Comments on: Going bald part two Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 09:52:54 +0000 by: sharlet Sun, 26 Mar 2006 01:42:43 +0000 Good luck with the doctor! Good luck with the doctor!

by: Lifecruiser Wed, 22 Mar 2006 11:37:48 +0000 Self-diagnosis can be difficult to get right, but in this case it was a piece of cake, there is no doubt that it's Alopecia. It's the cause that is difficult to say and that's where I'm going to get help, but since it take some time, I like to be prepared and know as much as possible before seing the doc and discussing it with him. I always do like that to be sure that I got the best care I can get. Too much bad experiences I guess. If you'rent prepared you can't argue with a doc that is going to treat you wrong (read do nothing). Self-diagnosis can be difficult to get right, but in this case it was a piece of cake, there is no doubt that it’s Alopecia. It’s the cause that is difficult to say and that’s where I’m going to get help, but since it take some time, I like to be prepared and know as much as possible before seing the doc and discussing it with him. I always do like that to be sure that I got the best care I can get. Too much bad experiences I guess. If you’rent prepared you can’t argue with a doc that is going to treat you wrong (read do nothing).

by: sharlet Wed, 22 Mar 2006 09:40:21 +0000 Self-diagnosis is not good; you better go to the doctor like you plan and have it checked out. When you mentioned the weight loss, I think that's more worrying. I don't mean to scare you, but in all the people I knew who had cancer (touch wood!), they started losing a lot of weight in a short period of time. Hope you see the doctor soon & keep us posted! Self-diagnosis is not good; you better go to the doctor like you plan and have it checked out. When you mentioned the weight loss, I think that’s more worrying. I don’t mean to scare you, but in all the people I knew who had cancer (touch wood!), they started losing a lot of weight in a short period of time. Hope you see the doctor soon & keep us posted!

by: sisiggy Tue, 21 Mar 2006 12:39:57 +0000 The back issues would be worsened also with a thyroid problem. And thyroid disease (or anything with the endocrine system) is hereditary. I was amazed at how many things were affected. I only know because I have it. I won't do internet research because I scare myself into thinking my head will explode or my feet will fall off. The back issues would be worsened also with a thyroid problem. And thyroid disease (or anything with the endocrine system) is hereditary. I was amazed at how many things were affected.

I only know because I have it. I won’t do internet research because I scare myself into thinking my head will explode or my feet will fall off.

by: skye Tue, 21 Mar 2006 07:21:56 +0000 Hair loss paniced me enough that I actually went to the doctor, which is something I try to avoid at all cost. Usually, it takes me being in a lot of pain to get me there. My doctor, upon hearing my concern, didn't seem to be overly sympathetic. Then I realized I said all this to a man who was pretty much bald up Before going to the doctor, I did the same thing as you, and was busy cruising the internet trying to come up with a self- diagnosis. When I came across the thyroid possibility, a light bulb went off in my head, "A-ha, THAT's gotta be it. I haven't taken my thyroid medication in months." And as it turned out, as soon as I started taking my medicine everyday, like I should've been doing all along, my excessive hair loss stopped. WOO HOO!!!!! I hope it turns out to be that simple for you, MrsL! Hair loss paniced me enough that I actually went to the doctor, which is something I try to avoid at all cost. Usually, it takes me being in a lot of pain to get me there.

My doctor, upon hearing my concern, didn’t seem to be overly sympathetic. Then I realized I said all this to a man who was pretty much bald up top…lol.

Before going to the doctor, I did the same thing as you, and was busy cruising the internet trying to come up with a self- diagnosis. When I came across the thyroid possibility, a light bulb went off in my head, “A-ha, THAT’s gotta be it. I haven’t taken my thyroid medication in months.” And as it turned out, as soon as I started taking my medicine everyday, like I should’ve been doing all along, my excessive hair loss stopped. WOO HOO!!!!!

I hope it turns out to be that simple for you, MrsL!

by: Lifecruiser Mon, 20 Mar 2006 23:21:25 +0000 Strange thing really, to suddenly have hair loss like this... You hardly beleive your eyes when it starts.... I'd be very lucky if it stops, I must admit that! We'll sleep as rocks, hope you too. Strange thing really, to suddenly have hair loss like this… You hardly beleive your eyes when it starts…. I’d be very lucky if it stops, I must admit that!

We’ll sleep as rocks, hope you too.

by: fartin martin Mon, 20 Mar 2006 23:14:58 +0000 I am glad for you that the hair loss is not permanent but I am not glad for me that my hair loss is being a baldy git! I hope things get better for you soon, I have had three friends in the past who have sufferd from it with total hair loss but I am not sure what brought their symtoms on. Glad you like my photos, love yours too!!! I am off to bed now so sleep tight folks! M I am glad for you that the hair loss is not permanent but I am not glad for me that my hair loss is being a baldy git!

I hope things get better for you soon, I have had three friends in the past who have sufferd from it with total hair loss but I am not sure what brought their symtoms on.

Glad you like my photos, love yours too!!!

I am off to bed now so sleep tight folks!

