
Lifecruisers contribution to theme Classic 1

Theme: Classic | Next week: Flexible
PhotoHunt in Technorati

What could be more classic than a gramophone? This one I spotted at the Technical Museum in Stockholm. I loved the note wall behind it too. It would have been so cool to have one at home and some old records to listen to.

Another very cool classic object we spotted there (of all the hundreds!) was this old tricycle for kids:

Lifecruisers contribution to theme Classic 2

“This particular child tricycle were purchased in 1892 by the monarch Oscar II of Sweden, for the children of the Royal House. It is made of wrought iron and with handpainted decoration cost 35 Swedish crowns”.

Captain ♥Classic Lifecruiser

Psssst. If you like my blog, vote for Lifecruiser in the Weblog Awards 2007. Or just kick my butt… *giggles*

(CLICK TO VOTE HERE EVERY 24 HOURS, 1-8 NOV)The 2007 Weblog Awards Finalist

28 Comments on “PhotoHunt Classic Times”

    carver said:

    Those are classics indeed. Great choices.

    kissedalotatoads said:

    Great photos! I am glad we didn’t have to ride tricycles like that when we grew up,.. that one is older that us! lol. Have a good weekend.

    kissedalotatoads’s last blog post..Saturday Photo Hunt Theme : CLASSIC

    Heather said:

    Beautiful classics.

    Heather’s last blog post..Saturday Photo Hunt: Classic

    RennyBA said:

    But of course, nothing is more classic than a classic gramophone playing classic music – good choise!

    Why can’t I both vote and kick your butt? LoL

    Btw: Hope you’ll hop over and celebrate my birthday tomorrow :-)

    RennyBA’s last blog post..Finalist Weblog Awards 2007

    Alix said:

    Great photos, I love the note wall too a nice touch

    Alix’s last blog post..Photo Hunters – Classic

    Maribeth said:

    Those are marvelous! Especially the childs bike! I love it!!!!

    Lifecruiser said:

    Renny, I should have thought that you would come with this question…. Mayby I will turn up my butt for some serious buttkicking…. *giggles*

    shiera said:

    nice pictures!
    and I love the tricycle. :)

    shiera’s last blog post..PhotoHunt: Classic


    Not participating, but wanted to comment. Very good take on classic. I voted for you too. Have a great day. :)

    Comedy Plus’s last blog post..Men!

    Pastormac's Ann said:

    Like your choices for our theme. Haven’t seen anything like them today. Nice job.

    Pastormac’s Ann’s last blog post..Photo Hunters – Classic

    marcia v said:

    Love those classiic’s music and exercise two of my favorites

    marcia v’s last blog post..Classical Feeling

    bonggamom said:

    My kids once saw a man riding one of those old-fashioned bicycles at a farmers’ market, and they were entranced. They all wanted a ride!

    bonggamom’s last blog post..A Classic

    Mark said:

    I bet you remember when they first came out….bongo boy makes a run for it…lol

    Mark’s last blog post..International Blog Cup Competition

    SnoopyTheGoon said:

    A great solution of the “classic” riddle. Cheers.

    .: mar said:

    Love your classics, specially the gramophone since I have heard so many stories of my great grandmother, hers and her parties! If I could go back in time I would like to attend one of her famous parties!
    I am back, had a wonderful brunch with German friends today before taking off!

    .: mar’s last blog hunt: classic

    A. said:

    I did think for a minute about classical music, but no gramaphone here. An excellent choice, and the tricycles too, even if they don’t look too comfortable :)

    A.’s last blog post..PhotoHunter: classic

    liza said:

    hmm those are really neat classic entry! great one for this week!

    lutchi said:

    I love your choice for classic theme.
    mine is up at My two Cents Worth and or at The4Seasonsofmylife Hope you can visit me too.

    Happy Hunting!

    And Miles To Go.... said:

    beautiful choice of classics!! I love that tricycle!!

    And Miles To Go….’s last blog post..Weekend Snapshots, A Candid Look

    RennyBA said:

    LRMO Captain: that would be my life time best Birthday present – A thrill money can’t buy :-) Like this: Youtube – Hidden camera prank

    RennyBA’s last blog post..Finalist Weblog Awards 2007

    Lifecruiser said:

    ROFLMAO! That sure was one prank I’d want to do too Renny, oh so much FUN we could have with that one!!!! *giggles*

    Sword Girl said:

    Love that wall with the musical notes! I voted for ya! I’ll have to come back again! hehe

    Sword Girl’s last blog post..Friday fill-in 25

    Jeni Hill Ertmer said:

    Cool classical choices!

    Jeni Hill Ertmer’s last blog post..Missing In Action

    raja said:

    Captain are you that much interested in antiques…….? I too luv to visit museums and gather all such information… Here in India we still use gramaphone in some villages :)

    raja’s last blog post..Computer Training

    Colin Campbell said:

    My tricycle was red. It lasted for a couple of years hard use. These seem like they have been treated nicely.

    Colin Campbell’s last blog post..Photohunt: Classic Car

    Zhu said:

    Congrats on being an Award finalist ! I voted ;-)

    Your pictures are very classic indeed. If I had such a tricycle when I was young I would have never been able to learn to ride a bike ! :lol:

    Zhu’s last blog post..Us vs. Them

    pelfy said:

    Whoa! Both your pictures are awesome as they really gave me the classic feel. Ha! Have a fun day!

    pelfy’s last blog post..Photo hunt: Classic

    Gattina said:

    I am in Hurghada now, will follow up the next days today I have first to get used to the arabic keyboard. A little resume is on myblog !

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