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Today (Thursday) is the big Shopping Day before the cruise ball on Saturday the 14th.


Post your shopping day on your own blog today (Thursday) and come over here and tell us about it, so we can joyn you in your shopping.

There is only 1 weird rule:

You’re NOT allowed to post the end result of the shopping – the ball dress you’re going to wear on the ball – that would spoil all our surprised faces when you show up beautiful as the cruise queen/king you are!

Use your excellent fantasy and make up a fabulous shopping day exactly how you would like it to be. Use your own photos or pictures from the internet or whatever.

Show us some of the stuff you see and try on, tell us if you liked it or not, butt don’t you dare to tell us what you’re going to wear on the ball and spoil the surprise for us!!!

This could even be things you would never wear at a ball, butt happens to stumble upon during the shopping tour.

As I said, there are just 1 weird rule, so make something up – you don’t even have to follow these guidelines either. Surprise us.

Butt remember – it’s always FUN with shopping :-)

My shopping report will be posted Thursday evening CET.

Captain Shopoholic Lifecruiser

NOTE: Don’t miss the Spa & Resort day tomorrow = Friday the 13th of April!

Lifecruiser lifering

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14 Comments on “Shopping day for the cruise ball”

    aka R'acquel said:

    14th is my big house moving day so I don’t know if i’ll be online! Looking forward to catching up when i’m hooked up at the new place nevertheless!

    Lifecruiser: Oh, what a timing, a move at the same time as the cruise ball! Well, well, that’s LIFE! Good luck with the move, these things can be exhausting!

    Coffee 2 go said:

    I hope I can upload my TTs :wink:

    I´m sorry I´ve been a bad blogging pal during the last week. Our internet connection is still a mess. I´ve read you in my feedreader – which doesn´t feature a comment section *sigh*. Hope the problem will be fixed soon, because I can´t use Frank´s (very occupied) work computer so often… like I do right now… and hopefully for uploading my TTs.

    B.t.w.: I really adore the dress you showed for the wedding! :mrgreen:

    Lifecruiser: Thanks! Oh, you need some good luck sent your way I can hear that! I hate to not have any internet connection, so I do hope you get yours fixed as soon as possible!!!

    Debbie said:

    Mine is up early before I crash for the night. I have an early day tomorrow so there will be no time to blog in the morning. :(

    But I followed your rule and did not show my final choice but I did have fun looking at all the pretty dresses and wishing this was a real ball coming up!

    Hope you get to feeling better. Isn’t today your doctor appt day?

    Lifecruiser: I’ll answer your question first: No, it’s Friday the 13th and I don’t hope much about it, it’s just something that needs to get done in the process with the social security agency….

    Today I have to go ad visit my mother at the elderly home and after that a meeting with the staff over there regarding her care over there, so that’s why I can’t go shopping until in the evening CET.

    OK, so now I have to hop over and have a shopping go with you, how fun :-)

    Irish Church Lady said:

    Oh dear I don’t have much time to go shopping today. I will try to go tonight!

    Lifecruiser: Good luck – since you seem to be needing it the most! Shopping in a hurry can be bad or good…. *s*

    Coffee 2 go said:

    *Ta-Taaaaaa* I prouldy present my TT-Special-Edition:

    Ball gown is needed – please choose one!

    Thanks for the good vibes you sent – it worked =)
    Can´t wait to see yours!



    Lifecruiser: OH, I love this shopping day – it’s so exciting to see what everybody is trying on!

    Hootin' Anni said:

    Got my shopping done, and this ol’ lady is exhausted!!

    I posted all about it…..and a sneak preview….NO!! I’m not showin’ the end results…it’s just all in humor today.

    After shopping for hours, I think humor is a good way to go!!!

    Happy Thursday everyone.

    Lifecruiser: Ah, well done! It looks like you’ve done some excellent shopping! Yes, humor is our best companion. Throw in some more humor to the people thank you :-)

    Gattina said:

    With 21°C and sunshine outside I totally had forgotten to shop ! But now I almost finished and will also post it later !
    BTW I also have to go to the doctor 2morrow for an echographie !

    Lifecruiser: Well, considering that you’ve really done a marvellous shopping job!!!! I loved several of the ones you showed us!

    Sword Girl said:

    Hopefully the comments will work now! Thanks for telling me! :mrgreen:

    Shopping oh yeah! I’ll have to try and do that later this afternoon. Here it is 10:25am.

    Lifecruiser: You’re welcome :-)

    claudie said:

    My shopping could take a little time cause tomorrow is the african carnaval of my school. I’ll try tonight to do shopping aux Champs Elysées! What nice dresses you show us!

    Lifecruiser: Well, well, the shopping will be as much fun the day after too, no worries :-)

    Melli said:

    FUN? Shopping? FUN??????????? Oy! You must have one of those perfect little bodies that looks good in everything! MY shopping trip was ANYthing but fun!

    Lifecruiser: I think that you might ask Mr Lifecruiser about my problems with my body when out shopping….. Not much that does fit this body – or my taste either for that matter!!!!

    RennyBA said:

    Mine is up:-) It might be a bit different, but then again what can you expect from a crazy Viking LoL

    Lifecruiser: I expect just what you did bring! *lol*

    TorAa said:

    Great shopping day. Dresse were bought in Vieux Nice.
    Collection showed at my second blog.
    Why I had to shop, is explained at my normal blog.

    If the local net-provider will us well, then I’m on tomorrow.

    Hugs from Provence

    Lifecruiser: Oh, french clothes! Very interesting!

    Sword Girl/Ocean Lady said:

    I went a little shopping. Wish I could’ve gone a bit more. :cool:

    Lifecruiser: I love to see what you all tried on :-)

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