Comments on: Afraid of the dark memories Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 08:43:05 +0000 by: Dot Wed, 18 Oct 2006 00:34:53 +0000 Hi, Just dropping in to catch up with all the posts i have missed. Isn`t it funny how easy we believe the nade up stories our older siblings tell us. Children are so trusting that way. While I am not afraid of the dark, I still prefer the light where you can see everything that is around you. How is you Mom doing? I think of her a lot and hope she ios doing well. Is she in the new home yet? Nice pictures of the plants. <strong>Lifecruiser: Well, there have been a lot to tell about my Mom after the move Dot, that's why we haven't got any posts from her yet. She is rather OK though. We're still waiting for some information, but there will be a post any day now - maybe even today. Thanks for your concern :-) </strong> Hi, Just dropping in to catch up with all the posts i have missed. Isn`t it funny how easy we believe the nade up stories our older siblings tell us. Children are so trusting that way.
While I am not afraid of the dark, I still prefer the light where you can see everything that is around you. How is you Mom doing? I think of her a lot and hope she ios doing well. Is she in the new home yet?
Nice pictures of the plants.

Lifecruiser: Well, there have been a lot to tell about my Mom after the move Dot, that’s why we haven’t got any posts from her yet. She is rather OK though. We’re still waiting for some information, but there will be a post any day now - maybe even today. Thanks for your concern :-)

by: Happy and Blue 2 Mon, 16 Oct 2006 23:21:35 +0000 I had the same thing happen to me. Not the dark though. I was, and still am afraid of turnips. Well, mostly now I just don't like them.. <strong>Lifecruiser: Ha ha ha, I remember that you wrote something about that earlier H&B2 :-)</strong> I had the same thing happen to me. Not the dark though. I was, and still am afraid of turnips. Well, mostly now I just don’t like them..

Lifecruiser: Ha ha ha, I remember that you wrote something about that earlier H&B2 :-)

by: Cece Mon, 16 Oct 2006 22:36:30 +0000 OMG! I so remember the years of walking from one side of the house to the other and having to flip on EACH & EVERY light. Even though I'm 33, I'm still a little afraid of the dark. Shhhh, don't tell my kids. <strong>Lifecruiser: My mouth is sealed.... *lol*</strong> OMG! I so remember the years of walking from one side of the house to the other and having to flip on EACH & EVERY light. Even though I’m 33, I’m still a little afraid of the dark. Shhhh, don’t tell my kids.

Lifecruiser: My mouth is sealed…. *lol*

by: Chi Mon, 16 Oct 2006 16:12:34 +0000 I think we all have a fear of something...and I would say that my greatest fear is falling...something I have been known to do from time to time. I am also afraid of heights but am getting a little better about that fear. *s* <strong>Lifecruiser: Oh, oh, don't even mention the heights for me.....!!!</strong> I think we all have a fear of something…and I would say that my greatest fear is falling…something I have been known to do from time to time. I am also afraid of heights but am getting a little better about that fear. *s*

Lifecruiser: Oh, oh, don’t even mention the heights for me…..!!!

by: Janene Mon, 16 Oct 2006 15:34:44 +0000 It's so funny how things that scare us when we are little stick with us when we get older. I don't like quiet...never really did. When it's too quiet I hear noises. Most of the time they aren't anything big ~ little house creaks and moans. But I always imagine they are something worse. This comes from knowing that when it was quiet at my house (when I was little) my parents were headed off to bed. That was always a little scary for me...because they weren't awake to protect me. I always tried to fall asleep before they went to bed ~ now I have some kind of noise in the background to help me sleep. thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a great week! <strong>Lifecruiser: Funny how differnt it can be. i don't like noises in the background at all, though I sleep like a rock when I do, so it don't matter to me really :-)</strong> It’s so funny how things that scare us when we are little stick with us when we get older. I don’t like quiet…never really did. When it’s too quiet I hear noises. Most of the time they aren’t anything big ~ little house creaks and moans. But I always imagine they are something worse. This comes from knowing that when it was quiet at my house (when I was little) my parents were headed off to bed. That was always a little scary for me…because they weren’t awake to protect me. I always tried to fall asleep before they went to bed ~ now I have some kind of noise in the background to help me sleep.

thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a great week!

