
The Party is over

Mrs Lifecruiser disappointed that the party is overNot any one who want to continue partying…??? My, oh, my what tired people I have around me… Can not keep up with my party capacity obvious. *heavy sigh*

I must confess that yesterday was a fun fun fun day - and night - and morning! It was a a good party here to celebrate us for being “The Blog Of the Day” and all. But not enough people to say cheer to, that was a pity….

Our good friend Miss Ass. Lifecruiser was out partying in the US for us too , that is a truly good friend :-)

Today at the phone she sounded like she had a really good evening yesterday!

Comments on The Party is over

  • 1
    Miss Ass. Lifecruiser UNITED STATES said:

    YES YES YES… she had a really good time *lol*.. she also had $15 more in her pocket when she came home then when she left … whitout doing anything else but drinking beer and took a ride in a cab home….

    Dear friends… I need to celebrate soon again.. give me a reason pls…..

  • 2
    Mandy NETHERLANDS said:

    Party! what’s that then?
    I haven’t partied for years, and to be quite honest, I really don’t miss it.. anyway, I’m glad you had a good time :)

  • 3
    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Thanx Mandy!

    Well, to tell you the truth, we have grown old (oh, no!) and do not have the energy or interest of partying so much any longer - just doing it very well the few times we do it :-)

  • 4
    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Dear Miss Ass.

    You have to wait until we come and visit you, then we will rock your boat!!! (Do hope you have a life jacket?!)

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