That looks like a fish eye. Is it? It looks like the eye of a fish we call menpachi in Hawai’i. I don’t know the english name.
I’m up too.
Lifecruiser: Yes Ma, you guessed right . It might be the same fish, because I don’t even know the English name of it and it isn’t a common fish over here. They said they got it while fishing for Cod and it’s supposed to be quite different from Cod in the taste. It certainly did look very different, very red, ugly and with that big eyes.
From far (very far) it doesn’t look slimy any more. My eyes, used to modern art in painting, tell me that it is an eye of a fish in love. The shot was taken on a Valentine’s day.
Lifecruiser: Yes, of course – everything on this blog has something to do with LOVE *giggles*
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omigosh what a picture!
reaaaalllllly ver slimy, i’d say
happy wordless wednesday!
Lifecruiser: Yes, it sure is…
Lifecruiser: I said surprises, but I don’t think this would be appreciated enough
I’ve heard that a guy could break it off if he wasn’t too careful but I never believed it..
Lifecruiser: Ouch!!!!!!!
Yuck, it’s like being back in a general hospital
Lifecruiser: Ha ha ha, what a comparison
Actually it is amazing how two totally different things can look so alike, I’m not going to say what that makes me think of and I know it isn’t.
Lifecruiser: I’m glad you’re saying that so I don’t have to say that I don’t want to say what it looks like
Do I even want to know LOL
Lifecruiser: You know you want to…!
YUCK!! I really don’t want to know
Lifecruiser: Are you really sure? *lol*
It really looks slimy and Icky too. What is that?
Mine is up too.
Lifecrusier: I’m not sure I wanna tell you what – yet…. *teasing you*
I am not EVEN gonna ask! Nope. Not gonna. (eeewww)
Lifecruiser: Well, this sure gets reactions! I love that of course, weird as I am… *lol*
That looks like a fish eye. Is it? It looks like the eye of a fish we call menpachi in Hawai’i. I don’t know the english name.
I’m up too.
Lifecruiser: Yes Ma, you guessed right
. It might be the same fish, because I don’t even know the English name of it and it isn’t a common fish over here. They said they got it while fishing for Cod and it’s supposed to be quite different from Cod in the taste. It certainly did look very different, very red, ugly and with that big eyes.
Need not to be a medical doctor to understand you are wordless:))
Lifecruiser: He he.. Maybe a mental Doctor? *lol*
Ok, I came back but you still aren’t telling?
Lifecruiser: He he, I know you coudln’t resist it
Now I am, read Ma’s comment….
I want to know ! I want to know!
Lifecruiser: Yes, and the answer is revealed in Ma’s comment!!!
From far (very far) it doesn’t look slimy any more. My eyes, used to modern art in painting, tell me that it is an eye of a fish in love. The shot was taken on a Valentine’s day.
Lifecruiser: Yes, of course – everything on this blog has something to do with LOVE
I won’t even tell you what my first thought on this was but, of course, I think my mind was residing in the gutter at the time …
Lifecruiser: Ha ha ha! Busted! I knew you would…. *giggles*
Maybe Im okay not knowing. But Im sure Ill be back later to fins out what it is! Im up!
Lifecruiser: He he he. Curious huh? Oh, I love this….*lol*
Say, “Ahhh!”
Wait! I think you swallowed a dime!
Uh… what is that?
Lifecruiser: Ha ha, could have been! But it isn’t. Read Ma’s comment.
I’m going with fish eye.
Neat pic – caused a bit of a WW commotion what with everyone guessing.
Have a Happy
Lifecruiser: Yes, I have some information at Ma’s comment about it
A colonscopy pic? Slimy pic that’s for sure!! LOL
Mines up, happy WW!
Lifecruiser: Ha ha ha. I wonder what’s in there in that case? Or, I’m not gonna wanna know that….
Ishhhh. I don’t even wanna know what it is.
Have a wonderful WW
Mine is posted
Lifecruiser: OK…. *lol*
What IS that? It looks disgusting, but I’m starting to wonder if it may be something really yummy (no, it can’t be…)
Lifecruiser: Eh… I’m not sure what you were aiming at here…. *lol*
Hope it isn’t one of Mr. Lifecruiser’s (golf)balls!
Lifecruiser: If it had been, I just wonder, which one of my three holes this was that’s the big following question
Won’t ask what it is, I am afraid of the answer…:)
happy ww, it leaves me not only speechless but with my eyes closed!
Lifecruiser: I can’t say that I blame you…. yikes…. *s*
Slimy is a good description! Although if it’s a fish eye, I’d like to eat it (being a cat and all, I like fish!)
Lifecruiser: The crime was added because actually the fish is murdered… *lol*
first thought eeeewww it’s an infected eye!
well at least I was right on it being ana eye
Lifecruiser: OH, an infected one too… What a fantasy… *lol*
Fish, sex and love are the three basic naturel laws of our life! ah!ah!
Sea, sex and sun too!
Lifecruiser: Ah, lovely thoughts Claudie! Of course! Sooo true
That’s what I thought it was. Fish eye. Hate em. I always think they are staring at me!
Lifecruiser: I actually think that this one is staring quite angry – or concerned….
Ahh yes, a fish eye… Very cool close-up, and very interesting.
Mine is now posted as well.
Have a great WW.
Lifecruiser: Thanks Ryan – and welcome back
You really do have this thing for fish don’t you! LOL That is a really gross shot but really neat at the same time!
Lifecruiser: Right now obviously… and this one isn’t even shot in the same time as the others. What’s the matter with me…. *lol*