Mrs Lifecruiser sisters wall blooming
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Yesterday when we were visiting my sister and saw her blooming home I decided to write a post connected to this subject. It’s interesting to see how we can use blooming in different ways, not only seeing it in the nature, but to actually use the blooming in other ways.

Here you can see one of her livingroom windows, decorated with blooming curtains and with very nicely put flowers. Who wouldn’t love the amaryllis proudly bloom?

Mrs Lifecruiser sisters windows

I love decorations in any kind and especially with flowers since it become more alive. Not too fond of flower pattern in curtains normally, but this one was well-fitted.

If we go closer to the window we can see some more of one of the Amaryllis. They really are amazingly big and the white christmas rose as we call it in Sweden, is so well-fitted there too. It’s another expression of White Christmas I think!

Mrs Lifecruiser sisters windows

The red papavers look almost like real flowers wouldn’t you say? Especially with the light on them like down below, but it’s actually bought from IKEA and glued to her white wall in the livingroom! I think it was with an excellent result.

So, what are we waiting for? Start the blooming bloom :-)

Mrs Lifecruiser sisters wall blooming
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10 Comments on “The three blooms”

    TorAa NORWAY said:

    Yeah, I would have had more flowers in our home, but our Cats simply love Flowers and Plants.
    ( )

    That’s why we wait until we move out to our Summerhouse.

    We might try with some of the IKEA flowers. At least there will be no water or soil spoiled. LoL.

    Great pictures

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Tor. Oh, yes, I see the problem :-) You’re wise to wait until the summerhouse!

    Sandy UNITED STATES said:

    Beautiful flowers!! I love the reds..Gorgeous!! Thanks for stopping by today. Guess you did not need my folding instructions if you dont have the dreaded fitted sheets to deal with. They are hard to fold. But this is an easy way to do it. Have a great week.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, they really are :-) I hope you’re going to have a great week too!


    Nice flowers. But do you have to say they were bought from IKEA :razz: ? That really spoils the whole thing, LOL!

    I must say they look nice, even though they are plastics :razz: .

    But I still love the flowers. All of them!

    Lifecruiser: Ha ha ha… Yes, that’s exactly why I had to say that they was from IKEA… *lol*

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    These curtains would suit me too, the pattern is so nice and simple. Usually fabrics with flower patterns are so overloaded and reminds me of Grandma times. On top it makes a room very narrow. Your plants are beautiful. I have seen so many red Christmas roses in Egypt, they grew like weeds in the Hotel garden. It itched in my fingers to steel them !

    Liferuiser: Thanks Gattina :-) Oh, I can feel the itch in the fingers… I would have stolen them… *lol*

    Anita GERMANY said:

    Thanks a lot for passing by my blog and leaving a comment. Those white amaryllis are simply gorgeous! What a surprise, it’s just a bulb in a glass on the left side, without any soil! I’ve never seen that before, nice idea, it’s looks even more pretty!

    Lifecruiser: We do that a lot here in Sweden, just put it in a glass vase :-)

    Henny AUSTRIA said:

    Your Amaryllis are so beautiful, I’m so sad , i have none this year!

    Lifecruiser: Oh, that’s too bad, they are such a fantastic flower. There seem to be very many different ones too.

    Debbie UNITED STATES said:

    The red really pops! I love plants of all kinds even if they don’t have flowers. So far my cats have not used the big pots for other things but Callie does like to eat all the dead leaves so I try to make sure they are not poisonous plants! I love amaryllis but just do not have luck with them!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, doesn’t they? I would also make sure they weren’t poisonous if I had any pets – or kids! I hope you get more luck with the amaryllis, because they are such a delight. So iwith amamryllis you have no green thumbs huh? *lol*

    mar SPAIN said:

    Lovely flowers! great decorations, I love IKEA but don’t go there very often as my budget would otherwise be very unbalanced and my little closet space absolutely full, lol. I have to go there soon though to get more Preiselbeeren for my son, who loves it with potato salad and some sorts of meat!!
    Back to the flowers: lovely post!!! :)

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Mar. Ha ha ha… You know, I had no idea what that Preiselbeeren was, so I had to look it up and found out that it was Lingonberry or just Lingon as we say it in Sweden. Yes, it’s very good together with for an example meatballs!!!! Oh, I’m getting hungry…

    Dot UNITED STATES said:

    Those huge Amaryllis flowers are so beautiful. I have loads of them stored upstairs for the winter. Some should start blooming in a couple months if not before. They seem to multiply fast.
    The red wall flowers do look real.
    Wishing your Mom the very best. All the best in the new year to you and the Mr.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Dot, we really wish you the same. Oh, it sounds like you’re going to have a wonderful, blooming winter :-)

    Melli UNITED STATES said:

    Your sister has an excellent eye for decorating! The flowers are beautiful – real and unreal! And I’m with Mar… I have to stay faaaaar away from IKEA… Mr. Melli SAYS so!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks. Yes, she sure has. Both my sisters have to be exactly. IKEA – and a bunch of other stores – defenitely have a danger danger alert ;-)

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