilet, just don’t make any business like poop in there, because you’ll be terrified! When you flush the water level will rise dangerous high and you’ll still not get rid off your shit! *giggles*
Don’t make me tell you how we got rid off the shit….
We have called the service department yesterday and I just wonder when they’re going to get their shit out of their asses and come here and fix the problem instead of talking a lot of shit!!!!
It’s the same problem with the shower, so we’re very shitty people right now. *lol*
We won’t take this shit any more
TIP: Don’t miss the Admission round for 13 A-Team Cruisers down below! We’ll have a FUN cyber event later!
All these can really break your mood.
Hope help will come soon.
Liferuiser: Me too…. Or I’ll have to stop eating
Very disgusting it can be huh.
Mine is up too.
Lifecruiser: YES….
Yikes! You could have posted this one for last week’s theme: gross.
Lifecruiser: Yes, it would have fitted the theme then too….
oh yeah, can I relate!!!
Lifecruiser: Yes, I knew you would understand
Well, it make me break a smile and a giggle! LOL
Lifecruiser: You would never have stopped laughing if you had seen us with this shit in real life….
Been there!
Hope it’s cleared up now!
Lifecruiser: Nope, no poop flush yet….!!!
*snorts* I am sorry for you but you did make me laugh!!
Lifecruiser: Yes, I have to laugh me too, otherwise I would cry and we can’t have that!!!
We have wind from east here just now. Can you pls broke that away.
It’s only fair
that you get your share
over there
It`s been years–a very long time since I had your problem and I hope it continues to stay away.
Good Luck getting it fixed real soon.
Give your mom a Hug for me.
Lifecruiser: Yes, I hope so too for both of us. Yes, i’ll give her a hug from you. she is rather well considering the circumstances, right now, luckily enough.
LOL I was not expecting that one.
You titled it well.
Thanks for the giggle.
Lifecruiser: Thanks Frances… I’m glad you find our shit funny
That’s the very reason I live in a bus terminal. They have many toilets..
Lifecruiser: Hadn’t thought of that! Thanks for the tip
hehe, hope it gets fixed soon
Lifecruiser: Me too!!!!! Or I’ll have to stop eating
Oh the humanity! I want to send a copy of the Newtown Mums Book of Poo to you – we have some incredible shitting & farting stories revolving around toilets that i’m sure will give you a much needed giggling lift because things could be monumentally worse! Hopefully my email address will come through via this post, so do forward your details offline so i can send a copy through the mail
Lifecruiser: We do have some really shitty humour in this house, so I’d probably have a blast with that Poo-book
*giggles* I consider this an brilliant bribe… So I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up under the A-Team Cruiser link list….
I’m looking forward to some good – or should I say shitty? – reading! *lol*
He, he, change your diet ! Your saucisages are too sticking ! A good laxative could help solve your problem !
Lifecruiser: OMG! Gattina your comments crack me up! *giggles hysterical*
Well shit – what can I possibly say???
Lifecruiser: That’s a shitty comment
Chit, crap, dodo,poop, #2…anyway you call it, it is still shit!I am so happy it’s YOUR shit and not mine…lol
Lifecruiser: now, now, don’t be so mean…. *lol*
Oh my! Hope they come and rescue you soon! I’d be up *shit* creek if I had to deal with that!
Lifecruiser: well, I think we have to run away for a while today… On our way out with the flooding…. *lol*
Oh my, my two boys can clog a toilet faster then you can say “roto-rooter.” I hope it gets fixed fast for you.
Have a great Saturday,
Biker Betty
Lifecruiser: Oh, in that case I really pity you….. to have to be use to this sort of things! *lol*
Shit happens, you know…
happy saturday anyways!!!
Lifecruiser: You don’t say???? ‘lol*
LOL – love it!!!!!!!!
Lifecrusier: Ehhh…. That’s probably because you’re not the one that is struck with this shit! *lol*
Ohmygosh, now thats funny. OK not for you dealing with a broken toilet but funny for me reading it LOL.
Great interpretation of broken. Have a good weekend and mine’s up too.
Lifecruiser: Yes, it is amusing. For you all…. *lol*
Oh, this sure was a shitty (pardon me…) post! Could’ve qualified for last week’s “Gross” -theme, too
Thanks for stopping by again
Lifecruiser: Hey, a shitty post demands a shity comment huh? ‘lol*
Oh I hate it when that happens!!!
Lifecruiser: Shit happens so they say, but that’s not making me happy… *lol*
Dear Mrs Lifecruiser
your story makes me think to a small child of my class. He’s 3 years old. Monday he went to the small watter -closets to do the big commission, you see what I mean; a time after we activ the flush but impossible to chase the commission out: it was too big ! we activ activ without a result! so we put a chair on the small water closet and we had to wait that the big mass becomes flabby. We had to wait 2 days! Only after it accepts to go out! We were all relieved!
