
Wordless point of view

Lifecrusiers wordless point of view
Join Wordless Wednesday

Comments on Wordless point of view

  • 1
    Ma UNITED STATES said:

    I love the reflection in the window. Great shot!

    I’m up too.

    Lifecruiser: Me too ;-)

  • 2

    Awesome! What a fantastic idea! I don’t think the light would ever be quite right for our big windows to reflect like that though.

    Mine’s up!

    Lifecruiser: I seem to have some kind of reflection “radar”, I always spot the reflections somehow.

  • 3

    Am I really first??? Inconceivable !!! I love this photo, it gives the illusion of direction to the viewer…am I looking out the window upon the trees….or…am I standing outside and looking upon a reflection…hmmm. The lovely thing about art is that the artist paints a story on canvas, or in print…and the work of art has the magical power of transporting the viewer anywhere in emotion and thought…the journey is only up to the viewer….Thank you for the lovely journey ! I quite enjoyed the ride…
    Mine is up too…

    Lifecruiser: Not really first… Fact is that I hadn’t moderated any comments yet, because I was sleeping :-) I love this picture myself, just because of the fact that it can be interpreted in different ways. And it’s kind of fun, standing on the outside and still looking out and not in….

  • 4
    michelle UNITED STATES said:

    So, are you on the outside looking in, or the inside looking out??? It seems to be a beautiful view either way! My WW is up!

    Lifecruiser: Exactly my point of view *lol*

  • 5
    Michele UNITED STATES said:

    That’s a neat pic! Thanks for sharing :)
    My WW is up

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Michele :-)

  • 6
    Tricia CANADA said:

    Oh thats a wonderful photo! I love the reflection of the trees and sky on the glass. Beautiful!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Tricia. I like it very much myself :-)

  • 7

    Great picture. Love the window’s architecture/design.

    Lifecruiser: I’m glad you noticed. Me too. This is an old building on the castle area at a castle called Ulriksdal in Stockholm which is from the 17th century.

  • 8
    claudie FRANCE said:

    reflex of trees and sky on the window-pane or picture-cutting with view taking from a satellite?
    Ah,ah … the first vision and the second vision…
    Have a good day!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it starts the fantasy, doesn’t it?

  • 9
    Chi UNITED STATES said:

    I could absolutely stand at that window for hours admiring the beauty of the sky…great photo! *s*

    Lifecruiser: Actually me too :-) I had problem to go away from there.

  • 10

    Looks like one of those Jahari Window.
    thanks for passing by.

    Lifecruiser: You think. Interesting.

  • 11
    MamaDuck UNITED STATES said:

    That is just beautiful, I love that reflection. Sorry about the hacking issues yesterday too, I read about that but didn’t get to comment with the little guy. Happy WW!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks MamaDuck for your kind words. I undertsand how it is with the little guy, keeping him from doing some missions he shouldn’t! *lol*

  • 12
    eph2810 UNITED STATES said:

    That is an awesome shot. I love the reflection on the window ~ very cool.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, this one turned out pretty good, but actually, the reflection were even better in the reality! As so often is.

  • 13

    Wow, this is interesting from many perspectives. The simplicity of construction and the magnitude of the view. It’s really hypotic!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it really is. Interesting how it can turn out by just a “simple” reflection!

  • 14
    Laura UNITED STATES said:

    What a neat picture!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Laura :-)

  • 15
    guppyman UNITED STATES said:

    I wish I had a window with such a view…

    Lifecruiser: Yes, wouldn’t it be lovely? *lol*

  • 16
    Gina SWEDEN said:

    I’ll trade windows with you…I have none as grand as that!
    Welcome back after being bloggjacked!

    Lifecruiser: No, not me either, this is prbably one from the 17th century, on a building around The Ulriksdal Castle. Oh, how nice wouldn’t that be….

  • 17
    Chana CANADA said:

    :oops:i’m way behind in your post..i must catch up..what have i missed?…the picture is strikingly makes me think of the world as your stage and life as the opportunity…thank you.

    Lifecruiser: Glad you missed the mess when my blog was hijacked :-) Yes, this picture really tells a lot, if we think about it for a while.

  • 18

    Another great photo! I really like the reflection of the trees. Beautiful.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks. Yes, it was very fun to shot too, neck pain of looking up to it and almost run over by the passing cars…. *lol*

  • 19
    Heather UNITED STATES said:


    Lifecruiser: Thanks :-)

  • 20
    Connie UNITED STATES said:


    Lifecruiser: Thank you Connie :-)

  • 21
    mar SPAIN said:

    Precious! I love reflections!

    Lifecruiser: Me too!!! They are awesome, so much different ones too and some of them even distorted. They can be very interesting.

  • 22
    Virginia UNITED STATES said:

    Very Pretty! My WW is up. :-)

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Virginia :-)

  • 23
    Frances UNITED STATES said:

    Nice angle.
    Would be nice to be on the other side of that window.
    Thanks for visiting,

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it sure would be interesting since it’s an old house :-)

  • 24
    Brony CANADA said:

    All I can say is WOW!!!
    I love it.

    My WW is up.

    Lifecruiser: thanks brony, a WOW is quite enough :-)

  • 25

    OH! This pic is way too cool!! Outside looking outside? Mmm…nice.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it is the cool outside x 2 :-)

  • 26

    Beautifully amazing! So which is it?

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it is the cool outside x 2 :-) at an old house.

  • 27
    Kdubs UNITED STATES said:

    Is this your work? It’s stunning!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, thanks, it’s my own shot, only our photos on this blog, never other pictures except from comic ones sometimes :-)

  • 28
    Carey UNITED STATES said:

    Great shot…never thought of taking a picture like that. Happy Wed.

    Lifecruiser: Oh, I’m kind of have a built in reflection “radar”, I always seems to find them… *lol*

  • 29

    So pretty, love the blue skies!!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks YellowRose, it really was :-)

  • 30

    Oh wow.
    At first I thought it was a photograph behind a fascad.
    The reflection is cool.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it really is like the reality :-)

  • 31
    Kailani UNITED STATES said:

    Is that your window? What a beautiful day!

    BTW, which plugin do you use to respond to each individual comment?

    Lifecruiser: No, sorry it’s not my window, but I wish it were! The plugin is CA-Credits.

  • 32
    Kasia POLAND said:

    Great! I am not sure if that’s the reflection or the view…:)

    Lifecruiser: I know, it’s very clear, so it’s a bit fascinating :-)

  • 33

    I missed this because I did not play that week! You are right we did have a twin thought! I like yours better because you did not catch you in it! Great snap!

    Lifecruiser: Ha ha, thats funny, because I like yours better *lol*. I usually like to include myself or hubby in the reflections, but this time it was not possible, the window was too high up :-)

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