

Yesterday evening we went out to listen to the Swedish folkrockband “Patrask” (in english: riffraffs), Gotlands folkrock band #1. Their sound is almost a bit like Irish folkmusic actually, excellent played.

They played much on a major accordion and a kind of Bazouki, a 10-stringed special ordered. The Bazouki came here from Turkey-Greece.

They were playing at the newly opened restaurant and bar “Sylvis Döttrar” at Kyrkviken at FÃ¥rö. Sylvis döttrar is two very bright and active young women who have been managing the local bakery in Ekeviken at FÃ¥rö, also called Sylvis Döttrar.

Very famous bakery I might add! They have very yummy buns…. *drooling*

Below are the new bar at Sylvi’s Döttrar. Note that where the bottles is (the light) is the old shelf of dairy products when this was an old grocery shop earlier.


This is a painted wall in the Bar Kent-part of the restaurant Sylvis Döttrar.


The poetry reader Kerstin “Kickan” Holmberg, was reading Pablo Neruda‘s “The Captains Verses” for us. He was an Chilean writer, awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971.


How suitable for Captain Lifecruiser huh…? There is a lot of island in these verses, though these ones is from the island Capri and not FÃ¥rö ;-)

The Captain’s Verses was first published anonymously -52, before Neruda married his Matilde – who was the subject of his poems of passionated love. It’s a lot of dammed up passion that is boiling in this poetry. He fell in love with her despite the fact that he already was married, so it was forbidden love – perhaps the strongest?

Though I don’t think that this poetry reader quite succeeded to let out that passion, not able to capture the right erotic energy of his love. She read qite nice, but I missed the fire!

The accompanier to the poetry reader, Krister Dahlström, playing Spanish music mixed with Bach, very skilful indeed. It was a real pleasure to hear him play…. Making me believe I was in Spain… Ahhh…. What a lovely feeling indeed – especially since the weather is rather bad here for the moment :-)


The Main course, Mozzarella gratinated Chicken fillets and pilaff rice and tomato sauce. Sorry, I missed to take photos of the first course – Archipelago herring sandwich – as usual I was too eager to eat it!!! *giggles*


Today, we’re at the café, blogging as you notice. The rain is pouring outside,so we decided to have a blogging day indoors, since it’s hard to see anything while out driving. Hoping for better weather tomorrow.


We ate the most delicious shrimp salad here today, butt guess what??? YES, I FORGOT TO TAKE PHOTOS BEFORE I ATE IT! *giggles*

Captain Love Rocks Lifecruiser

Lifecruiser lifering

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8 Comments on “The Captains Verses Folk Rocks”

    RennyBA said:

    What a cultural blast you’ve had! I’ve heard about Patraks, but never had the chance to hear them live – lucky you!

    What an exotic meal – served in Sweden – I’m amazed:-)

    We have blogging weather in Mariesta too, but yesterday it was at least as good as we could golf thought the streets LoL (you know the ordinary – well at least mini golf – not the indoors kind:-)

    Btw: How about updating your A-Team blogroll?

    claudie FRANCE said:

    What a beautiful evening at the Sylvis Döttrar! Farö seems to be the isle For those who love nature, poetry, music, paint art and who have a fine gustativ sense! I know Pablo Neruda, he’s a famous writter but i’ve never read it. Love is one of the best poetry’s thema, isn’tit.
    New event in my cabin, you know…

    Mark said:

    There’s nothing better than a good music show -it’s so fun to enjoy with friends!

    You had a full trip with music, poetry, and food. You’re setting an excellent cultural example.

    chase said:

    What a wonderful evening you had. Listening to good music and at the same time indulging on finest food. Lucky you!

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    When it rains it rains, there is nothing to do ! Fortunately we have our computers, lol ! It seems you have a nice time though ! Today the sun is shining maybe because it’s my birthday, my son came over from Amsterdam and we celebrated yesterday evening. I was very spoiled ! What about birthday once a week (but not increasing your age !)

    lazaza83 » Summer’s events in the Lifecruiser Tour! said:

    [...] And the Lifecruiser tour continues in Farö [...]

    Lifecruiser said:

    Sorry Renny for being lat on the update of your new address, butt now it’s fixed :-)

    RennyBA said:

    How sweet of you to mentioning this Claudie and it shows that blogging also connect people virtually. I’m glad I met you and all the other A-Team Cruisers :-)

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