Mrs Lifecruiser ashamed blushing
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32 Comments on “Wordless ashamed blushing”

    Josh UNITED STATES said:

    Some super heroine or something? I’m confused. What is that picture of exactly? lol.

    Lifecruiser: It’s me, ashamed and blushing, hiding behind glasses, colors taking away to not need to see my blushing - for what you’ll hear about tomorrow….. *teasing*

    miss ass.Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    What made Mrs.Lifecruiser Wordless ashamed and blushing?? Let me guess…hmmm…. can it have something to do with mothers 80th B’day.. that isn’t today… it’s NEXT week *lol*… Glad you didn’t find any fresh flowers yesterday though… *LMAO*

    Lifecruiser: Yes, yes, yes, laugh at me…. Kick someone that already is down…. *lol*

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Lifecruiser: Sorry Miss Ass. Lifecruiser, I have to throw some censorship on your comment, since you’re having inside information about this, so that comment it put on hold until tomorrow :-)

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:


    Josh UNITED STATES said:

    I’ll be back tomorrow to find out what’s up in the pic, promise. ;)

    Lifecruiser: I bet it’s none of the alterantives what you’re guessing…. *lol*

    Chana CANADA said:

    you are a beautiful and sexy woman Mrs. Lifecruiser..i can’t imagen why you might be blushing, can’t wait to find out…;p

    Lifecruiser: Ohhh, thanks Chana - at least Mr L thinks so ;-) Getting curious hah? *lol*


    I’ve never seen anyone get so dressed up to feel ashamed, ha,ha..

    Lifecruiser: Ha ha ha…. You know, I do everything with style ;-)

    Gattina BELGIUM said:

    Looks a litte pale, that made me wordless !

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I’m blushing so I got pale ;-)

    michelle UNITED STATES said:

    So, you are just going to leave us hanging??? HOW RUDE! I guess I will be back! Mine’s up!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, my middle name is EverRude… but it is rather fun anyway isn’t it? *lol*


    What a wonderful asset that you can still blush! Can’t wait to get the story behind the picture. Can you blush in black and white?

    Lifecruiser: Normally, it’s Mr L that is the blush-expert in this home. For me, it totally depends on what it’s all about! B/W blushing would be this pale, so I guess I can…. *lol*

    viamarie PHILIPPINES said:

    Sorry but I can’t see the blush.

    Happy Wednesday! My WW is up too.

    Lifecruiser: Maybe that’s because you don’t see anything to be blushing from ;-) You have to use your imaginination, it’s the pale that is my blush…

    Connie UNITED STATES said:

    Well it’s a very artistic picture, I like it!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it’s Mr Lifecruisers art :-)


    great pic, like the effects! Happy Wednesday!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks ML, we do too :-)

    The Foo UNITED STATES said:

    that would make a good magazine cover or something i.e. with the b/w semi negative effect. nice WW.
    mine is up.

    Lifecruiser: It turned out pretty good despite that I’m in the picture *lol*


    Very cool pic!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks :-)

    Brony CANADA said:

    What an interesting photo. It has a certain element of mystery to it. Perhaps that it what makes it so sexy.

    Happy WW!

    Lifecruiser: You probably nailed it there, it’s the mystery that makes it :-)

    tasra UNITED STATES said:

    Hmmm…very mysterious. Must be something pretty interesting!

    Lifecruiser: At least we tend to fantasize about that when we don’t know for sure ;-)

    Gabrielle INDONESIA said:

    I LOVE your blog top graphic! So funny :lol:

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Gabrielle. We’re very fond of it too, so it will be with grief we let it go after October….

    mar SPAIN said:

    Blushing and hiding behind sunglasses?? must be a good reason, can’t wait to hear all about it!
    (tell us, tell us!) :cool:

    Lifecruiser: He he, I like this curiosity among you…. !


    Okay, I’m confused.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, that happens sometimes when visiting us. We’re confusing and acting confusing and ARE confused very often too ;-) Ah, just call it crazy, it’s much more simple!

    Miss Ass.Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    My dear friend.. NP.. I’m use to be put on hold *lol*

    We are still laughing , laughing , laughing here =))
    My daughter said.. Is she totally braindead???
    Don’t know what to answer on that question…

    I strongly recommend a looong vacation… What about the desert in Nevada??? *lol*

    Lifecruiser: Ohh, laugh at me you, I’m so used to that *lol*

    At least some major parts of my brain is dead - or maybe it’s my brain that is on vacation? You know, I have tried to find it once before, refresh your memory here: “Brain Wanted”.

    MamaDuck UNITED STATES said:

    LOL oh my, I’ll be back tomorrow I guess ;).

    Lifecruiser: Hehe, you do so :-)

    Debbie UNITED STATES said:

    Really Mrs. L you are such a tease sometimes! LOL The picture is great and the effects are stunning! But I am not sure how to comment until you dish out the whole story!

    But you know I will be back tomorrow!
    My WW is up. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    Lifecruiser: I know…. *lmao*

    deb UNITED STATES said:

    Such a tease! I like the picture…must come back to find out the story behind it. Who knows? You might even make me blush, too! :oops:

    Lifecruiser: I really love this tease! Ha ha, maybe you’ll be imagine something totally different than this is about, how FUN ;-)


    Man, you sure know how to lead us on! Will be back tomorrow… ;)

    Lifecruiser: He he…. this is so much fun… See you tomorrow! *lol*


    Love the effect. Now I’m curious as to what you’ve been up to :lol:

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I sure hope so :-)

    Sandy UNITED STATES said:

    I agree with my friend Lazy Daisy HOW can you blush in Black and WHITE..I am for one CONFUSED!! Should I be…?? My WW is up …Sandy

    Lifecruiser: I’t’s like that in B/W: if you’re blushing it turns WHITE. Try it ;-)

    Kdubs UNITED STATES said:

    Well that’s creepy. lol

    Lifecruiser: Thanks….? *lol*


    Oh the beauty of sunglasses. They hide many a sin, no? he he he he…
    FAB black & white. Very cool!
    Happy WW & thanks for stopping by!

    Lifecruiser: Very practical yes…. *lol*

    mary CANADA said: walked out of a store and ‘forgot’ to pay for something..hehe. Will have to a good novel..can’t wait for the next page..only shorter.


    Lifecruiser: Oh, you missed the explanation…. It’s there….. *lol*

    Tricia CANADA said:

    I like that photo. You look like a glamorous movie star or model. :)

    Lifecruiser: Yes, imagine how much a picture can lie….*lol*


    Wow nice effect!
    I like that. So mysterious, like a spy novel.

    I am late but I have a WW up.
    Friday I am doing a question and answer

    Lifecruiser: Thanks, yes maybe it is a bit “spy-ish” :-)

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