Comments on: Green Pond Ponderings Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 08:06:06 +0000 by: Mandy Fri, 27 Oct 2006 17:31:59 +0000 Oh Mrs Lifecruiser, sorry it's taken me so long to get here.. anyway I'm here now and that's what matters :=) I would love to have a lovely pond, we used to have one but it got all green and smelly lol. We had a pump too and filter, but it just didn't happen for us. Unlike the neighbours, they keep their pond beautiful, it really is gorgeous with plants, fish, lilypads etc.. Mind you, we must have done something right, all 8 fish survived 4 years lol! <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, and it sure takes a lot of work to get it going and it's a never ending work, phew! </strong> Oh Mrs Lifecruiser, sorry it’s taken me so long to get here.. anyway I’m here now and that’s what matters :=)

I would love to have a lovely pond, we used to have one but it got all green and smelly lol. We had a pump too and filter, but it just didn’t happen for us. Unlike the neighbours, they keep their pond beautiful, it really is gorgeous with plants, fish, lilypads etc.. Mind you, we must have done something right, all 8 fish survived 4 years lol!

Lifecruiser: Yes, and it sure takes a lot of work to get it going and it’s a never ending work, phew!

by: John - Melbourne Wed, 25 Oct 2006 00:57:26 +0000 Lovely lillies, they certainly have a very relaxing feel, I have some in an old bath with fish in it up the back of my garden. Nice shot. Sorry it took me a couple of days to get here, been busy! <strong>Lifecruiser: Thanks - and no need of apologizing John :-)</strong> Lovely lillies, they certainly have a very relaxing feel, I have some in an old bath with fish in it up the back of my garden. Nice shot.

Sorry it took me a couple of days to get here, been busy!

Lifecruiser: Thanks - and no need of apologizing John :-)

by: Tricia Sun, 22 Oct 2006 22:57:55 +0000 I love the lily blooms! So pretty! I haven't had an outdoor pond ... but when I had my lizards I had an indoor pond in their vivarium. Still ... I think that larger and deeper ponds are easier to maintain- particularly in a cool climate. My brothers going to be putting one or two ponds into his backyard next year - hopefully he wont' find maintaining them too difficult. <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, aren't they? Oh, that sounds interesting with the lizards indoors pond! *lol* Good, then you can report to us how his pond building goes :-)</strong> I love the lily blooms! So pretty! I haven’t had an outdoor pond … but when I had my lizards I had an indoor pond in their vivarium. Still … I think that larger and deeper ponds are easier to maintain- particularly in a cool climate. My brothers going to be putting one or two ponds into his backyard next year - hopefully he wont’ find maintaining them too difficult.

Lifecruiser: Yes, aren’t they? Oh, that sounds interesting with the lizards indoors pond! *lol* Good, then you can report to us how his pond building goes :-)

by: Norma Sun, 22 Oct 2006 20:58:26 +0000 Deep thoughts to ponder. Lovely to look at, but perhaps a lot of work? I've uploaded my MM early, and invite you to stop by. <strong>Lifecruiser: Deep thought to ponder for a not so deep pond ;-)</strong> Deep thoughts to ponder. Lovely to look at, but perhaps a lot of work?

I’ve uploaded my MM early, and invite you to stop by.

Lifecruiser: Deep thought to ponder for a not so deep pond ;-)

by: Lynn Tucker Sun, 22 Oct 2006 18:12:11 +0000 I have a pond too. But we have a threat of West Nile Virus from our mosquitos, so mine is a clear pond so I can't breed mosquitos. I have a waterfall in it. I appreciate the work folks with a living pond go to. Do you have fish in it? mine is up <strong>Lifecruiser: Awww, a waterfall! How gorgious it must be! I had a little mini-fountain in mine and it was so nice - the birds LOVED it too, kept the water cirkulating and more fresh. this particularly pondin the picture is in the Bergianska Garden here in Stockholm and I really don't know, but I don't think there are any fish - at least didn't I see some.</strong> I have a pond too. But we have a threat of West Nile Virus from our mosquitos, so mine is a clear pond so I can’t breed mosquitos. I have a waterfall in it.
I appreciate the work folks with a living pond go to. Do you have fish in it?