Lifecruiser: Funny how differnt it can be. i don’t like noises in the background at all, though I sleep like a rock when I do, so it don’t matter to me really :-)

by: Lazy Daisy Mon, 16 Oct 2006 14:04:58 +0000 I've always had an overactive imagination. I grew up with horror stories too and could always scare myself much more with my imagination than anything on TV. Mr. Wonderful says I'm very suggestable. When my kids were late coming home I always could picture them in a car wreck or even worse scenerio. <strong>Lifecruiser: Hm, you sounds like Mr Lifecruiser, he always tell me the most scaring thought when we're doing something special, like going up in the elevator to the Eiffeltower. His imagination always tend to think about how it would be if there was an accident of any kind... *lol*</strong> I’ve always had an overactive imagination. I grew up with horror stories too and could always scare myself much more with my imagination than anything on TV. Mr. Wonderful says I’m very suggestable. When my kids were late coming home I always could picture them in a car wreck or even worse scenerio.

Lifecruiser: Hm, you sounds like Mr Lifecruiser, he always tell me the most scaring thought when we’re doing something special, like going up in the elevator to the Eiffeltower. His imagination always tend to think about how it would be if there was an accident of any kind… *lol*

by: Sandy Mon, 16 Oct 2006 13:58:34 +0000 Darkness is just like that and I would say for most people. As a child I was scared once by a man that loved doing it to me. He made me afraid and that stuck with me too. Now I just know better!! Growing up has helped me understand so many things. My Monday memories is up if you would like to read about the scariest day of my life...Sandy <strong>Lifecruiser: Hm, are you trying to tell me another scary horror story here? *lol*</strong> Darkness is just like that and I would say for most people. As a child I was scared once by a man that loved doing it to me. He made me afraid and that stuck with me too.
Now I just know better!! Growing up has helped me understand so many things.
My Monday memories is up if you would like to read about the scariest day of my life…Sandy

Lifecruiser: Hm, are you trying to tell me another scary horror story here? *lol*

by: Irish Church Lady Mon, 16 Oct 2006 12:24:20 +0000 Oops ... a little comment happy there....apologies. I wanted to say my MM is now up! :-) Oops … a little comment happy there….apologies. I wanted to say my MM is now up! :-)

by: Irish Church Lady Mon, 16 Oct 2006 12:23:09 +0000 First! LOL ~ older siblings always like to do that with younger ones. I see the same thing happening in my house. My older kids have turned the youngest into a lover of horror movies even though I hate them! But she does get scared about a lot of things too as a result. She loves Halloween too! I love how you left the light on all night even as an adult! lmao <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, it's that exciting scary happy feeling all mixed up *lol*</strong> First!

LOL ~ older siblings always like to do that with younger ones. I see the same thing happening in my house. My older kids have turned the youngest into a lover of horror movies even though I hate them! But she does get scared about a lot of things too as a result. She loves Halloween too!

I love how you left the light on all night even as an adult! lmao

Lifecruiser: Yes, it’s that exciting scary happy feeling all mixed up *lol*

by: Friday's Child Mon, 16 Oct 2006 12:12:24 +0000 Isn't it funny. We're scared about ghosts, witches and other horror stories but we still do want to listen to it or watch it even when there's one on TV. Thanks for stopping by. <strong>Lifecruiser: It was like I was drawn to it, it was tickling my nerves :-)</strong> Isn’t it funny. We’re scared about ghosts, witches and other horror stories but we still do want to listen to it or watch it even when there’s one on TV.
Thanks for stopping by.

Lifecruiser: It was like I was drawn to it, it was tickling my nerves :-)
