
~ Heartburn ~
Mrs Lifecruisers contribution to theme Light
Keep it burning!
© Lifecruiser (Our kitchen window)

NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Photo Hunt-thing, we LOVE all comments :-)

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20 Comments on “Photo Scavenger Hunt Light”

    Chana CANADA said:

    oh my, that is beautiful. is that yours?

    my first instinct when i saw the pic, my first thought was how appropiate that is. that is how i think of you. hot, sexy, light, romantic..Mr. Lifecruiser brings out the best in you. you both are very lucky.

    hope your mom is better hon.

    Lifecruiser: Ooooh, you’re making me embaressed here… *blushing* But I do agree, we are very very happy to experience this kind of loooove.

    Yes Chana, it’s ours. We got it as a gift from one of my sisters, she thought it belonged to us :-)

    My Mom is a bit better, we’ll see how it turns out.

    mar SPAIN said:

    Oh, what a pretty heart, even if it’s “heartburn”, lol! Love tea lights. Happy saturday, so what’s cookin’??

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Mar. Always something cookin’ here yes… both in the kitchen and other places… LOL

    Tanya HONG KONG said:

    WOW! I love this picture. Great capturing of the candlelight!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Tanya :-)

    Caylynn GERMANY said:

    Great photo. :) Just beautiful! I had to laugh at your caption “heartburn”. :D Thanks for the chuckle.

    Thanks for stopping by and have a good weekend. :)

    Lifecruiser:Thanks - I’m glad you liked it and had some fun :-)

    Debbie UNITED STATES said:

    Heartburn, thats pretty funny! Love the shot! It is really you! And we all should always keep it burning!

    Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you are feeling better after some rest! Take care!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I guess it really is me :-) Can’t say that I’m much better, but at least it’s weekend…LOL

    Suzy UNITED STATES said:

    Wow…what a photo! I adore it! So very pretty!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Suzy, I love it with all my heart ;-)


    :-) I was thinking how romantic this was and then I read the caption “Heartburn”..ha,ha,ha..

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I couldn’t resist the temptation to throw in something fun :-)

    Jenn UNITED STATES said:

    Love hearts!

    Lifecruiser: I love it with all my heart :-)

    pamela said:

    Lovely Photo and perfect for the theme! I especially like the title…very cute! lol

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I love that too :-)

    Pat FRANCE said:

    Wow - love it!!! You took a really great shot!

    Happy Saturday!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it’s a good one - this time it’s Mr L that has to take credits for the shot. My back was too bad at the moment, so he got the mission :-)

    Mama Duck UNITED STATES said:

    It is just beautiful!! Great take on the theme ;).

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Mama Duck :-)

    Shoshana UNITED STATES said:

    This is a really neat picture.

    Mine’s up too!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Shoshana. I’ll be over later to check yours out!

    eph2810 UNITED STATES said:

    This is beautiful. My kind of light :).

    Happy Saturday and thank you for stopping by.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, the light of a heart, the most beautiful :-)

    Vicki UNITED STATES said:

    Wow! Very pretty! Mine’s up. =)

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Vicki :-)

    eija FINLAND said:

    Hehe, that’s nice sort of heartburn :D Thanks for stopping by my blog again :)

    Lifecruiser: Yes, a bit more pleasant… LOL

    Maribeth UNITED STATES said:

    Love it! You have a great sense of fun! :-}

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Maribeth. I do my best to have some fun and want to share it with you :-)


    Like your new warm looking site, LC! Just perfect for the holiday season! But you can keep the heartburn, mmmmmkay?

    Lifecruiser: Thanks ICL :-) Heartburn make you feel alive….LOL

    beth UNITED STATES said:

    You changed your template since I looked at it a while ago. I love your Christmas blog decorations! :)

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Beth. It’s always nice to know that it’s not only me that likes it :-)

    Wystful 1 UNITED STATES said:

    Tho the title isn’t something I would ever want, heartburn, I think the light is gorgeous. Such a vivid red –why you could have this again next week for the theme…I’ve read on several blogs this weekend that SPH theme for the following week will be ‘red’!!

    I love your Santa Header!! That is just darling!! Very cute holiday theme ya got going for your blog!! Cute!!!

    Happy weekend, and thanks for the visit Mrs. L!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Wystful 1 :-) I’m glad you like it. It sure is my kind of humor…

    Melli UNITED STATES said:

    LC… that is a really PRETTY little light! How dear!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Melli, we just love it :-)

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