NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Thursday Thirteen-thing, we ♥ LOVE all comments
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
Love that shot of the ribbons…would love to be swimming in that beautiful blue water.
Lifecruiser: Thanks Tasra
Yes, that bath is magical, to float around there is the ultimate relaxation.
A great idea for a list! I love the pictures!! Have a great Thursday!
Lifecruiser: Yes, I thought so too, since I hadn’t my brain enough functional to make another list right now
Lovely photos. The one of you floating in the hot water is wonderful.
My TT is up.
Lifecruiser: Yes, it was wonderful, more than that, so refreshing so there is no words for it!
Is that a pint of Guiness Stout?:wink:
Lifecruiser: Yes – in Ireland, they taste better over there!
cool list!!! Happy TT!
Lifecruiser: Thanks
(It’s the little things) It’s the little things
And the joy they bring, it’s the little things
(The little things) It’s the little things
Give me my guitar, give me a bright star
Give me some good news, give me some cute shoes
Give me Atlanta, give me Savannah
give me my peace of mind
Give me some Stevie, give me some Donny
Give me my daddy, give me my mommy
Pour me some sweet tea, spoonful of honey
I don’t need no Hollywood
Just a connatation – this a song by India Arie – one of my favourite artists.
The little things are the biggest ones in my opinion.
Lifecruiser: I so totally agree with you there Kasia
so fun! All good time!
And today I beginn to work! Vacations are ended! We prepare our classrooms to receive our small children monday! But it’s nice too! the children are waiting for the school!
have a good day ! I go to work again!
Lifecruiser: Aha, so it’s time to work again, I bet your pupils are gonna learn a lot this year
What kind of candy is the orange stringy picture. Love the color and composition. What a marvelous idea. Also loved the medieval kiss!
Lifecruiser: It’s orange sweet long strings, filled with something else sweet. I suck on describing this… It’s one of my favorite pics though. And the kiss….well…. *LOVE*
Oh, the spa looks absolutely wonderful…and what a beautiful butterfly…but aren’t they all lovely? *s*
Lifecruiser: the spa is just heavenly. And I agree about the butterflies. They are almost too beautiful.
Hey, is that Coke twice…or is that a dark beer? Who is that kissing in a wig?!
My 13 are stranger than fiction.
Lifecruiser: Noooo, that’s a Guiness too. In Ireland. The best way to drink Guiness. And the kissing…. well let’s just say that we love our wigs, they are fabulous 18th century actually. Made after a picture of old hairstyles in a book. Maybe a bit unpractical nowadays…. *lol*
I really like your idea of a Thursday Thirteen in pictures!
Have a great day!
Lifecruiser: Yes, it can be nice with pic sometimes
I love picture lists! I have traveled thru alot of these with you! I love the toady frog! Great sharing as always! Mine is up. Happy Thursday!
Lifecruiser: Yes, they say more, don’t they?
I love the picture of the candy! I like Coke, too! But seldom drink it since it’s so expensive.
My TT is up!
Lifecruiser: I’m happy that we have a cheaper brand that’s actually is pretty good
Lovely pics. My favorites are the thermal spa, Ahhhhh……Looks so relaxing, and I love all the little things, the butterfly, the frog, the scarab beetle, and a kiss is worth a thousand words.
Happy Thursday!
Lifecruiser: Mmmm, I can only nodd
You have such a great eye on posting pics that just flow & feed off one another! I *love* the frog! We have several wild ones hopping around here.
Lifecruiser:Thanks PixiPrincessMom, you make me blushing now…. The frog is one of my favorites too, since it’s from Paraguay and there were a lot of frogs with VERY STRANGE sounds, quite unbelievable.
Now, when you say “enjoy”…do you mean “like to eat”?:wink::wink:
Lifecruiser: Uhum… As the hungry monster I am, It could have been…. *lol*
Wow, wonderful pictures!!!
Lifecruiser: Thanks
How did I know sushi and mushrooms wouldn’t be included in this.
Lifecruiser: Yes, it sounds like you know this hungry monster well, hah? *lol* I leave that ones to you!
Looks like someone enjoys photography! My husband and son are both into it. Nice pictures.
My TT is up.
Lifecruiser: Yes, both of us actually. Interesting enough we can go on the same place and shot at the same objects and yet, the pics come out different, isn’t that cool?
cool list – a great idea! very, very cool!!
Lifecruiser: Thanks Merry Rose
That is a great Thursday 13!!! I really liked “reading” it! Very creative!
A picture really is worth a thousand words!
Lifecruiser: Thanks. Yes, it is and both together is even more powerful
What a great looking TT. So colourful!
Love me Guinness but the frog I could do without unless he’s a handsome prince in which case it’s too late for me but I have 21 year old daughter. wink wink
Lifecruiser: Ohhh, it’s never too late for LOVE…. *lol*
Diet COke is my thing…
Lifecruiser: Mine too, instead of drinking too much coffee
Love your pictures.
My favourite is the little froggie pictures.
Lifecruiser: I almost knew that you should say that
Fantastic post here – the very same day I did post my first one. I surely have miles to go;))