Comments on: Thirteen weird house rules Ranked Top 100 Travel Blog Lifecruiser. Travel information & photos. Europe, North & South America. Thu, 28 Feb 2013 16:50:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Norma Norma Tue, 28 Nov 2006 22:19:19 +0000 Well, now that’s a different one from the cruise details we’ve come to love!

I’m a bit late–My TT is up. MM too.

Lifecruiser: I’m one day late too, because of no internet connection, so no worry :-)

By: Irish Church Lady Irish Church Lady Fri, 24 Nov 2006 13:18:53 +0000 You crack me up, woman! Great list of ‘house rules’. It’s great that you have such a wide open relationship with your husband that you can talk about anything and everything (including poop), even if you are both talking about different things at the same time!

Oh but your bed sounds too narrow for me! We share ours with our big dog and sometimes our little grandog so it’s crowded enough as it is even though it is Queen sized. Which reminds me of Nathalies remark “Even the Queen needs to wipe her arse” LOL which reminds me that the movie “THE QUEEN” is out now and it is supposed to be good and well acted. Are you going to see it or perhaps you do not want to leave the house? BTW they don’t let you go into movie theatres in the nude is alls I’m sayin’.

Lifecruiser: Good! *Giggles* Yes, it’s very relaxed, our relationship… *lol* And, no, there wouldn’t been any space left for a dog too!!! Ah, The Queen-movie, you know that don’t come out over here until in the beginning of February I read somewhere. And it will be too cold to go naked then…. *lmao* or should it be *fmao* ? (freezing my ass of)

By: Smurf Smurf Fri, 24 Nov 2006 00:10:53 +0000 Lol…:lol:What a funny list. Hmm… cleaning nude… well that would have to be after the kids are in bed. ;) Happy TT !

Lifecruiser: Thanks Smurf. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Yes, it might be more difficult for others to keep those rules up… *lol*

By: desert rat desert rat Thu, 23 Nov 2006 21:08:29 +0000 Hah! Okay, I’m smiling now. I like the bit about talking about completely different things. People seem to do that all the time anyhow, so might as well enjoy it!

Lifecruiser: Good :-) Yes, why not have a giggle attack? it’s fun and free!

By: mar mar Thu, 23 Nov 2006 17:47:24 +0000 LOL, love your house rules!
By the way, we keep matches in the bathroom just in case and never listen to the one insisting on describing the last digestion :)
We used to have a 2m x 2m bed, reduced it to 1.60 m wide because Spanish bedrooms are smaller than the German ones…but 90cm! that must be love !!

Lifecruiser: Yes, we love them too :-) And… yes, soo true – it’s love x millions *smiling so big that it look silly*

By: Sonny Sonny Thu, 23 Nov 2006 17:00:38 +0000 Very nice list!
It made me laugh! Thanks for that! :lol:
Have a save and happy Thanksgiving!
Happy TT from Germany,

Lifecruiser: Thanks sonny. I’m glad that you enjoyed it :-)

By: ali ali Thu, 23 Nov 2006 15:58:20 +0000 thanks for the laughs…a poo record….i needed it today sitting at my desk at work…

Lifecruiser: You’re welcome. Work hah? Pheeew. I’m only glad to have amused you :-)

By: Skittles Skittles Thu, 23 Nov 2006 15:42:10 +0000 Happy Thanksgiving and Happy TT!

Lifecruiser: Thanks Skittles, we wish you the same :-)

By: Moogie Moogie Thu, 23 Nov 2006 14:24:01 +0000 LOL! I absolutely loved this one. I showed it to my husband and he laughed even harder than me!!!! What a great list!

I have huge grocery lists. In fact, sometimes it’s hard to figure out where to put anything.

Lifecruiser: Good! That was part of the reason to confess about these weird rules…. The only problem with the huge grocery shopping is to carry all the bags from the car and indoors!

By: colleen colleen Thu, 23 Nov 2006 13:37:43 +0000 Imagine that! #1 Have you tried the refresh button? Mine are not about Thanksgiving.

Lifecruiser: This refresh BUTTon must be defect….. *lol*
