
1. Even though this fall has had the warmest weather ever for being Sweden, I still don’t like it. It has been very grey, cloudy and rainy, so I don’t think that it counts that it has been warm! Even this second when I’m writing this, I hear the weather report with one ear and he says rain…. The leafs kind of went from green and all on the trees, to brown and down from the trees very fast, not much time to enjoy the yellow-orange-red colors.

2. I wish that we didn’t have to change the tire’s on our car to winter tire’s and didn’t had to go to the yearly safety inspection this week. I just want everything to work, without any fuss…

3. We’ve had 6 birthday’s to celebrate for about 6 weeks now which makes me kind of longing for some quiet, less happening time to relax… It’s fun to have fun, bit it’s also exhausting. Phew!

4. Relax? Who am I kidding? *lol* Christmas is coming and we haven’t bought the christmas gifts yet. Luckily we don’t have many to buy to, so it’s not that difficult, more a joy - if it only were fewer people out there.

5. I have severe problems to get my butt kicked to get going with doing BACKUPS on our newest photos and upload all our old ones on Flickr! I don’t know why, but it seems to be a very difficult task suddenly….

6. Since we’ve joined Tackle It Tuesday we’ve got a lot of things done at our home which I never would have pushed myself to do otherwise, well, maybe in about half a year or so ;-) Join you too, get the TIT blogroll code and jump in! See our latest Tackle It Tuesday post The blue bag love secret.

7. Since we tackled our closets I have no clothes left, so I have to go out shopping for new ones. The strange thing is: there always seem to come something else between that is more important! Soon I have to go naked :-O

8. My sisters and I went to a meeting about our Mom on Tuesday at the elderly home. Called “Health care plan meeting”. Interesting. I think we got them to feel what we’re feeling about our Mom’s care there. Though they’re not used to the fact that three relatives actually show up on the meeting…. WHY isn’t any relatives showing some interest in their relatives? It’s so sad!

9. Mr L has been to the Dermatologists to investigate his skin. He have had problem with this skin for many years and taken away several aktinisk keratoses before and now it’s time again soon. They have taken some samples, so we have to wait 2 weeks, then there are three methods. Fluoro-uracil creme or something called PDT, photo dynamic therapy, which both is a bit of a pain, the skin will be kind of “burned” away…. Then now suddenly they’re talking about laser too. They used cryotherapy on his hands and chest, but his head is going through one of these.

10. He is so cute right now with blistards on his hands, patches on the chest, and two bigger compress’es on his scalp - he looks like his antlers have been cut off - and his nose a bit red because they treated a part of it with cryotherapy - so shall I call him Rudolph the Red-Nosed now? *giggles* ps. We’re taking this seriously, don’t misunderstand me here, but this is just our way to deal with it. I better spoil him a bit…..

11. Yesterday we went out to look for some lights for our recently cleaned closets, new nice’r curtains for the bedroom and livingroom and Venetian blinds in wood for the kitchen window so we can go naked to eat our night sandwich or breakfast without having all the neighbours or street walkers staring at us ;-).

12. We did find all that, except no curtains for the bedroom and not the venetian blinds with the right size for the kitchen and bedroom, but for the bathroom instead that we hadn’t even thought of! So today we’re heading out again! Wish us luck, we may need it! (Even though our neighbours don’t want us to succeed!)


NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Thursday Thirteen-thing, we LOVE all comments :-)

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18 Comments on “Thirteen some things”


    Hope Rudolph gets treatment that works. Sounds painful..
    I don’t want to join the TIT group. It sounds too naughty, ha,ha..

    Lifecruiser: Yes, we hope that too…. So you stay away from our TIT’s - maybe they’re standing out too much…. *ROFLMAO*

    MamaDuck UNITED STATES said:

    I hate thinking someone is watching me, always have to close those blinds ;). Happy TT!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, they are good to have aren’t they? I hope we find some today!

    Sandy UNITED STATES said:

    What a list of Thursday Thirteen. I am getting ready to get mine written now before I go to bed tonight. I think I have a subject in my brain…Hope it works out okay. every week I try to think of something. Come see later on…Sandy

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Sandy. I’ll pop by later, now I’m just gaining some strength to go out shopping…


    Do love your thirteen somethings. Love the most your #13. I like it.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Friday’s Child. Yes, it’s so true, our life motto :-)

    zingtrial UNITED KINGDOM said:

    Hi,Hope you are well and your mum is doing well too.Come for a visit and found this nice posting.Well I wish you well ,have fun with T.T.

