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So are you ready to find out what’s in the blue bag?

Nobody guessed right, despite the clue “Happy x 2….” And the fact that you had a clue in my first TIT post where I listed all tackles…

The blue bag that had been hidden secretly in our closet for about 2 years now:

Lifecruisers closet stuff secret  Lifecruisers closet stuff secret

It’s the sandstone paintings we bought in Crete, Greece during our honeymoon as a love gift for ourselves. Get that: Happy x 2 now….? *lol*

You see how well they fit together? Just like we do :-)

These sandstone paintings are rather heavy, about 4 kg / 8,8 pound each, so they demands proper hanging or we’ll get a banging in the head from them ;-)

I guess that’s one of the reasons for not putting them up earlier. We had to get the proper stuff to do it.

So, now we had to do the big rearrangement of all the paintings in the livingroom.

This is what it looked like before, above the sofa – old pictures of Mr Lifecruisers ancestors.
Lifecruisers paintings

And this is with our honeymoon paintings, the christmas pillows I bought last year to put some color in our beige room – and our pet Cat Stevens:
Lifecruisers paintings

This is on the same wall to the right. It’s what I use to call “The horror Cabinet”, because they look so serious and harsh, Mr Lifecruisers ancestors.
Lifecruisers paintings

Instead we put up our cowboy hat’s we had at the ranch Estancia Aventura in Paraguay. The bow in the middle is a mini bow they sent to us by mail afterwards. Kiki knew we wanted to buy a big one when we were at the Iguazu falls, but we missed to buy it, so she kindly sent us one for christmas instead. Wasn’t that sweet?
Lifecruisers paintings

So “The Horror Cabinet” had to move over here to another old ancestor that was lonely…Lifecruisers paintings

I also rearranged things on the buffet. The candle lights is a memory from Mr Lifecruisers grandma and the old looking jar plus the matching bowl that we bought in an art store high up in the mountain on our honeymoon. I suddenly remembered the jar – it has been in the hallway closet for 2 years! What a pity to have it hidden away!
Lifecruisers paintings

This was another spot in our livingroom, where the painting with the lady on the balcony had to move over, no more walls left!Lifecruisers paintings

So the old pictures of the ancestors that were above the sofa had to go to this wall, to the right of the horror cabinet, because we wanted to have all ancestors on one wall.
Lifecruisers paintings

This means that we have to sell the lady on the balcony later. We have some stuff in the basement too, when we’re coming to that, so we’ll do a sales campaign then.

It was a big improvement of the livingroom, but it’s difficult to take pictures of the whole room, since it’s so small. You’ll have to take my word for it.

We’ll change the curtains in there too as soon as I find any suitable (a tough tackle!) and maybe get rid of another things in there, not shown in these pictures…..

So, if you notice suddenly that we’re getting more crazy than usual (can it be possible?), maybe we’ve got a bang in our heads from the Greek couple…. *lol*

See the latest post and Tackle It Tuesday participants over at 5 minutes for mom.

14 Comments on “The blue bag love secret”

    Happy and Blue 2 said:

    It looks really nice. It won’t be long and you will be washing a napkin or something for Tackle Tuesdays..

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I know, I was thinking that too, but then I remembered that it’s an eternal tackle we live in, so something will turn up to tackle allt the time :-)

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    Bravo ! you accomplished a lot of work and changements ! When I red about the plastic bag I thought you will keep it until your golden wedding anniversary. But then you dared (!!!) to move the ancestors ! I hope they like their new place and will not get angry and haunt you in the night !

    Lifecruiser: Thanks. It was a big tackle actually. Difficult. The ancestors is angry, I haven’t dared to lok them in the eyes yet. I’m waitint until they find out that this was a much better solution by themselves…. *lol*

    Chana CANADA said:

    :sad: ??? i missed the What’s in the blue love bag post????? :sad:

    for sure i would have guessed it..;p

    the paintings are amazing, i love it..i remember that time that we were voting what you guys should do and i voted for putting up the pics from your honeymoon..where these it?

    i love art and i love old pics so your living room walls are talking to my heart..nice..

    it is so sweet and comforting to have so much of our pasts..it is another way to combine the love for each other too. to make sure that both pasts flow into one future. it was wonderful to hear of all the different things that you have out with so much pride..


