
Lifecruisers contribution to theme Any

Theme: Any

I wanted to send you a postcard from Spain when we were there, but you get it now instead. I simply couldn’t resist this postcard from Sevilla I’m holding in this photo!

Aren’t they just too cute…?

Captain Spain Lifecruiser

Lifecruisers Missing the water boat
Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Andalucia, Spain
March, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Oh, such stories this boat could tell us, I’m sure!!! Worned out by life, in the need of a spring refresh as much as I need it too. Does it looks sad to you? Not to me.

Isn’t that what spring is all about? To get new energy and be refreshed!

That’s what I’m doing. Loading my batteries in the spring sunshine, well, it might not be so very much of the sun over here, but I’m sooo glad to see it the few hours it shows itself.

It’s definitely spring in the air and tonight we’re taking a boat trip, remember me mentioning it in the last post?

I’ll report about it as soon as possible. I do hope that I’m going to be able to take some photos to show you.

Stay tuned and you’ll find out if I was too occupied dancing to the live music or got too (grande!) drunk ;-)

Captain The Sea Lifecruiser


Home, sweet home! Well, after over 5 wonderful weeks away, I must admit that there is some things that we longed for in the end :-)

You know, the common stuff: your own bed, your own kitchen, really hot and long showers - Spain don’t seem to have the kind of speed on the water in the shower as we have here in Sweden. Though they have another water quality too, so much softer than our water. Almost like when you wash your hair in rain water.

…and of course we missed some of our Swedish specialities like Kalles Kaviar, Knäckebröd (crisp bread), the big choice of sandwich-spreads, Swedish homecooked dinner meals - the first one we did make was “Frukostkorv med pepparrotsås och kokt potatis”, (some kind of sausages with horseradish sauce and boiled potatoes) which we had been drooling when just thinking about it.

The last day in Spain we woke up kind of late after the late night out… ehrm… and it went by driving down from Nerja to Malaga and return the car we rented. There seem to be a lot of car hiring in Spain - there were several floors in the garage at the airport just with different car hire companies cars.

It felt really unreal, that it was the day to leave Spain. I had heard a lot about the weather in Stockholm, so I didn’t really long for it even though they claimed that the spring finally has arrived with no snow and sunny weather. Perhaps it also was because I knew what I had to deal with when coming home…

At the Malaga airport we had some bad news. Long, long lines at the check in desks for our flight to Stockholm. No one in the check in desk due to some problems between the airline company FlyNordic and the airport. Later we found out that they had changed name and Malaga airport didn’t think that they had any contract with them due to the new name…

FlyNordic has changed name to just that day. Norwegian is today Scandinavias biggest low price air company. They’re also changing their airplanes to Boeing 737-800, which is more comfortable and less noisy - as well as more kind to the environment as they demand less fuel.

At last they find some staff to the check in desks, but then they let us through without giving us either gate or seat numbers, so there were some more waiting beyond that, giving us less chance to look around at the airports stores and restaurants.

We did see a woman out on the terrass at the airport, that didn’t have any luggage and had rather dirty clothes and no shoes, sitting mostly out on the terrass there. She got me thinking of the movie with Tom Hanks, The Terminal, where he is stuck at the airport…. I do wonder what she did there…

When we got aboard the airplane the Captain also told us that the airplane had been late too, a late departure from Arlanda and then at Malaga problems with the unloading with the luggage too, so that made it even more late.

Well, we arrived at Arlanda in Stockholm in the middle of the Saturday night after a normal flight home - except that I got a terrible ache in my left ear during the landing. It seems so be something I have to live with, because I remember that it was the same the last times we did fly too. *bummer*

I’m blessed with very nice siblings as I’ve mentioned before, so my brother picked us up at the airport with our car, which he has borrowed while we were away. Not only that, but he had washed the car, changed to summer tires, changed anti-roll bars which where faulty and a lamp to the stereo too.

…and bought some fresh bread, butter, cheese, milk so we could get some sandwiches at home. So we were lucky. We did drive him home, he lives kind of on the way between the airport and our home, so no extra detour is needed - very practical for us. We have done like that before too, because we can’t have our car parked on the street when we’re away, there is a need to move it for certain cleaning days on the street or we’ll get parking tickets.

So what have we done since Saturday night - besides sleeping?

Sunday went fast, we had a long meeting, my siblings and I, about my Mom. I got to know more about her last time here in life and we did talk about how to proceed with all the sad stuff like the funeral and all around it.

Yesterday went with a lot of paper work and phone calls. I’m the one that has been handling my Moms papers and are continuing to take care of most of the arrangements for her funeral now, so now you know what I’m doing the nearest time, but I’ll try to start to write about our long journey as soon as possible.

Now, I must leave, I’m on the way to the undertaker… *sigh*

Captain ♥Spain Lifecruiser