Comments on: The Beach Babe Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 10:09:26 +0000 by: Susan Reynolds Tue, 08 Aug 2006 01:09:02 +0000 Oh my, this is scary! LOL! I'm thinking it's much cooler where you are and I'm jealous. The wasps aren't too inviting though but at least it's not 105 degrees. Thanks for the nice words when you stopped by my blog; and yes I guess since my other art is collectable the moolah would be too. <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, I do think so too! We have a bit :-) cooler over here, thankfully! I never thought I should say that, we can have real bad weather some summers. Not this one though.</strong> Oh my, this is scary! LOL! I’m thinking it’s much cooler where you are and I’m jealous. The wasps aren’t too inviting though but at least it’s not 105 degrees.

Thanks for the nice words when you stopped by my blog; and yes I guess since my other art is collectable the moolah would be too.

Lifecruiser: Yes, I do think so too! We have a bit :-) cooler over here, thankfully! I never thought I should say that, we can have real bad weather some summers. Not this one though.

by: Leanne Mon, 07 Aug 2006 12:41:34 +0000 Now those wasps should know better than to hang out by all that exposed flesh! What is wrong with them!? I'm glad you had a good time and managed to avoid their nasty little stingers. Which one did you end up going to? <strong>Lifecruiser: I guess they were hungry and recognized me as the hungry monster I am too... *lol* Well, because our car (which don't have any aircondition) was more like a sauna, we ended up on the nearest beach at the lake Mälaren. What we should have done was to drive to the sea, where there at least are some sea winds. And because of the heat, Mr L's beginning cold did break out totally in the evening, so there will be no beach today. The poor one.</strong> Now those wasps should know better than to hang out by all that exposed flesh! What is wrong with them!?

I’m glad you had a good time and managed to avoid their nasty little stingers.

Which one did you end up going to?

Lifecruiser: I guess they were hungry and recognized me as the hungry monster I am too… *lol* Well, because our car (which don’t have any aircondition) was more like a sauna, we ended up on the nearest beach at the lake Mälaren. What we should have done was to drive to the sea, where there at least are some sea winds. And because of the heat, Mr L’s beginning cold did break out totally in the evening, so there will be no beach today. The poor one.

by: Debbie Mon, 07 Aug 2006 03:07:37 +0000 Sorry about the wasps so glad you did't get bit! I think your picture is a tad unfair to you!! Nice you can laugh! <strong>Lifecruiser: Well, maybe a tiny tiny bit unfair....*lol*</strong> Sorry about the wasps so glad you did’t get bit! I think your picture is a tad unfair to you!! Nice you can laugh!

Lifecruiser: Well, maybe a tiny tiny bit unfair….*lol*

by: my 2 cents Sun, 06 Aug 2006 22:18:26 +0000 Have a great time at the beach!! Lovely pic! <strong>Lifecruiser: Thanks, we did :-)</strong> Have a great time at the beach!! Lovely pic!

Lifecruiser: Thanks, we did :-)

by: Jean-Luc Picard Sun, 06 Aug 2006 09:48:18 +0000 That's a great pic; enjoy your beach trip, and thanks for visiting my Journal. <strong>Lifecruiser: Thank you, we certainly will :-)</strong> That’s a great pic; enjoy your beach trip, and thanks for visiting my Journal.

Lifecruiser: Thank you, we certainly will :-)