Lifecruiser: *whistles* Wow. No bullshit! 2 days waiting… Our seem to be a bit changeable – sometimes it works, sometimes not… So I guess we’re lucky…
Well, I just “pooped” by to see your broken picture! Nothing worse than a broken down WC!
Happy Weekend
Mine’s up too
Lifecruiser: Perhaps there are worse thing, but it feels so darn necessary right now
Hehehe, there is nothing like a broken potty to brighten someone’s day!!
My husband and I had one of those in the hotel room we stayed in on our wedding night. It was definitely good for a few laughs!
Lifecruiser: Yes, a good thing is to see the humor in it… But wow, on your wedding night… *lol*
Oh my goodness! So do you not have a toilet plunger or is the job too big for that?
This is a constant occurrence in our household. I guess with so many women we use too much toilet paper. I just call my husband and he comes with the plunger but sometimes he has to use the snake. If he is out I have been known to fix it myself with the plunger. (pats herself on the back proudly)
There is nothing more embarrassing though when it happens to you and you are out visiting at someones house and they don’t have a plunger in their bathroom that you could fix the problem yourself with. LOL
Lifecruiser: Normally, a plunger is never needed in Swedish WC, so therefor no plunger here. Don’t ask me why this difference, maybe we got bigger dimension of the pipes or better speed and water amount, I don’t know, but a plunger shall not be needed.
We’ve managed to get rid off that pile of shit, but something is wrong with the WC since this started to happen a while ago now and then and NEVER have done it before. And no, we’re not squeezing out bigger shit!!! *LMAO*
We’ll see what the service place will say about it.
I guess we wont be visiting until the shit is fixed! Or perhaps just a quick visit cause shit happens! Im playing too!
Lifecruiser: Or maybe we’ll be washed out by the flooding…. *lol*
Well *chit*!!! Hope it gets fixed soon! We won’t be having these problems on the SHIP will we? I definitely do NOT want to be cruising on a Shitty Ship! Handle this LC!
Lifecruiser: Keep calm Melli – ther is always the lifejackets and lifeboats…. *LMAO*
It was much easier in the good old day when we had the outhouse facilities. Anyway: shit happens, but I do hope you’ll have a happy weekend anyway:-)
Lifecruiser: I wouldn’t call it easier, but defenitely more environment friendly! A bit cold in the winters, but in the summertime – just a lovely breeze… *lol*
I have found that it is one of those absolute rules of life… you know like death and taxes and “fat won’t freeze”… If you see a Rotor-rooter truck working at your neighbor’s house… within one week they will be needed at yours.
YUK. Luckily we don’t have it like that over here in Sweden. It’s very rare., thank god!
If it gets too cold, you have wood for a fire!
Mine’s up too
Lifecruiser: Ah, good thinking Teena
Hate that. Happy weekend.
Lifecruiser: Yes, who doesn’t? *shit*
I suppose I should give a shit.
Lifecruiser: That was a shitty comment too
I have a broken toilet too and it gives me the shits as well.
Good job!
Lifecruiser: Ehh… yes, the shit or the post? *LMAO*
It is not good to have a broken toilet:-)
Have a nice weekend!
I will Exercise for Comments!
Lifecruiser: No, it’s shitty business
OMG!! thats really crappy
Lifecruiser: Yes, but it suits this shitty blog anyway
HAHAHAHA! Water will rise dangerously high, LOL!!!
That’s really funny, mrs lifecruiser, I nearly split my sides!
Anyway, you have a really nice toilet there.
Lifecruiser: Hm, maybe it is, just a bit malfunctioning….
Mrs L this is so full of crap that I just don’t know how to respond! LOL We have become so use to things just working that when the plumbing clogs we are just lost in what to do and when to doody it! Hope they showed up to fix the mess!
Lifecruiser: Oh, we’ve been avoiding this shitty place as much as we’ve been able to and it has been woring sometimes, bearly. We do hope that they will answer our call for help tomorrow!
Okay….there IS a simple solution to this dilemma!! Just drain the water out. Yellow colored as it may be….get the water out. Then go to your nearest store and get some kitty litter…you know? The one that ABSORBS the best!!! Ya, that kind!! Then, don’t forget while you’re there—the utmost important piece of equipment…the pooper scooper! And there you have it!!!—The perfect fixer upper of broken potties.
See? Simple. It takes a mind like mine to come up with the most logical poop problem!!!!
Lifecruiser: Maybe we should continue to just use a cat litter box instead? *LMAO*
Hello – hope you sorted that shit out!
Lifecruiser: That shit yes, but it’s still broken… *sigh*