
It’s time for a little Friday fun again folks!

Don’t read this if your sensitive and don’t blame me for you being so curious that you must read it despite this warning ;-)

Märta is a wilde one in her wheelchair and she loves to speed off in the elderly home. She takes the curves on one wheel and make full throttle in the long runway corridors. But, since she and the others at the home not quite “has all the horses home in the stable”, they tolerate each others odditys.

One day when Märta accelerated in a corridor, a door opened and Mats came out in the corridor with his arm lifted. “STOP!” he said with a commanding voice.

- “Do you have a license for that?”

Märta searched in her handbag and got hold of a chocolate wrapping and hold it up.

- “OK!” said Mats and Märta went on.

When she took the curve at the TV-room with screaming tires, Gösta showed up in front of her and demanded to see her tax receipt. Märta went down in the handbag again and pulled up a paper handkerchief. Gösta nodded slow and said:

- “Please go ahead, Ma’m”

Märta got to the last corridor and before she got back to the entrance, Folke showed up in front of her dressed only with a big hard on.

“Oh no, not blow in that alco test now again!”

*giggles x milllions*

I wish you all a wonderful hilarious weekend :-)

8 Comments on “Speed issues in the home”

    TorAa NORWAY said:

    He-he-he-he real great fun.
    I’ll ask my Mother if there’s any Märta’s where she stayes. If yes, I’ll find who’s Folke and blow him out – out of the window. LOL.
    Trävleg helg – Have a great weekend.
    May I wish another joke, same caliber, next week, pls.

    Lifecruiser: Well, they have to go somewhere when they’re getting old, the naughty ones, so they must be there! But I’m not sure that I want to investigate it ;-)

    Ah, are we getting needy here huh? *lol* Well, I can’t promise the same caliber, but we’ll have some fun at least!

    RennyBA NORWAY said:

    For once in my life I wished I was old enough to be in an elderly home:wink:
    Btw: Thanks for your weather report and wish you a happy end to your week!

    Lifecruiser: He he he… You see, it can be fun ;-)

    Debbie UNITED STATES said:

    Oh you are so naughty! LOL It was worth the peek now I must show my hubby so that he knows we will still have fun in the old folks home when the time comes! wink wink!

    Lifecruiser: I know, I know. And I’m not even ashamed over it ;-) I’m sure there will be a lot of time to have fun when being there….

    Melli UNITED STATES said:

    ROFLMBO! I don’t think I’m takin’ this one to share at Curves!!! Ohhhhhhhhh LC! WHAT are we gonna DO with you?

    Lifecruiser: An excellent joke to bring to Curves to cheer up the ladies with ;-) Do? I’m not curable, I’m born like this!!!

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    He, he, that reminds me when my grandma had to settle a fight between two old witches because one of them had hidden the false teeth of the other !

    Lifecruiser: *LMAO* The stripes never disappears…

    mar SPAIN said:

    he he he!!!


    I laughed out loud with this one. Something tells me you will be Marta in about 30 years! he he he

    Lifecruiser: I hope so… I must admit that i felt some kind of sisterhood with Märta ;-)


    Hahahaha! That is really funny! Am I supposed to read that :oops: ? :lol:

    Lifecruiser: Ahhh… It’s not that naughty is it? I think it’s pretty sweet actually :-) But I know that things might be a bit different in our countries, so maybe you should take on some “censorship” glasses sometimes when visiting us ;-) *lol*

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