
Mr Lifecruiser now reveals his very top secret recipe, the Swedish BooB Bombshell as we named it – for obvious reasons! *giggles*

Lifecruiser Swedish BooB Bombshell Recipe

Swedish Bo(oB) Bombshell Recipe

Boob Ingredients:

  • 400gr Philadelphia Cream Cheese
  • 2 dl Creme Fraiche
  • 1 big yellow onion
  • 1 small can of black lumpfish roe

More decoration if wanted:
Lemon slices

Put the boob upon:
FinnCrisp Original (thin) crispbread slices

Make the boob like this:

Manually mix together the Philadelphia cream cheese with the creme fraiche and then the fine chopped onion. Form a boob of the ingredients on a cold plate. Start spreading lumpfish roe over the top of the boob and continue around the whole boob.

If you want: place one or a couple of lemon slices on the boob top.

A must: Spread some of the boob on a thin FinnCrisp crispbread slice. Very nice taste combination.


Preferably together with Champagne!


5 Comments on “Swedish BooB Bombshell”


    I certainly will try to prepare that!
    That black cream is a kind of caviar????


    Yes, that is a kind of black caviar. Sorry that the photo isn’t more sharp, but the light was not so good – and we had already been drinking Champagne…. *giggles*

    SwordMama said:

    That sounds very interesting! A good combination of ingredients – yummy! I bet my older son would love this recipe especially, lol. And he loves onions a lot. :wink:

    DianeCA said:

    My my its boobilicious!!!

    TorAa said:

    Anna will send a Photo of her version during (Ihope) this weekend to come.
    As you know, I’m the Driver er Servant;-)

    ps. Fy – den der forkjölelsen sitter skikkelig hardt i kroppen.
    Natt og dag blir borte – kroppen og feberens herjinger bestemmer. Ved siden av Rosa som har en høylytt løpetid.
    Men, slike bagateller går over. Jeg merker det allerede. I går natt på denne tiden våknet jeg også, men til hva?
    Kun urolighet og WC og vatn, vatn.
    I natt, kan jeg i det minste tenke litt…

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