~ Blue Window ~
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Mrs Lifecruisers contribution to theme Window
The Pure Blue View
Who can resist to take a shot of this kind of view…? Not me anyway. It’s such a pure picture! But it’s also giving me a cold impression - a symbol of how cold it is here now and how blue that makes me.
© Lifecruiser (Fuerteventura, Spain)

NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Photo Hunt-thing, we LOVE all comments :-)

33 Comments on “Photo Scavenger Hunt Window”

    eija FINLAND said:

    Yay, I’m the first!!!

    Some very beautiful window you have there… reminds me of Greece, even though you say it’s in Spain.

    And yes, it is yucky cold, here too! I’m dreaming of those warm white sunny walls you have in your photo!

    Mine’s up too.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I did that reflection too, that it looked exactly like in Greece :-)


    Wow! What a bluey window. Just like what you said, it looks cold.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, and yet it was so hot there :-)

    Pat FRANCE said:

    Wow - what a gorgeous blue!! Very similar to Northern Morocco as well.

    Lifecruiser: It is? I had no idea - how interesting :-)


    :-) When I first looked at the picture I thought it was a white bowling ball rolling down a sidewalk.
    No wonder I don’t take a lot of pictures, ha,ha..

    Lifecruiser: Ha ha… that may have bee the most popular picture though :-)


    Thanks for that needed extra strength. Maybe by next week I’ll be back again.

    Lifecruiser: Let’s hope so! Take care, try to relax and get your strength back and we’ll see you soon again :-)

    Vicki UNITED STATES said:

    Very cool picture! I like the reflection that the window shows.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks. Yes, it’s cool with refelections, I love to take a shot at them :-)

    Barbara UNITED STATES said:

    Wow, that’s a really beautiful picture. So artistic.

    Lifecruiser: Thank you Barbara. I guess it’s some kind of art that too :-)


    What a beautiful window! Made me smile when I saw it!!

    Mines up!

    Lifecruiser: That’s good YellowRose, everything that makes us feel good is excellent :-)

    Suzy UNITED STATES said:

    Thats a really cool picture! =)

    Thanks so much for sharing, and you’re right, it does look really blue!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Suzy. It sure makes me blue - I wanna be there and not here where it snows right now. Arrgh.


    That is a very cool picture! Happy Saturday!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks ML, wishing you a equally happy saturday :-)

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    I just wanted to write “it looks like a window in south of Spain when I red that it was taken in Fuertoventura ! Next year we will probably go back to Tenerife I love the Canarian Islands !

    Lifecruiser: Ahhh…. You make me dreaming here…. I wanna go there too!!!!!

    Chana CANADA said:

    oh how i have missed being its so nice to come back and visit with you again. and you welcome me with such a stunning picture. i love the contrast. the white is so white and the blue is so’s just stunning..

    thank you for the comfort and the love friend..thank you most of all for the friendship.

    i hope to be back online regularly from now on. i’m feeling much better thank you..and the meds, of course they are helping too, lol..:wink:

    Lifecruiser: Heartly welcome back Chana! Yeeeeeah! *joy outburst* I’m so happy to see that you’re a bit better now :-) You’re such a wonderful person with such a beauitful heart that you make all of us wish only the very best for you! I hope it will only go in the right direction from now on. Rapidly.


    I love the compostion of this picture!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks mackeydoodle, me too :-)

    martin UNITED KINGDOM said:

    I love that photo, yes it gives a cold impression but it also makes me think of a hot day in Cyprus standing in the cool shade of a Villa. So I suppose it is a bit of a hot and cold picture……I think I will go and have another drink!

    Lifecruiser: Oh yes, that drink feeling we know of, it’s party time in the hot evenings - I’m dreaming of it at least…. *sigh*

    Debbie UNITED STATES said:

    If this is making your feel cold and blue wait till you see my picture! I do like this shot! It is so crisp and the color does pop out at you! Great share Mrs. L

    I hope you are keeping warm and comfy on this wonderful weekend! We are having a bit of a cool snap, nothing like yours I am sure but for us cold! Brrr.

