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They say that the nice weather will come to an end now, so I’ll keep dreaming about the summer, so we’ve ordered the tickets for the ferry to Gotland and FÃ¥rö (island outside Swedens east coast) where we gonna spend all July as usual as well as booked our beds at the farm.

Our absolute favorite place on earth! A summer paradise! The best sandy beaches!

Lifecruisers ferry booking

Actually, money from the sold stuff I showed you in earlier TIT’s, paid for the ferry, nice huh? We only have 2 minor things left from that earlier sales round, the rest is sold!

I’ve been to the doctor and got my medicine for the Fibromyalgia and reminded them about that I want a copy of my medical journals which they seemed to have “forgot”. Hm…

Another, tasty tackle we’ve had is to get rid off all the food we’ve had in the freezer before summer, so we can defrost it while we’re at FÃ¥rö on vacation in July.

Already now (longing for the summer obviously *lol*), we’ve been cooking dinners according to what was in there, quite an artwork sometimes, butt we’ve done it ;-) There is not much left in there now and we’re planning to keep it that way.

Lifecruisers freezer

So, now we come to the big hits for the week. The cleaning of bookshelves and getting rid off a lot of other stuff we never use. I don’t have photos of all this.

Not looking much, but it takes time to sort out never the less:

- Photo printing paper – for the printer we don’t even have any more! The packages isn’t even broken.

- A lot of picture cards, bought but never sent and I don’t feel like sending them in the near future either. I’ve sent the ones with horse motif to my niece in an envelope together with some stamps with horse motif and the other ones I’ll ask my sister if she wants.

- I also had a lot of old jewellery thats either broken or not in my taste any more, in gold and silver which I’m gonna take to the goldsmith. We’ll see if I do something else of them or just take the gold and silver value.

- I had my jewellery just laying in the bookshelf, for practical reach reason, butt now we’ve put some crooks in the wardrobe instead, so I can hang them in there. I love this solution because I’ve never liked jewellry boxes – I don’t like when the necklaces is laying near each other and may mat.

- Several bad sun glasses, old papers, clips, magazines etc to throw away. Chargers and stuff moved from the minor bookshelf to the desk drawers – which is next project to clean!

The minor bookshelf in red wood is totally cleaned and put out for sale.

Lifecruisers bookshelf 1  Lifecruisers bookshelf 2

This is all things we throw away this time:

Lifecruisers bookshelf

Then we remembered other stuff we never use:

- Shoes (Peter Kaiser) only worn 1 day before they got to big, is put out for sale. No luck so far. Other from a fetish guy who called and wanted me to pose in the shoes for him…. He would pay extra for that. That’s why I always let Mr Lifecruiser take care of the sales ads!

- 1 necklace in bronze called The Sunlion, which is made after a treasure that was hidden about 1000 years ago. The animal has been as a detail on a krucifix in the treasure. It’s of a very wellknown brand named Kalevala and cost about 2225:- Swedish crowns normally.

- 2 scatter cushions with marine motif were put out for sale and was bought straight away and he also bought 1 painting of a halfknown artist we hadn’t put out for sale yet, so that was a good thing.

- I handcrafted bowl that don’t fit in our home is put out for sale. Probably it will be hard to sell, we don’t like it ourselves…. Butt you’ll never know, so we’ll do an attempt.

Lifecruisers shoes  Lifecruisers Kalevala jewellery
Lifecruisers bowl  Lifecruisers cushions

Ooops! I nearly forgot: since the weather have been so nice I finally was forced to get some pedicure done!

If you ever have had back problems, you know how difficult it is to get your feet done by yourself, so this has been a major thing to tackle for me… Ouch!

Lifecruisers painted nails

….and the shoes is new ones yes – and paid for with “sales ads money”. I found them on our hunt for the other ones more suitable for that green-golden dress I showed you in my last TIT’s post.

My back is not fond of me right now, butt I don’t care! I’ve decided to get rid off all those tackles as soon as possible to be able to relax properly after that and not have them hanging over me like big rocks on my back! Mr L is a big help in this of course.