    Lifecruiser: Yes, this is it. We love them, even though they could look better with another wallpaper or painting on the wall… But we’re not changing anything like that because we don’t know if we shall stay here.

    It’s always interesting to know your backgground and ancestors. Mr L is lucky enought to even have a lot of these pictures. I love old things too. I wish we could get a little bit more history background for this pictures too.


    Well I’m not very surprised that no one guessed… that was a pretty tough one to figure out.

    It all looks great! Isn’t it wonderful how having different decorations on the walls can completely change a room?

    Thanks so much for sharing this great tackle!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Susan. Aha, so you think that was tough. OK. Well, it certainly mad a new room here :-)

    Maribeth UNITED STATES said:

    This was a big tackle it! But it looks great! Getting rid of the lady on the balcony? I love her!!!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Maribeth. Yes, I know, she is beautiful, but we have no walls left to hang her on and I find it a pity to hide her in the basement….. She needs to get to a better home :-)

    Angee UNITED STATES said:

    Yep, that was a hard one to guess. I love the sandstone paintings!! Great love gift to remind you of your honeymoon and the ONE who is at the center of your relationship!
    How awesome that your hubby has so many photos of his ancestors! Really that amazes me.
    Ya did good, be proud – it looks great!

    Lifecruiser: Yep, we’re gonna remember our honeymoon every time we see these paintings…. *dreamy look* I agreee on that other one too, I envy him of those – it’s history but also close history – very interesting!

    Wystful 1 UNITED STATES said:

    Well, I can’t even TRY to be corny or clever in this comment!!! Must be serious….I reall-l-l-l-l-y love what you did. Oh so perfect. (Oh and Cat Stevens is precious)

    Happy day Mrs. L!!!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Wystful1 :-) Cat Stevens is cooooool ;-)


    Very nice Tackle! Thanks for sharing what was in the blue bag (I was curious). It was nice to see how you incorporated the new painting in with everything else. Looks great!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks!!!! We think so too :-)

    Erna CANADA said:

    Isn’t it great when a room takes on a greater reflection of the people that use it? I do love your “pet.” Sweet!

    I too think it’s neat you have pics of the ancestors and I’m sure he knows the stories about them all too. I think it was a neat idea to put it all together with some heirlooms and some things from your own time together.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Erna :-) We’re shaping a life together….

    Jenn UNITED STATES said:

    Great tackle it!!! I love the new look of all the pictures – you did a great job and those painting’s really desereved a place of honor – instead of the closet!!!


    Lifecruiser: Thanks Jenn, we thought so too and we’re very satiesfied with the result!


    Good work! I must say, I would not guessed!

    It all looks great – how wonderful to have such wonderful portraits of your ancestors.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Janice :-) Yes, it really is interesting to have them and hear all about them.

    Debbie UNITED STATES said:

    Wow you really have gotten motivated and are just plowing through your tackle list! I have slowed down even though I so much to do! But I will get to it all eventually! Great work, and a wonderful job done. Love the sandstone!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Debbie. Yep, I push myself hard these days :-) I’m going through them even if it will kill me on the mission *lol*.


    Love the new wall art and arrangements! I like how you refer to the pictures posted as the horror wall. LOL.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks ICL :-) It’s fun to give them nicnames, I think I may have to make up names for them all…. *lol*

    sisiggy said:

    Don’t be so hard on the ancestors. They were born before toilet paper was soft.

    Lifecruiser: And they could never marry of Love, only for money and honor, so they got the most dreadful husbands/wifes. Poor ones :-)

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