You have to excuse me this Sunday, this might not be the most excellent photo, but I throw in this post in a hurry. My mom is ill and was sent by ambulance to the hospital, so I was there the whole Saturday night - the evening I use to prepare GTS posts.
We don’t know yet what’s wrong, but they suspect some kind of infection, because the tests they took wasn’t good. We’ll see what they’ll find. We feel that she is more safe in the hospital than in the elderly home since, once again, she has got a lack of fluid too… *sigh*
Now over to the Green Thumb Sunday post again! Lately I’ve begin to notice that the staff in stores seems to have minor knowledge about plants (actually something like the elderly homes staff don’t have about the elderly…). This is a Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum), in the picture.
The Peace Lily is a swamp plant originally. The soil should be watered through and not be allowed to dry out. So what are these plants doing in that kind of pots in the picture? They are not at all suitable for this kind of flowers. Too small too, they grow rather fast if you treat them right.
In the spring you can divide the plant and plant it again. I’ve had Peace Lily’s that I did put down in the aquarium, they were excellent for that purpose. I just had to make sure that they had enough nourishment. I wrapped the roots in peat and some kind of nourishments tablets in there and put it down in the sand.
The Peace Lily cleans indoor air of many environmental contaminents, including benzene, formaldehyde, and other pollutants.
It cleans best at one plant per 10 m2 - could it be any better?
I just surfed onto your site from 9rules. My best to your mom
Lifecruiser: Thanks and welcome back Alvin
Those pots or vases, whatever they are, don’t make any sense! Why are they so tall? They would make great pots for starting sweet pea plants.
I have several peace lilies, divided over the years and potted on. Lovey plants! Very easy as well.
Hope your Mom feels well soon.
Lifecruiser: Thanks Siliva/Salix
Precisely, I think it’s because the look different. Stupid enough.
Its wrong planted (that’s what I red when my mouse touched the picture accidentally lol)
It’s sad for your mum. She just should fall asleep forever. This is not a life anymore.
Lifecruiser: That was an easy one hah? *lol*
Yes, I so agree about my Mom. But it’s not up to us…
Wow! I had no idea that Peace Lillies did all that!
Wonder if they could wash my dishes too??
On a serious note, I hope you mother improves quickly!
Lifecruiser: Thanks deb. Oh, in that case I would run out and buy a lot of them
I’m afraid I’m not that good with our green friends either, but these stores they just don’t care, do they? It’s supposed to look good and if the plants die, they get new ones. It’s such a waste. Have you told them? Prolly best you didn’t – chances are they’d give you the once over and think you’re an idiot.
As the others: hope it works out fine with your mom - whichever way. Take care, my friends!
Lifecruiser: Thanks Nils. Frankly, I’ve given up to tell people things any more. They don’t want to learn something new, they just want their pay check and do as little as possible for it….
Firstly, I hope your Mum will soon be feeling much better. I take it from the comments that she is quite elderly and probably she and all the family would like her to go in peace and comfort, sooner rather than later?
Personally, I don’t particularly like those pots, especially for the Peace Lily. They look so unnatural.
I guess it’s difficult for staff to know everything about all the plants they sell, and sometimes they don’t have a choice. Some of our larger garden centres (which are part of a chain of stores) have to take whatever central management decides to send, often regardless of local conditions. We have heavy frosts in our area but I often see plants that are very frost tender without any warning labels on them.
Lifecruiser:Thanks Alice. Yes, she is in rather bad shape even normally so I really feel sorry for her, but it’s not our decision though. We’ll see how it goes.
Yes, you’re probably right there, but I would hadve problem working there and see this
Those plants need a good home quick!
Lifecruiser: Yes a new home with new beds - maybe double bed’s…? *lol*
Hope your mom gets well soon.
I wouldn’t have known what was wrong with the pic, thanks for the information, plants are amazing, aren’t they?
Lifecruiser: Thanks Mar. Yes, plants really are fantastic. Moder nature is grand as usual!
Hope your Mom has a speedy recovery.
Maybe the stores are just trying to get people to rescue the plants. It sounds like a good strategy to me..
Lifecruiser: Thanks. Maybe the stores planning more than that. They’re planning serie killing of plants, so they can sell more of them :-O
I have two varieties of the Peace Lily. Both are in very large 24 inch pots and doing pretty good. I put them outside this summer and it was too hot for them. So next spring they will stay in the house and be pampered better. Both were plants that were sent to my moms funeral and I brought them home with me. I call them my mom plants and each time they bloom I think of it as my mom having something to say!
You would think places that sale plants would know more about how to care for them!
Lifecruiser: I can imagine that they thought it was too hot in the summer, even though they are easy maintained otherwise. I like that you said that your mom is saying something with the blooms