The bodypainting contest we recently attended certainly made me wordless! We saw so many creative paintings. This is just one of the models bellies.
Wanna see more? Come back later… In the meantime have a look at other Wordless Wednesday partici-p-ants…
Lifecruiser ♥ Bodypainted Ants
Wow–this is stunning! And on a very flat belly…obviously!
Kuanyins last blog post..Wordless Wednesday–Starred Pumpkin
Very clever and beautifully painted. I have had ants in my pants, seriously. I was wearing shorts and sat down on a green ants’ nest. Those little buggers can sting…and they crawled up the leg of my shorts and stung me on the bum. I was very sore for a day or two. Stop laughing!
Puss in Bootss last blog post..Wildlife Abounds
Graffiti for the body. Perfect!
SandyCarlsons last blog post..Thursday Thirteen: Autumn dba ‘The Fall’
Wow, that is awesome. Some folks are just so talented. I would love to watch one of these masterpieces being done. Thanks for sharing. Big hug.
Comedy Pluss last blog post..Link Tag
That’s a nice artwork. Happy WW!
CK Go Placess last blog post..The State-of-the-art in Morning Business
Yikes, that’s disgusting !!
Gattinas last blog post..
No ants, thankyou, we have enough of our own, lol!
That’s magnificent. Very creative, and excellent work. You gotta post more pics, all in one post, cap’n. Would love to browse all the paintings.
That’s a creative piece of Art. I don’t want ants in my pants!!
My links were deleted accidentally during my blog makeover. I’m trying to link everyone back. Sorry.
eastcoastlifes last blog post..My Blogosphere Family – PhotoHunt
That is fabulous. Very creative and realistic. I almost thought it was a photograph.
Carvers last blog post..Wordless Wednesday: Contrasting Building Materials
claudies last blog post..Peines de coeur d’une chatte anglaise
fascinating! can’t wait to see more of these!
and happy WW …
isabella moris last blog virtual bookshelf
That makes my skin crawl, seriously!!! LOL What amazing works of art, but ANTS! LOL
Happy WW!
YellowRoses last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – “Meet Suki”
555 ~ reminds me of the infamous Antz Pants advertisement here a long time ago …and the follow-up one.
Very tongue in cheek, because the word “sick” means *F* in Turkish, so when the lady says,
“Sickh mee Rex!” with a French accent in the second one, my mum used to roar with laughter.
Very cool!
Carolines last blog post..Halloween
Ants – no
Aunts? haha if —
btw. I hope I’m able to start commenting again during Sunday or something in that time horizen
Extraordinary artwork. Skin must make for a strange canvas with its bumps and curves. The best ones seem use the body contours really effectively.
Mark Hs last blog post..Underground Fantasy (Skocjan Caves, Slovenia)
I think I will start painting Anna or vica versa.
But, I do know, for the helath of your skin, special paintings are needed (all Actors knows that)
TorAas last blog post..PhotoHunt – October 25 – 2008