Just a update to let you know we’re alive, but not much more than that… The last two days in Tenerife Island we’ve been laying in bed both of us, unable to do anything. Mr Lifecruiser with a terrible cold, I got his cold and the stomach bug got worse…
We have been very careful with everything, but it’s the same as at home, when you’re out among people, you’ll never know what illness you can catch unfortunately.
Can you imagine us laying in the same narrow bed, fully dressed with jeans and sweaters and all, under the blankets and still freezing so our teeth did clapper? That was us.
Our flight home very early Tuesday morning forced us to set the alarm clock around 4:30am, which is the absolute worst time for both of us even in normal cases when we’re healthy.
On top of that, the electricity broke down, making it quite difficult to see all our stuff we should bring back with us home. Luckily, my “drunk-mobile” (don’t ask) has a great function: you can use it as a flashlight in the front too.
Now we were very glad that we were so close to the airport, maybe 15 min on the transfer bus.
Never has a flight felt so long (it was only 5-6 hours). We were both terrified to be forced to occupy the toilets in the airplane, since it now have spread to hubby too, but I had prepared with stopping pills and we did not eat anything on the plane, just to be sure.
That was wise of us. As soon as we begun eating again, we have that not funny flushing rodeo…. *giggles*
I’m glad that we made it home, I was thinking of taking in to an hotel in Norrköping (where the airport where) otherwise, to ride out the illness.
I’ll come back with more travel reports and photos from our Tenerife trip as soon as I don’t have to bring the laptop into the toilet!
Lifecruiser ♥ Home
I hope you both feel better soon. It’s bad enough to be sick at home, but while traveling it’s even worse. Just rest and get well.
Big hug.
Comedy Pluss last blog post..The Operation…
That sounds horrible! I hope you both feel better soon!
Tinks last blog post..Look what I won!
Oh noooooo
hope you both get better VERY soon…
Carolines last blog post..A bad hair day
No, no Noooo,
It’s worse it enough at home, but when on vacation, when you need to relaxe and dream of “Paradise”, no, no.no.
I do not what happens around, but most of our friends around, which you both know from Anna 3×20; they have hade the “Stomach Flue” as well. I can’t recall so many of my friends have beeing infected at the same time as in the past month.
I’m happy you are both safe back at home.
And that you could stay calme during the Flight. LOL.)).
Butt, be aware of the Flue, to avoid pneumonia. Too many of our friends have got the latter this Winter.
btw. Met Renny Monday afternoon. We were both so busy we had only some minutes free to talk to each others.
This Tuesday, well up at 6 pm. Finnished my last Report around 10:45 pm. Long, but intersting Days.
Which means less time for blogging.
TorAas last blog post..A very special Dinner – dedicated Captain Lifecruiser
Glad you are safely home. Do try to rest and get well soon!
Maribeths last blog post..Therapy
Ahhh! Captain, hope you’re feeling better now. Take it easy for a while. Sometimes the body just needs some rest. And you aren’t sixteen years old anymore, you know.
Oh no, what an awful end to your holiday, Lifecruiser. You poor things…I do hope you both get better soon.
Puss in Bootss last blog post..An Award…and a Question
Poor you, that’s really sad what happened to you ! I wonder what you have eaten, because we never had anything all the years we went to Tenerife. And apparently the weather wasn’t that nice either because you said it was cold.
Fortunately you made it home, that’s good, now take good care of both of you !
Gattinas last blog post..
That sounds absolutely awful. I can emphatize, me and my wife both got the Norovirus while away over Christmas.
Hope you’re better soon!
Hope y’all are getting lots of sleep and fluids. I had a stomache bug on Thanksgiving Eve, so I was unable to eat much on Thanksgiving. But I was home; I couldn’t imagine being away from home during something like that. Sending lotsa hugs ((()))
SwordMamas last blog post..A quick hello
Oh my!! Well at least you were soon on your way home and now you can hold the flushing rodeo in your own home!! It was a tough way to end your trip but….it happened at the end so you enjoyed most of it…and you were sure happy to get home!
Hope you are feeling better!!
DianeCAs last blog post..Be Grateful in 2009. You are worth it!
Sorry to hear that the end was that bad, but before that it must have been a wonderful vacation.
Btw: Sorry I haven’t been around that much, but my back still hurt and its hard to type.
RennyBAs last blog post..RennyBA’s Terella success in 2008 Weblog Awards
I hate it when I have to travel sick – its the worst – at least at the end you got to crawl into your own bed!
Lis Sowerbutts
Travel for the Over 30ss last blog post..Rain in the Desert – Don’t Be in a Hurry!
By now you’re probably drinking champagne again, right?
Kuanyins last blog post..Inaugural Fever Is In The Air