Something borrowed
Something Borrowed, Something Blue, 1947.
Oil on canvas. Gil Elvgren.

Tomorrow is a big day for Mr Lifecruisers niece Jenny – she is getting married!!!!

We’re going to a wedding, hurray! It’s so wonderful. Weddings are always such a positive events . We will of course write about it afterwards, so stay tuned!

Though I have to admit – it’s a lot of preparations before the wedding… Which can vary very much, depending on how you are handling it…

Our wedding was so cool, no hurry, no nervous breakdowns, nothing. We got it totally under control everything. I wonder how Jenny and Petra is doing…?

We wish that we some day could have the wedding party all over again, without the wedding ceremony, just for the fun of it! What a blast!

I will always remember our own happy wedding day. *dreaming*

Remember, the cure for all blunders, the cure for blindness, the cure for crime – the cure for everything is Love…..

All that is needed is Love, so simple – yet so many people find it too complicated!

Captain Love Lifecruiser

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13 Comments on “The brides preps steps”

    mar SPAIN said:

    A wedding! I love weddings. Have fun and congrats to the bride and groom!
    love, love, love ….

    Criz Lai MALAYSIA said:

    Hello there…please wish your niece Jenny a Happy Wedding Day and lots of kids in the future. :)

    1st time here. Good site you have here. Very alive :)

    RennyBA NORWAY said:

    Wishing Jenny and her husband a great, prosperous life in love and harmony! and all of you a lovely wedding party!
    My advice to Jenny: ‘Never go to sleep (I didn’t say to bed!:-) with an unsolved fight!’

    Gina SWEDEN said:

    I love this callendar! My friend buys her husband one everyyear and it is the running joke in the office that everyone has to come in to tear off the next page! These ones you have , I have not seen!
    ps…I say all of this to say, WHY are you posting my photo, LOL!!!

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Thanks Mar. I love weddings too , butt I’ve never been to one like this one…

    I should have mention: this is a wedding between 2 brides.

    I’m so curious of if both of them will have wedding dresses or not….???

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Welcome here Criz :-) Thanks for your nice words! I’ll return the visit.

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Thanks Renny, that is a good advice that I’ve always lived after myself – even though I seldom have had any fights in my life – and never with Mr Lifecruiser :-)

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    I love it too. This was the 2007 edition that I bought for Mr Lifecruiser to enjoy :-)

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    I find my mariage better then my wedding ! that was an awful show all made up by my dear father to show that he could do better then his “friends” ! I hardly remember something except that the priest had forgotten our mariage and came 45 min late (by -10°C) because a friend of mine had called him and woke him up ! He had had a little too much wine the previous evening !

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    I did my duty and made up a post about what happened at my birth date ! It’s rather boring !

    that frolicsome kid BRUNEI DARUSSALAM said:

    Love isn’t complicated but people have made it seem so. Lol! =P

    Congratulations to your husband’s niece wedding! You know, I haven’t really gone to a wedding before, so I don’t really know what to expect, except for the TV customary “blah blah blah. Do you wish to accept blah blah blah? Yes I do.” Hahaha.


    Happy wedding day! :D

    Your wedding sounds very magical and fun! How romantic! :D

    TorAa NORWAY said:

    Agree. Love and respect.
    But so difficult – too many only seeks for the negative.

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