Comments on: Love is beutiful Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 09:59:15 +0000 by: Miss Ass. Lifecruiser Thu, 08 Sep 2005 15:00:51 +0000 :shock: That sounds like hard work!! I will check it out... 1. I do focus.... what to serve to dinner every day 2.Work out.. I know..need to start.. walking isn't enought just gives the legs a lot of muscles..not the rest... 3.Not good at drawing... 4.Figure... hmm.. well.. the mouse and stomache is in need of training... 5.I'm carrying out the trashes daily..... :shock: That sounds like hard work!! I will check it out…

1. I do focus…. what to serve to dinner every day
2.Work out.. I know..need to start.. walking isn’t enought just gives the legs a lot of muscles..not the rest…
3.Not good at drawing…
4.Figure… hmm.. well.. the mouse and stomache is in need of training…
5.I’m carrying out the trashes daily…..

by: Lifecruiser Thu, 08 Sep 2005 13:03:37 +0000 Dear Ass. As your major sponsor, I was thinking that it maybe is something wrong with your marketing methods...? Mr Lifecruiser is well educated in marketing and he suggest the following steps to improve your marketing campaign. 1) Focus on the right target group. 2) Work out a good strategy. 3) Draw a acting plan on how to achieve this goals. 4) Figure out a good marketing plan. 5) Carry it out. <strong>Go for him!</strong> Dear Ass.

As your major sponsor, I was thinking that it maybe is something wrong with your marketing methods…?

Mr Lifecruiser is well educated in marketing and he suggest the following steps to improve your marketing campaign.

1) Focus on the right target group.
2) Work out a good strategy.
3) Draw a acting plan on how to achieve this goals.
4) Figure out a good marketing plan.
5) Carry it out.

Go for him!

by: Miss Ass Lifecruiser Thu, 08 Sep 2005 03:15:15 +0000 Mrs Lifecruiser. *shaking my head* I don't run... I just take long walks!!! I'm flying, using the greyhound, going by car, train...... but I do NOT run! Well.. I did the library! Thank good for the library here, it's open until 9 PM!! Went out for a walk and the rain and thunder catched me!! I went wet... hmmm.. Are you man enough to be my man? That what I ask the guys I meet...and... always the wrong answer.... so.. I will continue my life as a nun.. fun fun.....dry dry... Waiting for the man next door to heal...brooken ribs,,,, what can you do with a man with brooken ribs??? Not much!!!!! But...*lol*.. who said I was going to do anything...except enjoy.. Have gone through almost all of Europe... nothing... Texas..hmm.. saw some cakes there... up with the greyhound to NY... nada... IL...hmmm... Minnesota *urk* ..back in IL...for how long..well... the snow will fall and I will probebly take the greyhound south... if not Mr rib or someone else comes up with some really good vibrations!!! Mrs Lifecruiser is NOT looking for some piece... she is my best sponsor *lol*.... *hug*.. okey .. *kiss* Mrs Lifecruiser.

*shaking my head* I don’t run… I just take long walks!!! I’m flying, using the greyhound, going by car, train…… but I do NOT run! Well.. I did today…to the library! Thank good for the library here, it’s open until 9 PM!! Went out for a walk and the rain and thunder catched me!! I went wet… hmmm..

Are you man enough to be my man? That what I ask the guys I meet…and… always the wrong answer…. so.. I will continue my life as a nun.. fun fun…..dry dry…

Waiting for the man next door to heal…brooken ribs,,,, what can you do with a man with brooken ribs??? Not much!!!!! But…*lol*.. who said I was going to do anything…except enjoy..

Have gone through almost all of Europe… nothing… Texas..hmm.. saw some cakes there… up with the greyhound to NY… nada… IL…hmmm… Minnesota *urk* ..back in IL…for how long..well… the snow will fall and I will probebly take the greyhound south… if not Mr rib or someone else comes up with some really good vibrations!!!

Mrs Lifecruiser is NOT looking for some piece… she is my best sponsor *lol*…. *hug*.. okey .. *kiss*

by: Lifecruiser Wed, 07 Sep 2005 10:25:44 +0000 Ok, we can tell you the truth about Miss Ass. Lifecruiser then, as she already has begin this moment of truth. Miss Ass. Lifecruiser is keeping in shape because of her running around the world chasing after her dream man - or if it was to escape all the others that she do not want...? Can not remember... Anyone out there that volunteers???? You better be a real man with courage and quick-witted otherwise she will eat you alive! Please contact us if you have any really good tips so we can have some piece and quiet for once. Ok, we can tell you the truth about Miss Ass. Lifecruiser then, as she already has begin this moment of truth.