mine is up

Lifecruiser: Awww, a waterfall! How gorgious it must be! I had a little mini-fountain in mine and it was so nice - the birds LOVED it too, kept the water cirkulating and more fresh. this particularly pondin the picture is in the Bergianska Garden here in Stockholm and I really don’t know, but I don’t think there are any fish - at least didn’t I see some.

by: Josh Sun, 22 Oct 2006 18:07:37 +0000 I agree, Debbie: fish aquariums are too much darn work. We had one for quite a while, but ultimately, we got tired of cleaning it out all the time. It's amazing how filthy the tanks can get, so quickly, even when you have a good filter. <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, I have that experience too. Especially if the sun gets to the aquarium! There are some tricks to aviod the worst, but it's still too much work. Getting lazy here ;-)</strong> I agree, Debbie: fish aquariums are too much darn work. We had one for quite a while, but ultimately, we got tired of cleaning it out all the time. It’s amazing how filthy the tanks can get, so quickly, even when you have a good filter.

Lifecruiser: Yes, I have that experience too. Especially if the sun gets to the aquarium! There are some tricks to aviod the worst, but it’s still too much work. Getting lazy here ;-)

by: deb Sun, 22 Oct 2006 18:07:09 +0000 I've always admired ponds but always imagined they take a lot of work...kind of like a swimming pool does lol! <strong>Lifecruiser: Yes, but I suspect that ponds maybe even mean more work than pools.... Pheeew.</strong> I’ve always admired ponds but always imagined they take a lot of work…kind of like a swimming pool does lol!

Lifecruiser: Yes, but I suspect that ponds maybe even mean more work than pools…. Pheeew.

by: Froggie Sun, 22 Oct 2006 16:43:32 +0000 I've always thought ponds were pretty darned cool... always wanted one, but alas I have never owned by own place. My favourite pond creatures are frogs, frogs, and well, more frogs. :) I just love those cute little critteres. Thanks for sharing the pics. :) Love to see other peoples gardenscapes. Cheers! <strong>Lifecruiser: Me too- I've only had a small one for a while and that one took VERY MUCH of my time to maintain, probably not planned the best way either as the beginner at ponds I were.</strong> I’ve always thought ponds were pretty darned cool… always wanted one, but alas I have never owned by own place. My favourite pond creatures are frogs, frogs, and well, more frogs. :) I just love those cute little critteres.

Thanks for sharing the pics. :) Love to see other peoples gardenscapes.


Lifecruiser: Me too- I’ve only had a small one for a while and that one took VERY MUCH of my time to maintain, probably not planned the best way either as the beginner at ponds I were.

by: Wystful1 Sun, 22 Oct 2006 15:25:28 +0000 What stunning photos!!! So, soooooooo pretty! I just finished posting a photo cube of all my redecorating that I've been working on the past couple of weeks and wanted to stop and visit some blogland friends. Hope you're having a marvelous weekend. <strong>Lifecruiser: Thanks Wystful1 :-) So, you're showing off your work hah? I'll pop over to have a look! Our weekend is just marvelous - except for the bad weather.</strong> What stunning photos!!! So, soooooooo pretty!

I just finished posting a photo cube of all my redecorating that I’ve been working on the past couple of weeks and wanted to stop and visit some blogland friends.

Hope you’re having a marvelous weekend.

Lifecruiser: Thanks Wystful1 :-) So, you’re showing off your work hah? I’ll pop over to have a look! Our weekend is just marvelous - except for the bad weather.

by: Happy and Blue 2 Sun, 22 Oct 2006 15:00:07 +0000 Ducks are obviously romantic. I wrote stories about them. I think the ideal pond would be a big mirror to look like water and some plastic plants glued to it.. <strong>Lifecruiser: Of course! The ideal solution! How terrible practical... Like almost everything else now, not the real thing it only looks like it on the surface ;-)</strong> Ducks are obviously romantic. I wrote stories about them.
I think the ideal pond would be a big mirror to look like water and some plastic plants glued to it..

Lifecruiser: Of course! The ideal solution! How terrible practical… Like almost everything else now, not the real thing it only looks like it on the surface ;-)
