Comments on: Swedish Pyttipanna Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 08:40:28 +0000 by: Gina Fri, 01 Sep 2006 09:14:52 +0000 TJENA! Beets are what they are called in the U.S.! we eat pittipanna at least once a month, with beets and fried eggs, of course! I didn't have time to visit thursday so I am back to say that I enjoyed your site and would like to join your blogroll! <strong>Lifecruiser: Tjena Gina :-) Glad you enjoyed it. You're on our blogroll now, welcome :-)</strong> TJENA!
Beets are what they are called in the U.S.! we eat pittipanna at least once a month, with beets and fried eggs, of course! I didn’t have time to visit thursday so I am back to say that I enjoyed your site and would like to join your blogroll!

Lifecruiser: Tjena Gina :-) Glad you enjoyed it. You’re on our blogroll now, welcome :-)

by: INAMINI Tue, 29 Aug 2006 19:33:44 +0000 This sounds like something the Dutch would concoct! I will try it sometime. <strong>Lifecruiser: Do so :-) Actually, we ate today too, just a coincidence. *lol*</strong> This sounds like something the Dutch would concoct! I will try it sometime.

Lifecruiser: Do so :-) Actually, we ate today too, just a coincidence. *lol*

by: Napfisk Fri, 18 Aug 2006 22:29:16 +0000 No Swedish <i>blood</i> in me (as you assumed) but sure a lot of childhood memories and this certainly is one of them - together with the <i>köttbullar</i> and those tubes with the salmon paste in them (although those aren't exactly the greatest culinary discovery ever :wink:). Thanks for the flashback! <strong>Lifecruiser: Aha. That's how it is. I can agree with the culinary comment, but somehow I actually CAN long for those anyway. It's weird, but I'm weird ;-)</strong> No Swedish blood in me (as you assumed) but sure a lot of childhood memories and this certainly is one of them - together with the köttbullar and those tubes with the salmon paste in them (although those aren’t exactly the greatest culinary discovery ever :wink:).

Thanks for the flashback!

Lifecruiser: Aha. That’s how it is. I can agree with the culinary comment, but somehow I actually CAN long for those anyway. It’s weird, but I’m weird ;-)

by: Kasia Tue, 15 Aug 2006 09:46:52 +0000 I love everything that is fried! And especially potatoes! It is my favourite vegatable, not mentioning Carlsberg is one of my favourite beers:))) <strong>Lifecruiser: Me too. I'm a potato the whole me ;-) Carlsberg is a very very good beer, so cheers to that!</strong> I love everything that is fried! And especially potatoes! It is my favourite vegatable, not mentioning Carlsberg is one of my favourite beers:)))

Lifecruiser: Me too. I’m a potato the whole me ;-) Carlsberg is a very very good beer, so cheers to that!

by: claudie Mon, 14 Aug 2006 17:44:21 +0000 i'm from France and walking on the web after have seen athletism in Göteborg on tv! i think swedish pyttipanna is a very good idea and i practise the same sometimes when i don't want to go out of my countryside. Then i imagine and invent salad or strange cooking and they often like at home! good bye! <strong>Lifecruiser: Hope you had a good time in Göteborg Cladie. The strange cooking sounds interesting ;-)</strong> i’m from France and walking on the web after have seen athletism in Göteborg on tv!
i think swedish pyttipanna is a very good idea and i practise the same sometimes when i don’t want to go out of my countryside. Then i imagine and invent salad or strange cooking and they often like at home!
good bye!

Lifecruiser: Hope you had a good time in Göteborg Cladie. The strange cooking sounds interesting ;-)

by: Debbie Mon, 14 Aug 2006 11:27:37 +0000 I will have to remember this the next time I end up with leftovers! LOL Between a hungry all the time hubby and a growning 19 yo it is very seldom I have extra food in the fridge! This sounds like a great meal idea! Hope you are having a magic Monday! <strong>Lifecruiser: Oh, boy, Debbie, that must almost be like having a hungry monster like me in the household ;-) Hope you too have a magic monday. I'll pop over to your place at once to check up.</strong> I will have to remember this the next time I end up with leftovers! LOL Between a hungry all the time hubby and a growning 19 yo it is very seldom I have extra food in the fridge! This sounds like a great meal idea! Hope you are having a magic Monday!

Lifecruiser: Oh, boy, Debbie, that must almost be like having a hungry monster like me in the household ;-) Hope you too have a magic monday. I’ll pop over to your place at once to check up.

by: Chi Mon, 14 Aug 2006 10:19:25 +0000 That sounds really good but I am ambarrassed to say that I have no clue what pickled beetroot is. *s* <strong>Lifecruiser: No need of that, it's not common, I think, in other countries. I believe they might even call the beetroot turnips in some places. It's red though.</strong> That sounds really good but I am ambarrassed to say that I have no clue what pickled beetroot is. *s*

Lifecruiser: No need of that, it’s not common, I think, in other countries. I believe they might even call the beetroot turnips in some places. It’s red though.
