Comments on: The need of big boobs Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 10:01:07 +0000 by: Lifecruiser Wed, 10 May 2006 16:31:30 +0000 Yes, I don't know why they don't make clothes that actually fits us women as there so many of us that have problem to get our boobs in there. Why don't they make clothes with a couple of different breast widths to choose between instead? Yes, I don’t know why they don’t make clothes that actually fits us women as there so many of us that have problem to get our boobs in there. Why don’t they make clothes with a couple of different breast widths to choose between instead?

by: Mandy Wed, 10 May 2006 14:53:02 +0000 Boobs hmm, I think we should be happy with what we were given. Mind you, I'm not happy with mine, well I would be but like someone else commented here, I always find there's a gaping hole when you try blouses and that sort on.. So you either have to buy something that's 10 sizes too big, so it fits your boobs, or don;t buy anything with buttons up the front. We're never satisfied, are we? Boobs hmm, I think we should be happy with what we were given. Mind you, I’m not happy with mine, well I would be but like someone else commented here, I always find there’s a gaping hole when you try blouses and that sort on.. So you either have to buy something that’s 10 sizes too big, so it fits your boobs, or don;t buy anything with buttons up the front.

We’re never satisfied, are we?

by: Kasia Wed, 10 May 2006 13:20:43 +0000 Big silicon boobs? Blaaaa...just look at Pamela's breasts- they look like they were about to pop like popcorn. Disgusting. People are getting more and more obsessed with beauty and perfection. It is so sad. We are beautiful until we are not perfect. Big silicon boobs? Blaaaa…just look at Pamela’s breasts- they look like they were about to pop like popcorn. Disgusting.
People are getting more and more obsessed with beauty and perfection. It is so sad. We are beautiful until we are not perfect.

by: Lifecruiser Wed, 10 May 2006 08:26:37 +0000 I totally agree with you there skye. It makes me wonder where it will end. We haven't seen what that influence does in the long run either. I know exactly what you mean, because I have the same problem myself and I don't even think they are THAT big, so how do they manage? Maybe the buy them too big and sew them afterwards to fit in the waist. I will report on the hair thing separate. I totally agree with you there skye. It makes me wonder where it will end. We haven’t seen what that influence does in the long run either.

I know exactly what you mean, because I have the same problem myself and I don’t even think they are THAT big, so how do they manage? Maybe the buy them too big and sew them afterwards to fit in the waist.

I will report on the hair thing separate.

by: skye Wed, 10 May 2006 04:22:50 +0000 Pretty soon no women will need breast enlargements anyway, now that they keep giving cows so many hormones that girls are developing much earlier...and much bigger. I have large boobs, and you're right, it's hard to find clothes that fit well without gaping in the front. p.s., How's the hair situation coming along? Pretty soon no women will need breast enlargements anyway, now that they keep giving cows so many hormones that girls are developing much earlier…and much bigger.

I have large boobs, and you’re right, it’s hard to find clothes that fit well without gaping in the front.

How’s the hair situation coming along?

by: Frances Tue, 09 May 2006 15:00:45 +0000 Thanks for stopping in - love the statistics and the secret whisper **wink Have a wonderful week, Frances Thanks for stopping in - love the statistics and the secret whisper **wink
Have a wonderful week,

by: Lifecruiser Tue, 09 May 2006 11:37:44 +0000 It's too much influence to early in peoples life too. We're being feed from birth that we must be perfect. At a certain style. But what is it that says that that is the right style? Who decides that? It’s too much influence to early in peoples life too. We’re being feed from birth that we must be perfect. At a certain style. But what is it that says that that is the right style? Who decides that?

by: john Tue, 09 May 2006 11:29:51 +0000 Nice topic. I like boobs. For me the shape of the boob is more important than size. Nice topic. I like boobs. For me the shape of the boob is more important than size.

by: Kelly Mon, 08 May 2006 17:46:00 +0000 I'm not sure why people can't be happy with who they are and what they have? All I know is that I love me and that's what matters. I try to not worry to much about what others are doing. Great subject by the way! It seems to be all the rage these days to get bigger boobs and a harder d!@k. lol I’m not sure why people can’t be happy with who they are and what they have?

All I know is that I love me and that’s what matters. I try to not worry to much about what others are doing.

Great subject by the way! It seems to be all the rage these days to get bigger boobs and a harder d!@k. lol
