
Lifecruiser Blogblast for Peace Globe
Join Blogblast for peace the 4th of June!
Click on my globe image above to get info.

One thing that is crucial when out traveling the world is peace. First of all your inner peace – which I mostly get just by being out exploring the world :-D – but also peace in the country you travel within.

It would have been so wonderful if we didn’t have to think about such worries, just to explore the whole world unlimited, without any fears.

Things get very tough if there is a war – or if it breaks out while being there, so better check out the country before going there, just to make sure there are no disturbances.

Travel recommendations

Enjoy your safe travel or stay at home in peace. What ever you prefer. That is if you have peace in your home…

Which reminds me of an old saying:

“There is peace in the home where the husband is deaf and the wife is blind….”

Captain Peace Lifecruiser

Heads Or Tails Rules


22 Comments on “Travel in peace”

    Andree said:

    That is a great punch line at the end of your post! Choices of places to travel to seem to be more and more limited as the years go on. What a loss.


    Awesome Captain, awesome. You really know how to put together a cool graphic. Have a great day. :)

    Comedy Pluss last blog post..Mimi’s Labor of Love

    Sue said:

    Beautiful peace globe, and post! Happy HOT day!

    Sues last blog post..Peace Is In My Blood



    Thank you so much for posting this. Your site is soooo beautiful. And peaceful. I also must thank you publicly for doing the DIGG story. I made a little post about you and your lovely Make Love globe. It is really aweseome. This will be one of the most popular peace globes out there. REALLY cool.

    Go on with your groovy peace-loving lovemaking self.


    Mimi Lenoxs last blog post..Make Love Not War….Can you DIGG It?

    picturing said:

    great post. I will check it later that site…

    Will you visit mine Thanks

    Ling said:

    You could also read the news and see if everything at your destination is ok. For that matter, doing research about other things, like the weather, traffic, language, cultural etiquette, etc. could also come in handy.

    trailers said:

    I looking for peace every where but it hiding from us. day day the peace is hiding from world, every body going to be wild and no compromise. thats so bad for the world. when I go anywhere for a tour I find peace in my mind.

    trailerss last blog post..The Bank Job (2008)

    Gattina said:

    I am offended ! your forgot me twice ! Belgium and Germany, lol ! I am busy with sorting out my pictures of Greece before I can start to write about it. But it will come !

    Gattinas last blog post..

    Inspiration Alley said:

    Great post. The quote at the end made me smile and definitely agree that traveling brings about an inner peace.

    Inspiration Alleys last blog post..All of a Piece?

    Hootin' Anni said:

    PEACE my captain!!!

    Hootin’ Annis last blog post..

    Lifecruiser said:

    Noooo, I’ll never forget YOU Gattina :-)

    It’s just that this post was made in a hurry and I couldn’t find any more sites, so if you happen to know the links to them, let me know and I’ll update the post…

    Skittles said:

    Oh wow… have you been in a warring country while out on your travels???

    Skittless last blog post..Heads Or Tails #39 – Peace Or Piece

    Raven said:

    Nice post. I love your blogblast graphic. Beautifully done. And the “old saying” made me laugh. Excellent peace post.

    Vic Grace said:

    I will check out the globe for peace thing thanks

    Vic Graces last blog post..Heads or Tails – Peace

    Vixen said:

    I love your peace globe. I am saving mine until June…ok, I am not saving it…I haven’t done it yet.

    I love that witty little thing at the end, hee hee

    Vixens last blog post..Luna Pacis

    RennyBA said:

    It goes will with my saying too: Make Blogs – not War, so maybe I’ll attend this year too :-)

    RennyBAs last blog post..17th of May Parade in Norway

    Maribeth said:

    Yes I so agree! Do go and check on our Tor! It seems he has lost his son!!!

    Maribeths last blog post..The Loons

    Calvin said:

    Awesome post! Seriously guys, make love, not war. I love everything about this post of yours. Especially the excellent quote to end it off! Great job!

    claudie said:

    Of course I hate war and each day watching the actualities on TV, each day watching violence all over our world. When men will understand peace is the only way. I can’t understand the mental of people who create arms and sell them.

    claudies last blog post..The farm of Belgentier (2)


    I have a challenge for you…

    The BlogBlast For Peace Meme ~ Join The Revolution.

    Have a great day. :)

    Comedy Pluss last blog post..The BlogBlast For Peace Meme ~ Join The Revolution

    Join BlogBlast For Peace! said:

    [...] least a couple of my blog friends: Mrs. Lifecruiser and Sandee (Comedy +) have reminded me of another chance to focus on the same and of course [...]

    RennyBA said:

    Finally I’m with and have tagged you as well :-)

    RennyBAs last blog post..Join BlogBlast For Peace!

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