Comments on: Do not force me to drink more Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 09:24:51 +0000 by: zingtrial Wed, 13 Sep 2006 21:06:14 +0000 Hi thanks for all that I'll listen to my body. Wish you well <strong>Lifecruiser: Glad you find it useful - and welcome back :-)</strong> Hi thanks for all that I’ll listen to my body.
Wish you well

Lifecruiser: Glad you find it useful - and welcome back :-)

by: Fruitful Spririt Wed, 13 Sep 2006 13:34:37 +0000 My 2 cents is that if I did not drink water I would probably die since I don't drink anything else, other than my morning coffee and an occasional glass of wine! But like everything just because "they" say we should does not mean we should. You are right that we should listen to our bodies and be sure we do what it needs! I drink about 4 to 6 bottles of water daily and that is what my body wants. It will slow a bit with winter coming in but not too much. Great read. I hope you are having a good day, mine is dark and rainy! But I like rainy days! <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, there we have the main thing: listen to your body and not everyone else. It will tell you what your needs are. We're all different with different needs. It's that simple :-)</strong> My 2 cents is that if I did not drink water I would probably die since I don’t drink anything else, other than my morning coffee and an occasional glass of wine!

But like everything just because “they” say we should does not mean we should. You are right that we should listen to our bodies and be sure we do what it needs! I drink about 4 to 6 bottles of water daily and that is what my body wants. It will slow a bit with winter coming in but not too much.

Great read. I hope you are having a good day, mine is dark and rainy! But I like rainy days!

Lifecruiser: Yes, there we have the main thing: listen to your body and not everyone else. It will tell you what your needs are. We’re all different with different needs. It’s that simple :-)

by: Kasia Tue, 12 Sep 2006 18:49:02 +0000 This is so weird - I've read a very very similar article in one of the Polish magazibes recently. I like water but the idea of drinking 2 litres drives me crazy. How can one drink 2 litres of anything?:))) Thanks for this post. !!!! <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, that was weird. I haven't thought of this for a long while and suddenly it popped up :-)</strong> This is so weird - I’ve read a very very similar article in one of the Polish magazibes recently. I like water but the idea of drinking 2 litres drives me crazy. How can one drink 2 litres of anything?:)))
Thanks for this post. !!!!

Lifecruiser: Yes, that was weird. I haven’t thought of this for a long while and suddenly it popped up :-)

by: sisiggy Tue, 12 Sep 2006 15:44:55 +0000 I've heard a lot lately that drinking all that water isn't necessary. But if it got people out of drinking tons and tons of soda, that <i>is</i> a good thing. I actually prefer to drink water over most stuff (now that I can make my own ice and all), but I don't make a point of it. I sort of go with the flow... Get it? "Go with the flow?" BWAHAHAHAHA! <strong>Lifecruiser: Sounds more like you're floating around to me! MUUUUHAAAHAA!</strong> I’ve heard a lot lately that drinking all that water isn’t necessary. But if it got people out of drinking tons and tons of soda, that is a good thing.

I actually prefer to drink water over most stuff (now that I can make my own ice and all), but I don’t make a point of it. I sort of go with the flow…

Get it? “Go with the flow?” BWAHAHAHAHA!

Lifecruiser: Sounds more like you’re floating around to me! MUUUUHAAAHAA!

by: Froggie Tue, 12 Sep 2006 15:11:05 +0000 I've never really liked the taste of plain water... bottled water I don't mind though. I've been told quite often that I don't drink enough water and that coffee and tea don't count. It has to be plain water. Bah. I don't buy that. I'm with you... I'll drink water when I feel like it and my body seems to be to tell me when I need more. :) Love the article you found. Might just have to grab it and share it with a few people I know. :razz: <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, I guess it's like everything else: don't over do things :-)</strong> I’ve never really liked the taste of plain water… bottled water I don’t mind though.