    Lifecruiser:Thanks zingtrial. Well, we’re sort of well, the three of us. Hanging in there. A little bit to busy right now maybe :-)

    carmen UNITED STATES said:

    that sure is a lot of birthdays to celebrate!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it really is. Kind of making you to get enough of birthdays for a while…

    Barb UNITED STATES said:

    You need a nap :)

    Lifecruiser: I sure do!!!!!!

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    So you are in full redecoration ! I love to do this, but sometimes it’s difficult to find the right stuff. In spring I changed all curtains of our living room, it was about time 15 years the same fabric !
    Here too it’s unusually warm yesterday we had 17° ! Normally it’s around 5°

    Lifecruiser: I agree to that, it is difficult to find the right stuff, I guess you re like me there, pretty picky - or I prefer to call it artistic and want it just the way I’ve pictured it! Or I go the other way, just let it be created along the way totally :-)


    I would like to join TIT but Tuesdays are not a good day for me to clean because I work. Maybe I should start - SIS - Sacrifice it Saturday! LOL ~ because that’s what it feels like when I start to clean!

    Happy Healing for hubby and you!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks ICL :-) Well, you dont have to do the Tackle on Tuesday, just SHOW US what you’ve done on Tuesdays :-) so now you have no excuse not to join ;-)

    Nathalie NETHERLANDS said:

    Poor Mr. L. Sounds painful. I hope all the research does help.
    When I still had a house on the groundfloor I kept all curtains closed, I couldn’t stand the nosy neighbors. Now I live on the 4th floor and I keep all curtains wide open, even when the light’s on. Yesterday I was walking in the living room in my underwear when I noticed that I could look straight into the flat across the street where I saw a man (who also thought the 4th floor was a safe height) sitting behind his computer.
    So I figured that I should at least wear some more clothes when the lights are on. Otherwise I will give the people across the street nightmares :)
    Happy TT!

    Lifecruiser: don’t be too sure about that, maybe you’re gicing them their time in the life :-)

    Tammy UNITED STATES said:

    Ugh.. I hate yearly inspections on the cars.. our blazer is due in January and we need 4 new tires… over 400 bucks.. it makes me sick to even think about!

    Lifecruiser: “Luckily” that won’t happen to us this year, because they aren’t that old yet, phew! Hope you find some good ones to a better price!

    Christina UNITED STATES said:

    Sorry that fall kind of decided to pass you by this year! It is my favorite season and I would feel somewhat cheated.

    Happy Thursday!!

    Lifecruiser: Well, let’s see how the winter turns out instead. I like to look forward to the spring though….


    I should join Tackle It Tuesday, because heaven knows there are plenty of things around here that need to be done…

    I’m sorry to here about Mr Lifecruiser. The skin problems do not sound like fun. I hope the treatment will work.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks. Well, all I can say that it’s very effective, I got a lot of things done! It’s too easy to just say that” nah, I’ll do that another day… But that another day seems to never show up :-)

    Chelle UNITED STATES said:

    Warm and rain do not go well together! :)

    Lifecruiser: No, they don’t. Well, it depends, cold and rain is no hit either :-)


    hi, this is definitely not the time to relax. but once the downtime hits you start to miss the busy times:lol:
    a quick questoin about the tackle it tuesday blogroll, i’ve put it on my site, but i’m not on it yet. how do i get to be on it as well?

    Lifecruiser: You’re so right there Marina :-) Ooops, aorry about the blogroll - since I added you toour own blogroll I somehow forgot to add you to the TIT blogroll too…. *blushing* You’re added now!


    Great list and I totally agree with Tackle It Tuesday. I have gotten so much done and feel so much better for it :-}

    Lifecruiser: Thanks :-)

    Wystful1 UNITED STATES said:

    That sounds so drastic for Mr. Rudolph….um, er…Mr. L! Blisters? Is he in any pain with those? Sounds like it wouldn’t be much fun.

    New curtains!!! I love to buy that stuff and make a change in a room. You’ll have to take pics if and when you can.

    Happy Thursday.

    Lifecruiser: Luckily, they don’t hurt now, just the first day. Ah, yes, pictures of the changes will come!


    hi, thanks for adding me on to the blogroll.
    my son’s a bit sick so i’m totally harried these days.
    catch up with your later.

    Lifecruiser: Oh, no hurry over here, take your time to heal your son :-)

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