The cleaning of the kitchen cupboards is started too, so now you’ll know one of the things we’ll be occupied with until next Tuesday :-)

Captain TITS Lifecruiser

Reminder rest TITS:

- Clean writing desk drawers: started
- Clean kitchen cupboards:- started
- Porcelain boxes (will follow the cupboards cleaning)
- Get rid off my TITS before summer: on going
- Buy shoes for the wedding: on going
- Clean bathroom – part 1 done
- Basement storage – part 1 done
- Sales ads – Total of 13 done
- Buy a new digital camera

See the latest post and Tackle It Tuesday participants over at 5 minutes for mom.

Lifecruiser lifering

Next port: A peaceful Savannah, US the 16th ? -17th. As soon as Debbie is ready to guide us. She is having some back pain, so have patience folks :-)

Do you want to hop aboard at next event?
Read about Cruiser Grades.

Read more about Lifecruiser cyber cruise.

Cyber Cruise Calendar 2007
Cyber Cruise Souvenirs

Lifecruiser Cyber Cruise in Technorati

6 Comments on “This weeks TITS hits”

    RennyBA NORWAY said:

    I’m sure Gotland is wonderful – havn’t been there but would have loved to go (would you guide me?:-)

    So in July we’ll stick to our paradise in Sweden, ‘The pearl of Vänern, Mariestad!

    Lifecruiser: It’s a paradise, really! Of course we would guide you – and especially to se the best of FÃ¥rö, the small island on the north tip of Gotland, which is the very best! It has the best beaches and the best sea stacks, called raukar in Swedish. Very special landscape!

    Angel ( Angel Mamas Pearls of Wisdom) UNITED STATES said:

    Wow long list. Your pictures look like mine this week..LOL Great job Captain..LOL

    Angel ( From Angel Mamas Pearls of Wisdom)

    Lifecruiser: Thanks. I’ll pop over later to check yours :-)

    Sanni GERMANY said:

    WOW – your TITs are really huge! Congrats! :mrgreen:
    Please tell me you´ll have internet connection while you are spending the summer in Fårö!!!

    You´ve done a nice job on your feet. Very cute – and the shooooooeeeees *sigh*. Perfect.

    I´ll try the sales ads, too. I´m in need to get rid of some stuff that´s too high in prize to throw it away – but the weather is so nice I can´t pull myself together …

    Please have a look at my TITs if you´ll find a second. Well, okay. It´s just one TIT this week. The other one is still in progress *LOL*


    Lifecruiser: Thanks Sanni :-) Well, we will have some internet connection, I just don’t know how it will be. We’re thinking of buying a lap-top to take with us and there are wireless connection at some spots nearby at least and if we’re very lucky, maybe where we stay too, butt I wouldn’t count on it… And besides that: I’m not sure that I’ll have that much time for blogging – there are so much to do there!

    I’ll pop over and do an examniation fo your TIT of course. *giggles*

    claudie FRANCE said:

    I love your shoes!
    Färo seems to be a beautiful place!
    Summer is here now but as I’m always thinking to sell my house and visit the others I can’t really take the relax time I need! I think after I’ll catch the lost time!!! I’ve to buy a new digital camera too but this month I’ve bought to many clothes for this summer! Three nice african clothes and three indian trousers!
    Hummmm! Pierre will have a beautiful star !!!
    Have a marvelous day!

    Lifecruiser:Yes, you’re having summer already – abit ahead of us you lucky ones! Oh, that clothes sounded really hot!

    Imma (Alice) CANADA said:

    Wow, big TITs! Haha. Lots of work getting done at your place… not much getting done here as I’m spending too much time blogging, haha. You’re invited over to see my TITs.

    Lifecruiser: Sem to be a lot of TITS examination for me this week! *giggles*

    Jenn UNITED STATES said:

    You always have this knack of making me smile – I love how you show your TITS! :D

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Jenn, I’m glad that I make you smile :-D

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