Comments on: My Birthday Facts Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 09:48:25 +0000 by: Irish Church Lady Sat, 07 Oct 2006 03:27:03 +0000 Glad you had a good day! I will be 47 this month too! I wish I had your sex drive though lol :) <strong>Lifecruiser: I'll make a note about that. The birthday, not the sex drive, ha ha...</strong> Glad you had a good day! I will be 47 this month too! I wish I had your sex drive though lol :)

Lifecruiser: I’ll make a note about that. The birthday, not the sex drive, ha ha…

by: Rose DesRochers Fri, 06 Oct 2006 22:26:27 +0000 Happy Belated birthday. Welcome to and I love your header! :-O <strong>Lifecruiser: Thank you Rose :-)</strong> Happy Belated birthday. Welcome to and I love your header! :-O

Lifecruiser: Thank you Rose :-)

by: Sandy Fri, 06 Oct 2006 16:58:39 +0000 So glad that you had such a great and happy birthay!! Seems like I was 47 only yesterday but that was many many yesterdays ago..enjoy your life and being happy is the ONE and ONLY way to do it I think! Take care and I am very glad that I could be one of the ones to help you enjoy your day..Sandy <strong>Lifecruiser: It sure sounds like you know how to live and I'm glad for you :-)</strong> So glad that you had such a great and happy birthay!! Seems like I was 47 only yesterday but that was many many yesterdays ago..enjoy your life and being happy is the ONE and ONLY way to do it I think! Take care and I am very glad that I could be one of the ones to help you enjoy your day..Sandy

Lifecruiser: It sure sounds like you know how to live and I’m glad for you :-)

by: Happy and Blue 2 Fri, 06 Oct 2006 14:51:14 +0000 I can't believe they missed the lovepower thing either. I guess they didn't want you to get a swelled head, ha,ha.. <strong>Lifecruiser: That would have been awesome, swelled AND bald, what a success :-)</strong> I can’t believe they missed the lovepower thing either. I guess they didn’t want you to get a swelled head, ha,ha..

Lifecruiser: That would have been awesome, swelled AND bald, what a success :-)

by: Dave Fri, 06 Oct 2006 14:49:35 +0000 Forty seven is not old. One hundred and forty seven is old. Wait until you hit your sixties if you think your having fun now. I was so glad to hear your birthday is in October. Wandas is the 19th and mine is the 18th. Its celebration time two and at midnight on the 18th.... <strong>Lifecruiser: I get the hint Dave, I'll bring over the heavy boxes with Dom's - but of course, it's Mr L that have to carry them.... *lol*</strong> Forty seven is not old. One hundred and forty seven is old. Wait until you hit your sixties if you think your having fun now. I was so glad to hear your birthday is in October. Wandas is the 19th and mine is the 18th. Its celebration time two and at midnight on the 18th….

Lifecruiser: I get the hint Dave, I’ll bring over the heavy boxes with Dom’s - but of course, it’s Mr L that have to carry them…. *lol*

by: Debbie (Fruitful Spirit) Fri, 06 Oct 2006 12:47:47 +0000 I am glad you had a good birthday. Mine seem to go unnoticed most years. We, you and I, are about 18 months apart. I turned 48 in March! I view age as just a number! But I know lots of people groan when they hear that! I was so happy for 30, relieved at 40 and look forward to being almost through the change by 50! After that no need to count any more except to amaze the grandchildren at how old Greatmama is! I don't worry about the wrinkles, just the spare tire that is going down slowly! My health does worry me a bit since both of my parents fell apart after 55! LOL So I still have time to reinforce the seams before then! I hope you and the wonderful Mr. L have great plans for this weekend. Me, I want to hang out with my hubby and maybe do a drive to someplace in the state we haven't visited yet! We will see! <strong>Lifecruiser: Interesting that you're born in March, my best friend IRL is too :-) And I'm sure that you're gonna be an OLD grandma which they are going to wonder how on earth you can be such a spry grandma! Ah, wrinkles. I love wrinkle dogs, the Sharpei, they are soooo adorable, so I'm planning to be like that myself! That sounds just terrific with some road trip. We'll see if the weather allows us to come out a bit in the weekend too, the forecast doesn't look good though. We may have to make another visit to my mother too, it depends on my siblings, if they will be able to go there or not.</strong> I am glad you had a good birthday. Mine seem to go unnoticed most years. We, you and I, are about 18 months apart. I turned 48 in March! I view age as just a number! But I know lots of people groan when they hear that! I was so happy for 30, relieved at 40 and look forward to being almost through the change by 50! After that no need to count any more except to amaze the grandchildren at how old Greatmama is!

I don’t worry about the wrinkles, just the spare tire that is going down slowly! My health does worry me a bit since both of my parents fell apart after 55! LOL So I still have time to reinforce the seams before then!

I hope you and the wonderful Mr. L have great plans for this weekend. Me, I want to hang out with my hubby and maybe do a drive to someplace in the state we haven’t visited yet! We will see!

Lifecruiser: Interesting that you’re born in March, my best friend IRL is too :-) And I’m sure that you’re gonna be an OLD grandma which they are going to wonder how on earth you can be such a spry grandma!

Ah, wrinkles. I love wrinkle dogs, the Sharpei, they are soooo adorable, so I’m planning to be like that myself!

That sounds just terrific with some road trip. We’ll see if the weather allows us to come out a bit in the weekend too, the forecast doesn’t look good though. We may have to make another visit to my mother too, it depends on my siblings, if they will be able to go there or not.
