♥ Boats on Mondays ♥

So, we’re going on with our secret islands trip, you’ve already been with us to The Swedish Viking Town Birka and The Nobility Island Adelsö earlier.

Now we’re going to the islet of Rastaholm – still in the sweet water Lake Mälaren, where there also is a guest harbor, which is full of boats.

When I began thinking of writing this post, I thought that I didn’t have so many photos from there and it weren’t any good ones. Big surprise for me when I started!!!!




A very suitable stop to do at the cruise, since the Stockholm Sailing Society (SSS) has its club house out on the islet of Rastaholm, they have existed since 1895.



Rastaholms Inn is from 1932 and located on its own islet, with a restaurant which was the place we had in mind in the first place for our dinner this day, butt remember: my hunger took command so we did eat at Adelsö.

Here is the viking sign at the entrance of the Inn. Don’t ask me what it says though…. *giggles*


The Inn is managed by the brothers Dennis and Renato Petéh, who has forbears from Italy (the Adriatic Sea) where the food is to be enjoyed without stress, together with good friends.




The restaurant is also very nicely decorated inside with scenes from the sea and even some viking ship is painted in the ceiling.




A big plus for this restaurant, is that they have a very enjoyable porch by the lake where you can feast on their excellent food with a beautiful lake view. It’s rather expensive, but certainly worth the cost.


We were only drinking some beers, since we had already eaten and I almost did regret that we didn’t eat here, butt then I would probably not have survived getting my dinner so late…

Cheers my dears ;-)

Our day out and all the secret islands ended with a beautiful and very romantic sunset….




I can’t really decide though, if the golden treasure was the golden beer or the golden sunset – maybe it was both…?

We also have some more photos at Flickr:
Lifecruiser Rastaholm photos in large
Lifecruiser Rastaholm photos as a slideshow

Don’t forget to visit our second cruise stop today with Caledonia: ♥ Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

Captain ♥Boats Lifecruiser

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Töcksfors, Sweden

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Mountain Life – The spirit of the Norwegian soul 2 (Thu 13 Sept)
The Royal Swedish Home Park (Sun 16 Sept)
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Uppsala, Sweden (Sept)
Norwegian Mountains Hemsedal(End of Sept)
Fulu Fjäll (mountain), Sweden
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Algarve, Portugal
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Fuerteventura, Spain
Riga, Latvia(Second half of October)
Panama Canal (November)
Buenos Aires – Argentina (Second half of December)
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14 Comments on “The golden treasure of Rastaholm”


    Oooo… what a beautiful place! And the Rastaholms Inn looks like a nice place to have our meals and chill out. Love the golden sunset…..

    Maribeth UNITED STATES said:

    Beautiful, restful pictures!

    I will try to be a good blogger these next two and a half weeks, but will be on the road starting on Thursday and not home until the 26th of September.

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    What a nice tour again ! These sunsets are so beautiful I would forget to drink my beer ! Can get drunk when the sun has dropped in the sea !!

    mar SPAIN said:

    You are spoiling us rotten! what a beautiful place again, splendid views and shots but the sunset is my favorite. Forget the beer, I will start the NBC (no beer crew :D ) to make sure there is always chilled Dom ready !

    TorAa said:

    This is a golden post fra A to Z. I’m very happy you found mant pictures and you went to Rastaholms Inn in the evening. Beautiful setting.

    Butt, what is written under the Viking Ship at the entrence. Well, I went out to the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo to have it dechiffered. It was a big surprise, even for the “Rune” Expert – Dr Arch Rune Lettersson:
    Me, the Viking Chief Thure Biggvalsson, predict that in thousand years from now, people can travel over the Seas without boats. The name of that vessel will be KhyberKruuse.


    RennyBA NORWAY said:

    In your comment on my post this morning you said you didn’t though you had that much of boat pics hmmmmm – this was a great marine post and proof otherwise!

    I think Your and Your A-Team Cruisers should be honorable remembers of SSS !!

    Btw: I’ve update todays posts with some Cyber Cruise love links ;-)


    What a grand trip and the eatery looks yummy. I’m hungry now. Oh, the bumper/fender on the dock. We call those things “Dolly Partons” here…cuz they are soooooooooo big. See for yourself! :)

    Dolly Parton

    Toni said:

    oh wow, what a beautiful sunset.. very romantic. i must agree that it must have been a golden moment with a golden beer and a golden sunset on the side :)

    Sword Girl UNITED STATES said:

    What gorgeous pictures as always, and the beer looks VERY awesome!

    Sword Girl » Simpson’s fun… UNITED STATES said:

    [...] “The golden treasure of Rastaholmby” Mrs. Lifecruiser. [...]

    Imma (Alice) CANADA said:

    I finally got the meme that you tagged me with done. Check it out.

    Have a great day!

    Deborah CANADA said:

    What beautiful sunset photos Captain! Your little ‘dig’ brought out some wonderful treasures. Even a gem of a beer in its golden glory in front of the warm sunset, haha!

    A. FRANCE said:

    What a wonderful sunset, just beautiful (especially through the beer;) )

    aka R'acquel AUSTRALIA said:

    Yay. That rocked! :D

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