Miss Ass. Lifecruiser is keeping in shape because of her running around the world chasing after her dream man - or if it was to escape all the others that she do not want…? Can not remember…

Anyone out there that volunteers???? You better be a real man with courage and quick-witted otherwise she will eat you alive!

Please contact us if you have any really good tips so we can have some piece and quiet for once.

by: Miss Ass. Lifecruiser Wed, 07 Sep 2005 04:09:50 +0000 ok.. I can tell you the truth about this couple!! They are my best friends...Mrs Lifecruiser is a food monster!!!!! AND... a sex monster!!! Mr Lifecruiser..poor man.. will soon disappear.. he's running between the bed and the kitchen... just to give Mrs Lifecruiser pleasure.... He is a man of peace.. *lol*.... ok.. I can tell you the truth about this couple!! They are my best friends…Mrs Lifecruiser is a food monster!!!!! AND… a sex monster!!! Mr Lifecruiser..poor man.. will soon disappear.. he’s running between the bed and the kitchen… just to give Mrs Lifecruiser pleasure…. He is a man of peace.. *lol*….

by: Lifecruiser Sat, 03 Sep 2005 17:49:55 +0000 <strong>akms: </strong> Well, well, well what do we have here. A doctor! oh, my, oh, my. Here you have a incurable crazy couple. Maybe something for you to study....? *lol* akms: Well, well, well what do we have here. A doctor! oh, my, oh, my. Here you have a incurable crazy couple.

Maybe something for you to study….? *lol*

by: akms Sat, 03 Sep 2005 17:01:49 +0000 you guys are just too funny. i will have to add you to my blog links. cat you guys are just too funny. i will have to add you to my blog links.


by: Lifecruiser Sat, 03 Sep 2005 11:12:45 +0000 <strong>Mandy:</strong> We have 2 computers of course, the most important thing in our survival kit! We want a lap-top too, that would be great when out travelling! <em>Anyone feeling like donate one to us...? Please do so, we promise to take good care of it and take it out for walks very often. It is even allowed to sleep in bed with us. *LOL*</em> <strong>CaptainJeff: </strong>No tape-threat - yet, but we will keep your tip in mind.... I can see the problems already. Mrs Lifecruiser is a hungry monster so I better leave her the most of the kitchen or she will totally freak out *lol* Though it is a funny thought to put a lock on the fridge..... Hmmmm.... <strong>Dr Fil:</strong> WHAT???!!! We thought we were cute.... *sad sad eyes* Mrs Lifecruiser: I do find it a pain in the a*s to have to shave my chin every morning. Our noses tend to be in the way when kissing and I am a little afraid that Mr Lifecruiser shall lose his teeth any second. We have a huge supply of big towels that we need for all the drooling we do - other from that it is just lovely - kissing all the time! Mandy: We have 2 computers of course, the most important thing in our survival kit! We want a lap-top too, that would be great when out travelling!

Anyone feeling like donate one to us…? Please do so, we promise to take good care of it and take it out for walks very often. It is even allowed to sleep in bed with us. *LOL*

CaptainJeff: No tape-threat - yet, but we will keep your tip in mind…. I can see the problems already. Mrs Lifecruiser is a hungry monster so I better leave her the most of the kitchen or she will totally freak out *lol* Though it is a funny thought to put a lock on the fridge….. Hmmmm….

Dr Fil: WHAT???!!! We thought we were cute…. *sad sad eyes* Mrs Lifecruiser: I do find it a pain in the a*s to have to shave my chin every morning. Our noses tend to be in the way when kissing and I am a little afraid that Mr Lifecruiser shall lose his teeth any second. We have a huge supply of big towels that we need for all the drooling we do - other from that it is just lovely - kissing all the time!

by: Dr. Fil Sat, 03 Sep 2005 09:57:50 +0000 Congratulations! As we always say, make love not war. And I do hope you couple look better those two in the picture. LOL. Dr. Fil BA~~49 Congratulations! As we always say, make love not war. And I do hope you couple look better those two in the picture. LOL.

Dr. Fil


by: CaptainJeff Sat, 03 Sep 2005 08:48:50 +0000 Hmmm... yes... that would be a mighty small battle front.... did anyone even threaten to whip out the tape and split the house in half? (Tip: Try to get at least 2 of the 3: bathroom, kitchen, or bed.) BA~~4 Hmmm… yes… that would be a mighty small battle front…. did anyone even threaten to whip out the tape and split the house in half? (Tip: Try to get at least 2 of the 3: bathroom, kitchen, or bed.)

