Lifecruisers contribution to theme Two

Theme: Two | Next week: Happy

“Mama! Give me a hug!” Says the little baby boat to the Mama boat…. *giggles*

…and look how these two buildings in the background is so attached to each other like a love couple! Yes, I know, I’m crazy – in love :-D

I took this photo on our “going to the secret island day” – in Stockholm city. Don’t you think it’s wonderful with the contrast between these two kind of boats…? I just love them both.

Which Love boat would you prefer to take a ride in or be the owner of – and why?

Don’t miss current cyber cruise port:
Tor is showing us Dröbak in Southern Norway!!!

Captain ♥ Lifecruiser

Lifecruiser lifering

Last Cyber Cruise Event:
See the post below…

Coming Cyber Cruise events:

The Secret Island, Sweden (Secretly soon ;-)
South east coast of England (Sunday 19 Aug)
Maui, Hawaii, US(After the 24th Aug)
Castle Howard in Yorkshire, England
Another castle in Lincoln, England
Fulu Fjäll (mountain), Sweden
Uppsala, Sweden
Denmark – Germany
Algarve, Portugal
Scotland (several posts)
Fuerteventura, Spain

Do you want to hop aboard at next event?
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34 Comments on “PhotoHunt Two loved ones”

    TorAa said:

    I adore contrasts – when it’s real contrasts – Like here – the shape of the lux mini cruiser aganinst the two leaning buildings.

    OMG – need need niewe glassea again


    Anna and Tor

    Maribeth UNITED STATES said:

    LOL! Great picture!

    And Miles To Go.... said:

    beautiful!! Great contrasts.

    Friday's Child said:

    Yes we need contrasts even in our lives. We need a balance too. Great photo. I would love to be on the big one.

    jonzz MALAYSIA said:

    That’s silly and funny (Your caption, I mean) Nice picture.


    What a nice contrast of a huge and small boat. Looks like a lovely place to visit. Thanks for sharing.

    meeyauw UNITED STATES said:

    The little old boat; it is more intimate, not intimidating, and VERY romantic (if it’s clean, that is! LOL)

    TeacherJulie said:

    Great contrast of two representations of something that you really like. Would like to be in the smaller boat since its more intimate but the comforts of the bigger one would definitely be appreciated.

    Have a great weekend! :)

    Katya said:

    Beautiful contrasts, for sure. Love the boats!

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    How cute Mamma and Baby boat, lol ! Would have never come into my mind. I just published a post about Journalism and a test with a pig (you should try that !) and announced the Cyber Cruise stop for tomorrow ! So please don’t forget. Blogger’s uploading system for pictures is as quick as a Formula 1 with snails !!

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    Just came from Tor’s blog and am worried about you ! You must house a tapeworm that’s why you are always hungry ! If he likes fish & chips he will be happy tomorrow !

    Lynn PHILIPPINES said:

    I’d love to have that mama boat! It’s gorgeous! :)

    claudie FRANCE said:

    Mama boat and her kid watching the Lifecruiser ship ready to sail to a mysterious destination, nobody knows exept the captain and her lover. But today direction Dröbak…

    Sanni GERMANY said:

    Very cute entry – I confess I expected a picture of my favorite Swedish couple: Mr + Mrs “lovebug” Lifecruiser *wink*

    Have a great weekend, Captain!


    P.S.: You should give the pig a try – maybe all cyber cruiser could draw a pig… like “Next Cruise Stop: Hog House” *ROFL*

    ruth UNITED KINGDOM said:

    Great “two” photo. I’d like a little rowboat just for two on a warm summer’s evening in the middle of a lake…preferably with a luxury picnic hamper and some champagne ;o)
    Happy Photohunting

    mar SPAIN said:

    Great pic, captain. I’d love to be a guest in the mama boat…with all comfort, catering … and internet connection!!
    have a wonderful weekend, take care of yourself :)

    Caledonia said:

    That picture is great! I’m having trouble with Tor’s site just now so will call back later!

    jams o donnell UNITED KINGDOM said:

    Great pic. That’s quite a contrast. Happy weekend

    Hootin' Anni UNITED STATES said:

    It took me a while to see the little one….had to read your caption first!!

    Happy Hunting

    Mark UNITED KINGDOM said:

    Hi Captain,
    I would use the big one to take me to Fantasy Island, just so i could watch Tatoo jump up and down and shout “the plane, the plane”, when he sights it.

    Cheers Mark


    I would love to own the mama boat! Then I can have you all onboard for a cruise. hehehe….

    Crazy Working Mom UNITED STATES said:

    Thanks for stopping by my birthday tribute for my sweetie today. Happy Hunting. I love your choice for the day! :)

    Hope you have a fantastic weekend.

    Criz's Sanctuary MALAYSIA said:

    Whoa…all the love in the air…I’m falling in love with your photos now. Haha. Nice shot for the theme. Have a lovely weekend!

    Carver UNITED STATES said:

    I love your photographs for the two theme. I’d want to take a trip on the small boat.

    RennyBA said:

    Great picture – I prefer the small once as they gives the most passionating hugs:-)

    that frolicsome kid BRUNEI DARUSSALAM said:

    Of course I’ll pick the bigger one! Simply because it’s luxurious and spacious! I love boats like that! *daydreams*

    Anyway, I just wanted to say “Hi!” and “How’s it going?”

    Imma (Alice) CANADA said:

    Great “TWO” photo!
    I would, of course, choose to be the owner of the big yacht! Why? because that would mean I was very very rich! I think it would be wonderful to find a very poor family each week and take them for a week long cruise where they are fed and pampered as all are on the commercial cruises. Then at the end of their cruise, send them home with a very nice “care package”. It would be the holiday of a life time for them and hopefully help them to feel special for the rest of their lives. If I was that rich maybe I could even send them a little something special once a year, though that would be 52 families each year, so would add up…lol.


    Hmm, well I’d have to go for the small one, less intimidating. More fun too I’d think.

    kissedalotatoads UNITED STATES said:

    Great photo. Didn’t see the smaller boat until I read your post. What a difference in size.

    chase said:

    That looks like a fine boat!

    Melli UNITED STATES said:

    LOL! I choose the big ol’ pristine WHITE one! Yep! That’s ME! That’s RIGHT where I wanna be! Great idea for the two theme Captain!

    Michele CANADA said:

    Hehehe… cute post.

    Sara UNITED KINGDOM said:

    What a fun post of the two boats!
    Sara from farmingfriends

    MamaBearJune UNITED STATES said:

    Very nice!

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