
Photo Scavenger Hunt Food

~ Noble Food ~
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Mrs Lifecruisers contribution to theme Food
You can never capture the feeling when being served by the housewife like you were the king & queen ;-)
This is a very noble Scottish breakfast we had in our very noble favorite Scottish Castle - and for once, we succeeded to remember to take a snapshot of it BEFORE we’ve started to eat it…
One thing that we didn’t capture though, was the tea, toasts, home made scones and marmelade, the sweetened grapefruit segments…
*droooling very heavily now*
Monster wrooooar: It’s not nice to choose this theme! How difficult was it for this hungry monster to choose between food pictures? It’s like torture! Like some one that pulls your nails out. Forced me to eat during the whole process!

NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Photo Hunt-thing, we LOVE all comments :-)

Comments on Photo Scavenger Hunt Food

  • 1
    mar SPAIN said:

    It looks delicious! I can almost smell the fresh baked scones, wonderful! Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. And yes, it was a hard decision to make and I kept munching during the process…keep munching now while visiting because this looks so yummy…mmhhh! can’t do this theme very often! happy saturday! :cool:

    Lifecruiser: Me too! Too well! I’m getting hungry all the time! Luckily we’ve been to the store and filled up our fridge….*lol*

  • 2
    Lori UNITED STATES said:

    Wow, that looks great. It’s very early here and I haven’t had any breakfast yet, and I’m real hungry, and now I’m drooling. LOL

    Great photo, thanks for sharing it!

    Lifecruiser: I know… breakfast… yum….

  • 3
    Maribeth UNITED STATES said:

    I love to travel and I love to eat. Needless to say all my travel clothing has an elastic waist!

    Lifecruiser: Smart thinking :-)

  • 4
    Suzy UNITED STATES said:

    Yummy! Love this photo….it makes me hungry just looking at it! :-)

    Lifecruiser: I can even smell the bacon….. Yumm….

  • 5
    Carol M. UNITED STATES said:

    Ah - there’s nothing like a great breakfast and the Scots know how to do it up right! Been to Scotland myself and it’s such a beautiful country. Your photo makes me want to go back….lovely!

    Have a nice weekend!

    PS - Mine is up too.

    Lifecruiser: They sure does! We’ve been there for two summers in a row, but not this one and I really miss it!

  • 6
    Lisa UNITED STATES said:

    Looks wonderful and it’s making me hungry!:wink:

    Lifecruiser: Me to!!!! A lot!!!!!

  • 7
    pamela UNITED STATES said:

    How incredible! Looks and sounds fantastic! What a treat! :cool:

    Lifecruiser: Yesssssss, it was…. Ahhh, I can smell it now…. And feel the taste. And the feeling. I long for a new Scotland trip!

  • 8

    I so agree. I am so hungry right now that food is all I can think of. Not good when on a diet! Yours looks yummy but I would have rather been there! Mine is up. Have a great weekend!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I know what you mean, I want to go there too :-) *dreaming*

  • 9
    deb UNITED STATES said:

    Hah! One of the things I love so much about today’s theme is seeing foods from all over the world :grin:
    Makes me hungry, too lol
    Have a great weekend!
    My PH is up :)

    Lifecruiser: Hope you’re having a great weekend too, with a lot of good food :-)

  • 10
    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    Nice plate ! If you are still hungry come with a big plate to my blog !

    Lifecruiser: I’m always hungry……. *lol*

  • 11
    Wystful 1 UNITED STATES said:

    …and it looks scrumptious!!!!!

    Mine’s posted

    Lifecruiser: I only say this: YUMMY x millions :-)

  • 12
    Chi UNITED STATES said:

    Goodness, blog surfing this morning is definitely making my mouth water…I love breakfast foods & sometimes that is what I have for supper. *s*

    Lifecruiser: Well, I love all oppertunitys to eat…. all the time….*lol*

  • 13
    GoofyJ UNITED STATES said:

    Another delicious photo! My tummy is starting to growl. :) Mine’s up

    Lifecruiser: Starting??? Mine is more like: wrrroooooar!!!!

  • 14
    tnchick UNITED STATES said:

    Mmm, a big ole stack of eggs, scrambled. It’s breakfast time for me now. Thanks!

    Lifecruiser: well, It’s no probelm for me to eat this kind of stuff day and night around….. So welcome on a night snack too…. *lol*

  • 15
    Bethany UNITED STATES said:

    I love hearty breakfasts like that. It looks great!

    Lifecruiser: And it tasted heavenly…..

  • 16

    Wow! I’ve always wanted to visit Ireland and Scotland; now I have something else to look forward to–Scottish breakfast! Whe knew?

    Mine is up!

    Lifecruiser: You’re gonna be so spoiled there, Their B&B’s are fabulous :-)

  • 17

    Ooooooo country ham and eggs. I haven’t even gotta breakfast yet. My stomach is growling!

    Lifecruiser: Mine too, even though I’ve have eaten already, I’m always hungry!

  • 18

    Looks good, that reminds me that It is now lunch time and I still havn’t had breakfast yet.

    Lifecruiser: Ohoh, not sounding good at all, go and eat at once! *lol* But now you have to compensate for the breakfast you didn’t have, so you have to eat twice as much as you use to!

  • 19
    Teena CANADA said:

    My husband LOVES breakfast so he would love this pic!

    Mine’s up :)

    Lifecruiser: Oh, yes, it was marvelous. And a lot of it too. Never go hungry from the breakfast table… *lol*

  • 20

    Oh now that looks yummy!

    Lifecruiser: We just love Scottish breakfast (and English). It suits us with all that food. When we’re away travelling. At home, we don’t eat that much for brekfast. Strange hah?

  • 21
    eija FINLAND said:

    what on earth is that pink stuff? It looks really icky! :???:

    Lifecruiser: The Pink pig ham? Lovely juicy bacons :-)

  • 22

    my stomach is so rumbling!

    mine is up

    Lifecruiser: Yummy yummy :-)

  • 23

    I wish we could get bacon here like they have there. That is a yummy looking breakfast. Glad you had the camera ready this time. ;-)

    Oh, and mine’s up.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, me too, our Sweidsh is not at all like that ;-(

  • 24

    Awesome looking breakfast. Great picture.

    Lifecruiser: Awesome tasty breakfast too :-)

  • 25
    Kasia POLAND said:

    From the different places I go to I bring some stones, shells, memories, smells..and tastes. I love to taste food everywhere. The only problem is meat, but if something looks really good -I eat meat too. :)
    And this bacon is…at this very moment -I am not a veggie at all. :lol:

    Lifecruiser: Well, this is what I call bacon, not that tiny ones we have over here! this is the real natural piggy ones :-)

  • 26
    Jazzy UNITED STATES said:

    Everything has made me hungry too. Except for the bird feed pics. Thanks for stopping by!

    Lifecruiser: i’m not sure, maybe that ones can get me hungry too. after all, I am the hungry monster ;-)

  • 27
    MamaDuck UNITED STATES said:

    So tasty, I’m coming over to your house for breakfast! Sorry we are late visiting, we are all sick, ick.

    Lifecruiser: Whoa, sorry to hear about the sickness, i do hope you’re getting better FAST!

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