Comments on: Elite weird freak geek Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 08:59:57 +0000 by: Dirty Butter Mon, 05 Jun 2006 00:21:08 +0000 My first computer was an Apple II+, so I'm a geek from way back. The balance part is my biggest problem. I'd like to invite you to join our brand new family friendly TopList. You can find out more about it at the <a href="" rel="nofollow">BLOG VILLAGE</a> blog. <strong>Lifecruiser: The balance part seems to be many bloggers problem :-) I guess when you are that amused by it, it's hard to stop... Thanks for the invite, I'll check it up as soon as possible!</strong> My first computer was an Apple II+, so I’m a geek from way back. The balance part is my biggest problem.

I’d like to invite you to join our brand new family friendly TopList. You can find out more about it at the BLOG VILLAGE blog.

Lifecruiser: The balance part seems to be many bloggers problem :-) I guess when you are that amused by it, it’s hard to stop… Thanks for the invite, I’ll check it up as soon as possible!

by: sisiggy Wed, 24 May 2006 17:22:45 +0000 As in all things, moderation. I go into phases where I'm on the computer a lot and then I'll got into a phase where I can barely get work done because I'm sick of looking at the screen. Balances in the end, I guess. I am having trouble getting into watching TV, which I feel I need to do to write my column. I always end up watching an old movie on a movie channel, which doesn't help at all. <strong>Lifecruiser: I so recognize what you're saying. I'm like that too. I get a lot of other things done when I suppose to do something completely different...</strong> As in all things, moderation. I go into phases where I’m on the computer a lot and then I’ll got into a phase where I can barely get work done because I’m sick of looking at the screen. Balances in the end, I guess. I am having trouble getting into watching TV, which I feel I need to do to write my column. I always end up watching an old movie on a movie channel, which doesn’t help at all.

Lifecruiser: I so recognize what you’re saying. I’m like that too. I get a lot of other things done when I suppose to do something completely different…

by: sharlet Tue, 23 May 2006 14:36:47 +0000 I agree with you Mrs Lifecruiser! A balance is needed, and I agree that we have so much more to gain from the Internet - it really is a gateway to the information universe; but that aside, I find TV useful at times too - documentaries and other informative programmes offer information, and we need entertainment to keep us happy. :) Besides, we don't have to click when we're watching TV, or wait for our lousy Internet connection to load the page we want to see. ;D <strong>Lifecruiser: As with the TV, it demands that you yourself is able to sort out the bad information sources and keep searching and watching the good ones. It's too easy to get stuck with meaningless stuff. How many persons aren't sitting in front of the TV watching some simply brain killing program. There is simply too much of them as they are cheeper to produce. And it's easy to get stucked there, since they don't demand anything from you and many persons are somewhat brainwashed from their workday.</strong> I agree with you Mrs Lifecruiser! A balance is needed, and I agree that we have so much more to gain from the Internet - it really is a gateway to the information universe; but that aside, I find TV useful at times too - documentaries and other informative programmes offer information, and we need entertainment to keep us happy. :) Besides, we don’t have to click when we’re watching TV, or wait for our lousy Internet connection to load the page we want to see. ;D

Lifecruiser: As with the TV, it demands that you yourself is able to sort out the bad information sources and keep searching and watching the good ones. It’s too easy to get stuck with meaningless stuff. How many persons aren’t sitting in front of the TV watching some simply brain killing program. There is simply too much of them as they are cheeper to produce. And it’s easy to get stucked there, since they don’t demand anything from you and many persons are somewhat brainwashed from their workday.

by: Napfisk Tue, 23 May 2006 07:57:11 +0000 Hey thanks Lifecruiser. I'm glad you enjoyed the post and that you managed to get it out of your system finally. Like I said, I too am glad to be a part of all of this and think it's a shame that still so few people are. That is why you make such a good point about how 'real' social life and virtual social life should join together even more; your comparison with TV I found especially interesting since it is indeed such a one-way system. My post surely made some hearts beat faster; I even got commented on by Scoble himself. How geeky cool is that? Thanks for blogging! <strong>Lifecruiser: That's really cool Napfisk, I guess that makes you the über elite weird freak geek ;-)</strong> Hey thanks Lifecruiser. I’m glad you enjoyed the post and that you managed to get it out of your system finally.

Like I said, I too am glad to be a part of all of this and think it’s a shame that still so few people are. That is why you make such a good point about how ‘real’ social life and virtual social life should join together even more; your comparison with TV I found especially interesting since it is indeed such a one-way system.

My post surely made some hearts beat faster; I even got commented on by Scoble himself. How geeky cool is that? Thanks for blogging!

Lifecruiser: That’s really cool Napfisk, I guess that makes you the über elite weird freak geek ;-)