I’ve been told quite often that I don’t drink enough water and that coffee and tea don’t count. It has to be plain water. Bah. I don’t buy that. I’m with you… I’ll drink water when I feel like it and my body seems to be to tell me when I need more. :)

Love the article you found. Might just have to grab it and share it with a few people I know. :razz:

Lifecruiser: Yes, I guess it’s like everything else: don’t over do things :-)

by: Gina Tue, 12 Sep 2006 13:47:58 +0000 I am forgoing my drink of water right now to check in on you, LOL! I have worked all day, been probed in the sjukhuset and am having a nice cold can of water (mixed with hops, barley and other wonderful natural grains! ) ! My body told me it needed it!:roll: <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, isn't the body a wonderful creation? It knows exactly what it want. You've obviously been running around a bit, because you need to drink :-)</strong> I am forgoing my drink of water right now to check in on you, LOL! I have worked all day, been probed in the sjukhuset and am having a nice cold can of water (mixed with hops, barley and other wonderful natural grains! ) ! My body told me it needed it!:roll:

Lifecruiser: Yes, isn’t the body a wonderful creation? It knows exactly what it want. You’ve obviously been running around a bit, because you need to drink :-)

by: Chi Tue, 12 Sep 2006 13:24:04 +0000 That is very informative...I certainly didn't know that some people shouldn't drink water. I do drink water but much less than I drink coffee & tea but my body always lets me know when water is what it needs. *s* <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, we all have different needs and our bodys will tell what :-)</strong> That is very informative…I certainly didn’t know that some people shouldn’t drink water. I do drink water but much less than I drink coffee & tea but my body always lets me know when water is what it needs. *s*

Lifecruiser: Yes, we all have different needs and our bodys will tell what :-)

by: Chana Tue, 12 Sep 2006 03:43:18 +0000 i certainly will testify that you are alive. you left a wonderful message in my post about attitude. how nice of you and i know that ghosts aren't nice so you must be alive! ;p i think we all should do what is right for our bodies and minds. i also think that things might differ from one body to the next. it is understandable, we may all have the same organs but not two people are exactly alike. for me water is a treat and not a must. i drink it all day but it's only because i honest to God love the taste of it..silly i know but true. i didn't like it always, certainly not in my teens but after my kids were born i became a water lover..yeap,i admit it, i'm a H2O lover! ;p... sometimes i feel like i will float away and if you saw me, you might agree and of course there is the every other minute trip to the bathroom. not a store or a mall goes by or exist that i don't know what their washrooms look like. i think somebody should hire me as a secret health inspector for the public bathrooms in the world..i have my opinions i assure you.. sweet dreams. thank you for the nice visit. <strong>Lifecruiser: Glad you confirmed that I'm alive, so I know ;-) He...he... Good thing we aren't all H2o lovers, just think about all that lines to the bathrooms everywhere! Pheeew! </strong> i certainly will testify that you are alive. you left a wonderful message in my post about attitude. how nice of you and i know that ghosts aren’t nice so you must be alive! ;p

i think we all should do what is right for our bodies and minds. i also think that things might differ from one body to the next. it is understandable, we may all have the same organs but not two people are exactly alike.

for me water is a treat and not a must. i drink it all day but it’s only because i honest to God love the taste of it..silly i know but true. i didn’t like it always, certainly not in my teens but after my kids were born i became a water lover..yeap,i admit it, i’m a H2O lover! ;p…

sometimes i feel like i will float away and if you saw me, you might agree and of course there is the every other minute trip to the bathroom. not a store or a mall goes by or exist that i don’t know what their washrooms look like. i think somebody should hire me as a secret health inspector for the public bathrooms in the world..i have my opinions i assure you..

sweet dreams. thank you for the nice visit.

Lifecruiser: Glad you confirmed that I’m alive, so I know ;-) He…he… Good thing we aren’t all H2o lovers, just think about all that lines to the bathrooms everywhere! Pheeew!
