Time for some windows shopping in Stockholm City, the capital of Sweden. How about the new Versace fashion at H&M, the big Swedish clothes store company?
Personally I love to see this new fashion within H&M. Clever move of them indeed – where else to buy H&M-clothes than in Sweden…?
©Lifecruiser Love Stockholm Shopping
We have H&M stores all over the country too. According to Wikipedia it’s an English retail-clothing company. I didn’t know that either. But apparently the design team in the company’s Sweden office controls the steps of production from merchandise planning to establishing specifications, and production is outsourced to approximately 800 factories in Europe and Asia. (Wikipedia)
I become more and more intelligent !
English? Really? In my wikipedia it says Swedish
)) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%26M
…and it was started by the Swedish family Persson. Clever family indeed….