
Dear Diary and cruisers,

Meet my new friend that talk as much as bullshit as myself…. *giggles*

It was a handsome young man who wanted to speak with me when we’re down to FÃ¥rösund again to get some things we couldn’t find on the island. Meaning we took the ferry over again.


Some super glue were needed among other stuff, so we went to the local lumber store too. No, it was not the bed that had broke down! *ROFLMAO*


It has been a gray day today as you see on that picture, despite the fact that they promised us some sun, butt I should be glad because from what I can understand there is rain crises all over Sweden right now with flooding everywhere. So I should be glad it’s not been raining – yet. It’s hangning in the air all the time though.

Mr L’s ribs probably got damaged in his fall before we left home, so he have some problems with them now. Maybe there is a crack in them somewhere. No need of a Doc since they don’t do anything about it anyway, butt it’s abit annoying for him naturally. Let’s hope it will be better before his golf competition the 16th!!!

Tonight we’re going to take the car to Sylvi’s döttrar (Sylvis daughters), which is a couple of kilometers from our farm, to have a nice evening out. They have a performance there with poems and music together with dinner. There is a band playing folkrock, called Gotlands Patrask.

End of the bullshit for this time….


Captain Bullshit Lifecruiser

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4 Comments on “The Captains bullshit”

    claudie FRANCE said:

    Hope Mr lifecruiser will better for his competition!
    You will have good time tonight!
    Dinner, poems, music and a group of folkrock!!!SUPER!

    TorAa said:

    Ribs – broken?

    Mr L needs some cruise-wine…

    Ask Anna – every second time she got a hug – a broken rib. Why are men soooo close to her? LOL.
    Butt – she take a ribwein;))

    RennyBA said:

    Good to know at least you have one fellow whom you can talk to and who will understand you perfectly well!

    I do hope M. L ribs are okay until Swedish Open!

    Ev Nucci UNITED STATES said:

    I just went to see the King Tut exhibit and you know what the Egyptians call the cow, “the Celestial Cow”. I found that fascinating. There you go Captain!

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