Comments on: A quiet Friday evening Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 09:34:21 +0000 by: martin Sun, 20 Aug 2006 10:12:40 +0000 Hello folks! Sorry but I have been away but it is nice to be back! I hope your sister gets well soon, my thought are with her. Keep smiling!!!! Love Martin <strong>Lifecruiser: Welcome back lovely Martin :-) Thanks, she need that. Well, you know us, it's not that easy to bring us down, we keep smiling until we'll die I think. Even if it will be a stiff smile ;-)</strong> Hello folks!

Sorry but I have been away but it is nice to be back!

I hope your sister gets well soon, my thought are with her.

Keep smiling!!!!

Love Martin

Lifecruiser: Welcome back lovely Martin :-) Thanks, she need that. Well, you know us, it’s not that easy to bring us down, we keep smiling until we’ll die I think. Even if it will be a stiff smile ;-)

by: Dot Sat, 19 Aug 2006 21:03:42 +0000 I read about your sister on your Mom`s blog. Glad to hear she is doing better. Also hope your friends test results are good ones. I have never seen a geyser except in pictures. They must be great to see when they are active. Hope you and your hubby are getting over your colds and starting to feel much better. <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, it's really a relief. Oooh, the geysers, is magnificent with their powerfuls outbursts. Truly amazing to see. Quite an experience, hard to forget. Thanks for your well-wishings, we're still coughing though.</strong> I read about your sister on your Mom`s blog. Glad to hear she is doing better. Also hope your friends test results are good ones.
I have never seen a geyser except in pictures. They must be great to see when they are active.
Hope you and your hubby are getting over your colds and starting to feel much better.

Lifecruiser: Yes, it’s really a relief. Oooh, the geysers, is magnificent with their powerfuls outbursts. Truly amazing to see. Quite an experience, hard to forget. Thanks for your well-wishings, we’re still coughing though.

by: claudie Sat, 19 Aug 2006 19:58:13 +0000 dear Mrs Lifecruiser When you will see your sister at hospital give her a bigfrench kiss from France and say her I think to her! I was at hospital three month ago and it was so difficult when I come back at home! She needs lot of LOVE and to visit her is a very important think! You are a merveillous sister! Claudie <strong>Lifecruiser: Thank you. I will. That's sweet of you Claudie :-)</strong> dear Mrs Lifecruiser
When you will see your sister at hospital give her a bigfrench kiss from France and say her I think to her! I was at hospital three month ago and it was so difficult when I come back at home! She needs lot of LOVE and to visit her is a very important think!
You are a merveillous sister!

Lifecruiser: Thank you. I will. That’s sweet of you Claudie :-)

by: Bar Bar A Sat, 19 Aug 2006 03:35:40 +0000 Hi There just kind of found your blog but I feel like I've been here before. This is one VERY COOL blog, it's clean and simple yet has so many cool things on it - like this groovy preview that allows me to see this comment as I type it! :grin: I am having a quiet Friday too - hope the rest of your weekend goes well. <strong>Lifecruiser: Warmth welcome Bar Bar A, pleased to meet you :-) Thanks for your kind words. Yet, I've been thinking for a long while to do a re-design of some kind, but I never seem to come up with something else we like - I'm a little picky when it comes to myself I guess ;-) I'll pop over to check your's out too!</strong> Hi There just kind of found your blog but I feel like I’ve been here before. This is one VERY COOL blog, it’s clean and simple yet has so many cool things on it - like this groovy preview that allows me to see this comment as I type it! :grin:

I am having a quiet Friday too - hope the rest of your weekend goes well.

Lifecruiser: Warmth welcome Bar Bar A, pleased to meet you :-) Thanks for your kind words. Yet, I’ve been thinking for a long while to do a re-design of some kind, but I never seem to come up with something else we like - I’m a little picky when it comes to myself I guess ;-) I’ll pop over to check your’s out too!

by: Marti Sat, 19 Aug 2006 00:49:35 +0000 Happy Friday! :) <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, we certainly had that, hope yours were too :-)</strong> Happy Friday! :)

Lifecruiser: Yes, we certainly had that, hope yours were too :-)

by: Napfisk Fri, 18 Aug 2006 22:41:10 +0000 See, that's just what you talked about in the previous post about blogging: you just write the stuff that comes into your head and you stand behind it. If I did that, people would get scared, I think, lol. Seriously though, hospitals suck, but we're lucky to have them, I guess. I hope all the frustrations and obstacles are soon behind you. Take care! <strong>Lifecruiser: Thanks Napfisk. Are you sure? You never know before you've tried. Maybe you would be surprised...? And about hospitals, they were better in the past, over here. I'm stunned that the evolve has gone backwards. *sigh*</strong> See, that’s just what you talked about in the previous post about blogging: you just write the stuff that comes into your head and you stand behind it. If I did that, people would get scared, I think, lol.

Seriously though, hospitals suck, but we’re lucky to have them, I guess. I hope all the frustrations and obstacles are soon behind you.

Take care!

Lifecruiser: Thanks Napfisk. Are you sure? You never know before you’ve tried. Maybe you would be surprised…? And about hospitals, they were better in the past, over here. I’m stunned that the evolve has gone backwards. *sigh*

by: Froggie Fri, 18 Aug 2006 22:00:59 +0000 Happy to hear that your Friday is nice and peaceful. Sounds like you have been having lots happeneing. Good luck to Mr. Lifecruiser in the golf club competition tomorrow. :-) <strong>Lifecruiser: Thanks Froggie. We're enjoying the peace. Well, except for the phone call I had from my friend where she were out having a lot of fun from what I've heard... *lol* But I really thinks she needed it. She is worth it.</strong> Happy to hear that your Friday is nice and peaceful. Sounds like you have been having lots happeneing.

Good luck to Mr. Lifecruiser in the golf club competition tomorrow. :-)

Lifecruiser: Thanks Froggie. We’re enjoying the peace. Well, except for the phone call I had from my friend where she were out having a lot of fun from what I’ve heard… *lol* But I really thinks she needed it. She is worth it.
