Comments on: Thirteen sexy posts Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 09:31:22 +0000 by: Irish Church Lady Sat, 23 Sep 2006 00:10:14 +0000 Love the elephant condom. Reminds me of this joke. Q: How do you know when an elephant has her period? A: There's a quarter on your dresser and your mattress is gone. <strong>Lifecruiser:We're laughing our assess off here, though we dont' understand it totally. We're drunk. And there probably is some language problems. Please take a few beers and then explain it to us ;-)</strong> Love the elephant condom. Reminds me of this joke.

Q: How do you know when an elephant has her period?

A: There’s a quarter on your dresser and your mattress is gone.

Lifecruiser:We’re laughing our assess off here, though we dont’ understand it totally. We’re drunk. And there probably is some language problems. Please take a few beers and then explain it to us ;-)

by: Danielle Fri, 22 Sep 2006 23:57:53 +0000 Oh my goodness!!! I was rolling on the floor after the first one--and they only got better! I had to grab the husband to listen to the last one with me!!! I would really be in trouble with the language in Sweden *lol* <strong>Lifecruiser: I'm so glad you enojoyed it! We love when people have fun :-) Life could be a lot more fun if people let it be... </strong> Oh my goodness!!! I was rolling on the floor after the first one–and they only got better!

I had to grab the husband to listen to the last one with me!!!

I would really be in trouble with the language in Sweden *lol*

Lifecruiser: I’m so glad you enojoyed it! We love when people have fun :-) Life could be a lot more fun if people let it be…

by: MommyBa Fri, 22 Sep 2006 08:53:20 +0000 #2 made my eyes pop and wonder. I wil have to get back at some of them this weekend when I get the time. This is one interesting list you have. Happy weeekend! <strong>Lifecruiser: Ha, ha.... I wonder what you say when you really see them - maybe you get surprised..... Things aren't always what you think they are... *lol*</strong> #2 made my eyes pop and wonder. I wil have to get back at some of them this weekend when I get the time. This is one interesting list you have.

Happy weeekend!

Lifecruiser: Ha, ha…. I wonder what you say when you really see them - maybe you get surprised….. Things aren’t always what you think they are… *lol*

by: astrocoz Fri, 22 Sep 2006 05:09:14 +0000 I'll have to go back and read some of those later! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my TT! <strong>Lifecruiser: You're most welcome back :-)</strong> I’ll have to go back and read some of those later! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my TT!

Lifecruiser: You’re most welcome back :-)

by: Jenny Fri, 22 Sep 2006 04:55:49 +0000 now im curious. not to mention horney so the post titles dont really help. :wink: nice list tho. happy T13. <strong>Lifecruiser: Well, in that case the posts won't really help either, I don't think they are THAT exciting... *lol*</strong> now im curious. not to mention horney so the post titles dont really help. :wink: nice list tho. happy T13.

Lifecruiser: Well, in that case the posts won’t really help either, I don’t think they are THAT exciting… *lol*

by: girlseyeviewNU Fri, 22 Sep 2006 04:53:19 +0000 <strong>Thursday Thirteen edition #2...</strong> Thursday Thirteen for Sept. 21st 2006!! ...... Thursday Thirteen edition #2…

Thursday Thirteen for Sept. 21st 2006!!


by: Chelle Y Fri, 22 Sep 2006 00:00:50 +0000 I think I'll stay away from those "sexy posts." I try to keep my blog at least PG, because my dad reads it. Haha! <strong>Lifecruiser: Well, I don't think that they really is that sexy- at least not the post, it's the title that's "worst", which you had noticed if you had clicked on the links.... *lol* But you're not used to us, we are a bit tricky that way that you have to understand our humor :-)</strong> I think I’ll stay away from those “sexy posts.” I try to keep my blog at least PG, because my dad reads it. Haha!

Lifecruiser: Well, I don’t think that they really is that sexy- at least not the post, it’s the title that’s “worst”, which you had noticed if you had clicked on the links…. *lol*

But you’re not used to us, we are a bit tricky that way that you have to understand our humor :-)

by: The Shrone Thu, 21 Sep 2006 23:00:54 +0000 I had to show the cartoon to my husband about the old lady's shagging boobs. I tell him by the time I'm 40 I'm going to need my boobs put back on my chest! :-O <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, it's a kind of horror pic ;-)</strong> I had to show the cartoon to my husband about the old lady’s shagging boobs. I tell him by the time I’m 40 I’m going to need my boobs put back on my chest! :-O

Lifecruiser: Yes, it’s a kind of horror pic ;-)

by: Jenn Thu, 21 Sep 2006 20:29:54 +0000 Definitely an interesting list. Thanks for sharing. <strong>Lifecruiser: OK. Interesting? Hm. Makes me curious of what's interesting with it.... *lol*</strong> Definitely an interesting list. Thanks for sharing.

Lifecruiser: OK. Interesting? Hm. Makes me curious of what’s interesting with it…. *lol*

by: incog Thu, 21 Sep 2006 20:26:35 +0000 :wink: Looked at a couple will be back to look at the rest - great TT. <strong>Lifecruiser: Thanks, you're welcome back to have some fun :-)</strong> :wink: Looked at a couple will be back to look at the rest - great TT.

Lifecruiser: Thanks, you’re welcome back to have some fun :-)
