Sword Girl tagged me on this one! I’m just happy that it’s the middle name and not my other, because I have a more unusual name that would leave me out for the pirates to come and board my ship
1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of their middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
4. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
5. Don’t forget to link back to the person that tagged you in the beginning![]()
Don’t you dare to laugh or I’ll let you walk the oiled plank!!!
Butt do blame my mother for this middle name that doesn’t fit ME at all:
R ~ Rare? Rocking? Rolling on the floor when giggles attacks sets in… *giggles*
I ~ Into cruising the world by my blogger friends help…..
I ~ Is the Captain of the Lifecruiser Ship. In love with Mr Lifecruiser.
T ~ Twinkles in my eyes very often.
T ~ Toasting to all my dear fellow cruisers with Dom Perignon all the time!
A ~ All I need is Love.
So now it is TAG NAG time: (don’t hide in the lifeboats, all cruisers on deck!!!)
R ~ Ramblin’ Rose, RennyBa’s Terella
I ~ I Was Born2Cree8
T ~ TorAa Mirror
T ~ The green fingered photographer
A ~ aka R’acquel, A Changing Life
So, get going with the thinking and tagging!!!
Sometimes things are gathering up, like meme posts and I’ll have to throw in one more post later today, just so you know.
In the meantime, why don’t you HANG around the Lincoln Castle…? *giggles*
Captain TagNag Lifecruiser
Ah HA! I already DID this one! Just last Thursday! You may go HERE to see! It’s done! I’m off the hook … Captain! *G* ~tips her flute of Dom~ Ahhhhhhh!
Oh my dear, my middle name is:
Well, it’s now revealed: I have no middle name. Butt I have something in the middle- *giggles* instead.
You are great.
Anna says: Give mr L a hug. Don’t be jealous. have a wonderful evening
Thanks for tagging me! I’ll return the favor – my way – tomorrow!
Oh dear. My middle name is so long and complex! This is going to be very hard! *lol*
[...] this Face Behind The Blog meme. I’ve also been tagged similarly by OldOldLadyOnTheHills , Mrs. Lifercruiser and Teena, so I take this opportunity to link them and show my [...]