Comments on: Thursday Thirteen Curse Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 09:36:33 +0000 by: killired Fri, 02 Jun 2006 18:44:12 +0000 holy cow! that is some crazy stuff to happen! sounds like you have been on some really awesome trips though! parents have travelled a lot in the past because she used to be a travel agent...knock on wood, the few times i have travelled, have been uneventful! and yes, i do think you've fulfilled your quota and you will have an awesome time in ireland... drinking irish beer!!!!! thanks for coming to my t13 yesterday, i'm always a little late in getting back to everyone... <strong>Lifecruiser: Cheers to that... *lol*</strong> holy cow! that is some crazy stuff to happen! sounds like you have been on some really awesome trips though! wow…my parents have travelled a lot in the past because she used to be a travel agent…knock on wood, the few times i have travelled, have been uneventful! and yes, i do think you’ve fulfilled your quota and you will have an awesome time in ireland… drinking irish beer!!!!!
thanks for coming to my t13 yesterday, i’m always a little late in getting back to everyone…

Lifecruiser: Cheers to that… *lol*

by: colleen Fri, 02 Jun 2006 12:56:40 +0000 What I hate is when you rent a cottage by a lake for a week and it rains the whole time. I actually forgot yesterday was Thursday! You can read about my 13 time warp today on Friday! <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, it's just not fair...</strong> What I hate is when you rent a cottage by a lake for a week and it rains the whole time.

I actually forgot yesterday was Thursday! You can read about my 13 time warp today on Friday!

Lifecruiser: Yes, it’s just not fair…

by: Amanda Fri, 02 Jun 2006 12:01:21 +0000 You definitely have had some pretty bad vacations! Hope your trip to reland is great! <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes... Thanks, it will be, I'm sure :-)</strong> You definitely have had some pretty bad vacations! Hope your trip to reland is great!

Lifecruiser: Yes… Thanks, it will be, I’m sure :-)

by: peri Fri, 02 Jun 2006 02:15:37 +0000 glad to know i am not the only one that get sick with travel. :) my t 13 is up too <strong>Lifecruiser: Welcome to the club ;-)</strong> glad to know i am not the only one that get sick with travel. :)
my t 13 is up too

Lifecruiser: Welcome to the club ;-)

by: Mummy Fri, 02 Jun 2006 01:51:26 +0000 Wow...bad weather follows you around!!! We had 17 straight days of rain on our honeymoon in france. Then it was heat wave hot for the last 10 days. Fun. thanks for visiting my TT <strong>Lifecruiser: Well, good thing that it was your honeymoon, then you could stay in bed ;-)</strong> Wow…bad weather follows you around!!!

We had 17 straight days of rain on our honeymoon in france. Then it was heat wave hot for the last 10 days. Fun.

thanks for visiting my TT

Lifecruiser: Well, good thing that it was your honeymoon, then you could stay in bed ;-)

by: Wystful1 Thu, 01 Jun 2006 21:07:42 +0000 I know just what you mean about bad seems it happens more times that not. My T 13 is up <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, it's really a very strange fact!</strong> I know just what you mean about bad weather…it seems it happens more times that not.

My T 13 is up

Lifecruiser: Yes, it’s really a very strange fact!

by: Dragonden Thu, 01 Jun 2006 20:56:05 +0000 Wow, you've been to a lot of places. Sounds like the weather has either been bad or one of you has been sick when you've travelled. That's too bad. :( Sounds like you have a postive attitude about it though- others would have given up by now I'm sure. :) <strong>Lifecruiser: I prefer to see it positive, it's more fun and it wouldn't help at all to be negative :-)</strong> Wow, you’ve been to a lot of places. Sounds like the weather has either been bad or one of you has been sick when you’ve travelled. That’s too bad. :(

Sounds like you have a postive attitude about it though- others would have given up by now I’m sure. :)

Lifecruiser: I prefer to see it positive, it’s more fun and it wouldn’t help at all to be negative :-)

by: Lady Jane Thu, 01 Jun 2006 19:02:54 +0000 Goodness! You've been quite a number of places (and had some bad luck). :) I'm quite jealous that you have been to London and Scotland. <strong>Lifecrusier: You should be, beacuse it's wonderful places to go! We've been driving around in Scotland, mostly in the highlands and it's a georgious country with many things to experience. We'll go there sometime again.</strong> Goodness! You’ve been quite a number of places (and had some bad luck). :) I’m quite jealous that you have been to London and Scotland.

Lifecrusier: You should be, beacuse it’s wonderful places to go! We’ve been driving around in Scotland, mostly in the highlands and it’s a georgious country with many things to experience. We’ll go there sometime again.

by: Mom Nancy Thu, 01 Jun 2006 18:33:35 +0000 Wow, you really have traveled a lot. I'm sorry you had such a traumatic year! My daughter had a stomach thing when we were in Paris and Lourdes and literally wouldn't eat anything! However, she didn't get sick. She did get migraines every time we flew across the ocean. Thanks for visiting my list! <strong>Lifecruiser: Migraines is no game... *shivers* I've had it all my life until about 5 years ago and I'm so happy I got rid off it! Pheeew...</strong> Wow, you really have traveled a lot. I’m sorry you had such a traumatic year! My daughter had a stomach thing when we were in Paris and Lourdes and literally wouldn’t eat anything! However, she didn’t get sick. She did get migraines every time we flew across the ocean.

Thanks for visiting my list!

Lifecruiser: Migraines is no game… *shivers* I’ve had it all my life until about 5 years ago and I’m so happy I got rid off it! Pheeew…

by: astrocoz Thu, 01 Jun 2006 18:25:17 +0000 I know a guy who spent about $3000 on a trip to Europe with his friends, only to get the sniffles and fly back home 2 days after getting there. He wasted so much money for a little cold. I'm glad you continued on and got the most that you could out of it, because those are the times you laugh at later! Thanks for stopping by my TT! <strong>Lifecruiser: No way I would fly home again!!! Oh, no, if I'm there I'm going to explore it, if I'm so have to crawl around *lol*</strong><strong></strong> I know a guy who spent about $3000 on a trip to Europe with his friends, only to get the sniffles and fly back home 2 days after getting there. He wasted so much money for a little cold. I’m glad you continued on and got the most that you could out of it, because those are the times you laugh at later!

Thanks for stopping by my TT!

Lifecruiser: No way I would fly home again!!! Oh, no, if I’m there I’m going to explore it, if I’m so have to crawl around *lol*
