Comments on: The first pets we got Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 09:11:35 +0000 by: Lifecruiser Sun, 05 Feb 2006 05:39:30 +0000 Yes, we did take all the photos by ourselves, only a couple of them when we are on the horseback both of us at the same time, we needed some help of course. Oh, and many humble thanks for popping by and leave your very enthusiastic compliments, we're glad you liked them! Don't you do any spellchecking ever, it's much more fun when you don't :-) Yes, we did take all the photos by ourselves, only a couple of them when we are on the horseback both of us at the same time, we needed some help of course.

Oh, and many humble thanks for popping by and leave your very enthusiastic compliments, we’re glad you liked them!

Don’t you do any spellchecking ever, it’s much more fun when you don’t :-)

by: Martin Sat, 04 Feb 2006 19:55:15 +0000 Did you take these photos???? If so then they are blooming lovely, the ones of the falls are fantastic. Thnaks for popping by my blog, when I get a new camera I will get back into the swing of things. I am a tad busy painting a room at the moment but because I love photos so much I will pop back in the next day or so to go through all your pictures. Once again, they are rather jolly nice! Hope you are both well and keep on cruising! Bye Martin PS I ave nott dun spel cheker on this coment so i ope that it all is proppar Inglish and I av not made any misteaks in wot I have sedded! Did you take these photos????

If so then they are blooming lovely, the ones of the falls are fantastic.

Thnaks for popping by my blog, when I get a new camera I will get back into the swing of things.

I am a tad busy painting a room at the moment but because I love photos so much I will pop back in the next day or so to go through all your pictures.

Once again, they are rather jolly nice!

Hope you are both well and keep on cruising!



PS I ave nott dun spel cheker on this coment so i ope that it all is proppar Inglish and I av not made any misteaks in wot I have sedded!
