OK, one thing lead to another…. Spa the other day. Flooding champagne. Yesterday visiting my Mom at the elderly home – there was tears of joy which later was exchanged for tears of sadness when we had to leave.
All different kind of water though.
What post to write when you’ve done absolutely nothing except from staring at the raindrops right now?
And this brain po(o)ps out this:
We have a lot of water here in Sweden. No surprise? But did you know that we have around a hundred thousands of lakes in this little country? (Heck, I was surprised over the numbers too!) On top of that we also have about six thousands of other watercourses.
Swedens land mass is about the size of California, just to give you something to compare it with.
Around Stockholm we have both the archipelago’s (one of the worlds largest) with about thirty thousands of islands and the sweetwater lake Mälaren, which actually provides us with our fresh water too.
The fresh water is really good here, but I have to admit: the most excellent water we’ve tasted was in Iceland! Nothing beats their water from the wells or the glaciers. The purest of pure with no taste at all.
I’m strange when it comes to water. Yes, as everything else I can hear you say. *lol* What about it then?
I love to be in the water, but to drink it? No, no. I’ve never been drinking much water, but I guess the time when I drank too much of it just did it to me.
That was in high school. I was exhausted after a long walking day in the sun and probably had too much to drink. Of water. I got sick and throw up. Ever since I have this issue with drinking water, feeling it splashing around in my stomach making me ill. Yes, it’s silly, but hey, it’s me.
You can actually get toxicated if you drink too much water in a short time, but at the same time we have to have it to survive. What a contradiction. You have to balance the amount of water you drink.
There is a Swedish word for it that doesn’t have it’s equivalence in english: Lagom. It means just enough or with moderation.
There is some really fun ways of using water though, as in water wars – the only war I care to participate in!!!!
*splashing a water balloon on you*
Oooops, did you get wet? *giggling hysterically*
(…waiting for the revenge act of yours…)
WoW 100,ooo lakes.
I like water to but I must admit I learned to swim 7 years ago until then I was a professional drowner.
We have a lot of lakes here too and some pretty big ones
Have a nice weekend
Lifecruiser: Actually Mr Lifecruiser is not a good swimmer either, so I guess I have to save him if it comes to that… I hope you have a wonderfully, hm, dry (?) weekend too
Is there such a thing as a ‘drowning smiley’? That’s what I’d use ’cause I sink like a rock.
Actually, when I was little I did make a start at learning (funny: the place was called the ‘Tre kroner’ – it’s no longer there) .
I would try again, but I just don’t like the public swimming pool atmosphere. Maybe if had a little lake in Sweden?
Lifecruiser: Maybe you should try the swimming pools once more, think about it, you almost drowning and there comes the lovely woman trying to rescue you and maybe forced to use some mouth-to-mouth method
Hm… come to think about it, yes we do have a lot of really strong female swedish swimmers and with 100 000 lakes – how could you fail in the mission? *lol*
I’ve heard a lot about this beautiful country and if given a chance, I will surely include that in my list of travels.
Have a wonderful Saturday. My SPH is up now!
Lifecruiser: Let me know if you do so we can guide you
and think about the fact that it’s best during May-August. I’ll be visiting your PSH right now!
Here in Canada we have lots of water too. Unfortunately the Americans are building houses in deserts and will be drinking our water soon.
Lifecruiser: I guess it isn’t always seen as a good thing when areas get exploited. It always depends on who has the most to gain of it…
We get our water here from a spring about 60 meters from the house. It furnishes water for 20 homes in our community. It’s the best water I’ve ever drank. No clorine or flouride like they do in the urban areas, just water.
Ane there are streams and brooks all over this area.
Lifecruiser: That’s how Icelands water is, so I think you’re very lucky. Ours are close to that quality too, despite the fact that we’re living in the urban area of Stockholm. Sweden have very fresh water.
i have had many a water balloon dropped on me when i was a teenager. my uncle, who was 2 years older than i use to live on the third floor of an apartment in the city. i would go visit him and my grandparents every weekend during summer vacation. he would always drop water balloons on me from the third floor . he was very good at it too.
Lifecruiser: So you’re actually a water ballon expert