After you have spent years apart from one another, getting the old gang back together can be a great way to catch up. You should never let the people that have made an impact on your life just slip through the cracks of time. Finding ways to stay connected with them, whether regularly or occasionally is an admirable thing to do. Getting together helps you to both remember the good ol’ days and make new memories together as old friends.
Bond Over Old Games
Remember how you and your buddies used to play that old game system in your parent’s basement? Well, dust it off and play another tournament. You can find vintage gaming systems online. You’re sure to enjoy a walk down memory lane as you bond together over that old game. Even if you weren’t gamers, there is something that you and your friends loved to do “back in the day”. Find a way to make it happen during your next get together.
Remember the Old Days Through Photos
After you’ve bonded again over the things you used to love, bring out all the old photos. You can sit in the living room with a drink and laugh about all the good times you used to have together. You will remember things that you haven’t thought of in years, and it will be sure to make your day. If this is a planned visit, ask your friends to bring all of their photos too. That way there will be more to see than just your collection. And don’t forget the yearbooks!
Make New Memories
It’s great to remember all the great times you used to have, but you should also try to make new memories with these special people in your life. After you’ve spent some time reminiscing, go find an activity that you can do to make new memories. You can book tee times online and then hit the greens if you’re an avid golfer. Afterwards, go out for a nice meal or head to the theater to catch the latest flick.
Don’t fail to let the years slip by without catching up with the important people in your life. While it may seem impossible, there are ways to find time together. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. Something as simple as coffee one afternoon is enough to keep the friendship going and the memories fresh in your mind. This not only helps you remember where you’ve came from, but also appreciate how it made you become the person your are today. So, call you old high school buddy and setup a time to get together soon. You won’t regret it.
Lifecruiser Love Reunions