
Lifecruisers icecream sign for ordering
Wordless Wednesday

I’ll only take your order in Swedish – no cheating! Don’t you love surprises? *giggles*

That’s always so thrilling when out traveling, you get to taste things you probably never would have otherwise… At home we tend to order about the same things.

Which icecream I ordered? Two balls (LOL) of Melon and Mango.

Next post will be from our Monday road trip with more yummy stuff, so stay tuned!

Lifecruiser Swedish



Lifecruisers theme Self
Theme: Self

I think this photo turned out really funny distorted. Yep, it’s me holding a golf club, Mr Lifecruiser’s new driver, but no no, I’ve not played with it – not THAT one ;-)

Read more in my earlier post Golf pleasures in and out, if you haven’t already!

Facts about Swedish Golf:

Number of golf courses in July 2007 in Sweden were a total of 499. Of them were 282 golf courses 18 holes courses, the rest were up to 36 holes. In our capital Stockholm there were 63 golf courses up to that month.

Sweden has 9,196,227 inhabitants and is to the surface at similar size as California, just to give you an idea of it. There was, in July 2007, counted 587 013 members in the Swedish Golf Association.

How ever, the number of members have decreased from 2004 and even before that a change could be noticed: not so big increase any more as earlier. Of course, it has to stop somewhere, but now members really are dropping off.

There can be several reasons for that. One is the bad weather the past years, another is that people have a more tough situation now. It has been expensive to buy into a golf club and golf is a time consuming sport.

Many have a very tough and demanding situation at their jobs today. Many has lost their jobs and have problems getting a new one.

Maybe they’re not allowed to play golf as a way to socialize with expected customers any longer either, as the case very often were during some years. The company supported them to take their golf licenses.

So, less money and time for golfing in the over stressed Swedish society today, which is a pity, because stress is bad to your health. Golf is without doubt a really good exercise to keep you in shape.

Lifecruiser Photo



Mr Lifecruisers reflection golfclub TaylorMade Tour Burner

There has been some golf practicing by Mr Lifecruiser here lately. Luckily there is some driving ranges around which is god to start with if not in shape. It don’t take so much time to standing there, than to go out on a full 18-holes golf round.

Mr Lifecruiser loves to play golf, but somehow he hasn’t played that much the last couple of years. Don’t look at me like that, it’s not my fault, I promise!

I even booked a B&B just at the edge of a golf course when we were in Scotland, to be really sure he would come out play golf while in Scotland…

One reason for not being out playing, is of course that we were out traveling so much before. Another reason is the weather in Sweden the past two years, it has not been good I tell you. A third reason is a lot of personal stuff happening, sickness, my Mom etc.

However, his handicap before he met me were 3,2 if I recall right and this year he has increased it to 5,3, which actually is better for him since he is not playing much golf any more and it will be more fair for him when he does, not being forced to live up to the lower handicap.

He use to play some golf in the summer when we’re at Fårö, but to get to the nearest driving range, you have to take the ferry over to Gotland where Fårösunds GK driving range is.

There is a golf competition among the people that come to Fårö during the summer that Mr Lifecruiser use to attend. It’s called Fårö Masters and were once upon time started by Mr Lifecruiser, he managed it for many years. It’s always hold in the beginning of July at Slite GK at the island Gotland.

Last year was the first year he didn’t play because he damaged his ribs just before going there, so it was impossible for him to play. But the year before that, he participated and actually won 2 trophys!

One of them were the long driving competition, he did the longest shot of them all, around 250 meters. His personal record is 320 meters though.

Since then his very good golf club, Cobra Driver, has been banned and is now forbidden to use (very silly) and he had to get a new driver. So guess what he did got for his birthday (17th of May) this year from me?

Yes, a new driver! One that is brand new, just out on the market, but hard to get, especially if you’re a left player like he is. A TaylorMade Tour Burner!!!! (Regular, 10,5)

Mr Lifecruisers reflection golfclub head TaylorMade Tour Burner

There were also some other smaller items he needed, like new gloves, balls and pegs which we equipped him with. So now he is prepared for this years golf season!

Do I play golf…? No. Blame it on my bad back. Well, at least not outdoor golf… *giggles*

Read my Rules for bedroom golf, if you haven’t before – then you’ll understand ;-)

Lifecruiser Golf