    My windows are up! Happy Saturday!

    Lifecruiser: Oh oh, great warning there…. Maybe I have to wait to see yours then until I have been out already :-) Well, I’ll keep warm since I put on so much clothes - like a kid ;-) Hope your Saturday is awesome despite the cold!

    Heather UNITED STATES said:

    THats a stunning picture. Same colorblue we have the trim painted in our hallway–never saw any other house fixture painted that same color. I love it.

    Lifecruiser: That must be really beautiful, I love this kind of blue :-)

    Denise UNITED STATES said:

    That’s pretty!

    Lifecruiser: Thank you Denise :-)

    Caylynn GERMANY said:

    Nice photo. Gorgeous blue colour.

    Have a good weekend. :-)

    Lifecruiser: Thanks. I think so too… Hope you’re having a good weekend too!

    Heather UNITED STATES said:

    Great picture! My favorite window is also blue :)

    Mines up…

    Lifecruiser: Thanks. Yes, blue can be fantastic :-)

    Lisa UNITED STATES said:

    That is a stunning photo! I love the calming feeling of it. Gorgeous! :-)

    Lifecruiser: Thanks, it really is hah? *s*

    Shoshana UNITED STATES said:

    Very beautiful windows.

    I have a different take on this window’s theme. Take a look here.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Shoshana. I will pop over to you later :-)

    Sandy UNITED STATES said:

    OHHH must be really cold there. I am in Virginia now and it is cold here too but I dont think that cold. My Saturday Windows is up too. We are having a great time with Lazy Daisy and Insanity Prevails. Have a great weekend. Sandy

    Lifecruiser: It was cold here, but now it has gone up over the frezzing point, so now it’s all turning wet instead… Yes, I read about you r fun meeting, I bet you hava a blast :-)


    I love white and blue! It’s so mediterranean…

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it sure is, make me long for going there…

    Teena CANADA said:

    How cool is that!

    Mine is up too :)

    Lifecruiser: Yes, how cool is it? *lol*

    MamaDuck UNITED STATES said:

    Now I want a window like that, it’s just beautiful!! Have a wonderful weekend ;).

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I sure could think the thought of having one myself…. *dreaming*

    Carol M. UNITED STATES said:

    Truly an amazing photo. Wonderful use of “blue”, but I have to agree with you. I’m trying to sell my home and move to Florida, looking for warmer climes and NO SNOW!..So far it’s not happening and I’m abit BLUE having to spend another dreary winter in the Northeast!

    Take care,

    Lifecruiser: Thanks. I hope you’re gonna succed with your moving plans, that sounds like a wise move :-)


    I love those colors- When I was in Greece everything was white-washed and light blue!
    Pretty picture
    Mine’s up too!
    Happy Saturday!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks. Yes, they are really attractive colors - for me.

    Shoshana UNITED STATES said:

    I see that window, and I think Greek…those white houses and blue ocean along the cliff. Someday, I’ll see for myself.

    Visit my photo hunt here.

    Have a great weekend!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it’s very typical for certain Greek islands I think. It’s wonderful anyway :-)

    pamela UNITED STATES said:

    Simple and sweet…love the blue window. In fact, I don’t think I have ever seen a blue window. lol :cool:

    Lifecruiser: Oh, I do hope that you get to see it one day in real life :-)

    Chi UNITED STATES said:

    It does look cold but I really like the blue window very much…the only better (in my opinion…lol) would be a purple window.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it’s still beautiful despite the cold blue. Purple? Hm, haven’t thought of that….

    mar SPAIN said:

    Wonderful Med colors and beautiful window!!!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, aren’t they? *lol*

    carmen UNITED STATES said:

    Since blue is my favorite colors, I love the window. But it’s a well-composed shot too!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Carmen :-)


    What a magnificent picture! Very striking with the white and blue!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks ICL :-) Yes, it truly is.

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